Chapter 15: Many Questions

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Third person

The strangely Satanic couple were making things work so far. Everything seemed to be good for the moment. But because things seemed to be going well, something big had to happen eventually.

Paisley had gotten over her sickness and was feeling better now, but she knew today was about to be horrible. It was what she liked to refer to as "Shark Week," meaning her period. She absolutely hated it and couldn't wait for it to finally be gone forever.

But as time passed Paisley didn't feel any worse or feel like curling up in a ball and dying. She felt fine. She even checked her calendar to make sure it was that time, and it was.

Paisley didn't become alarmed at first. It would be the first time her cycle started late. But normally she would feel awful a few days, or at least hours, in advance. Now she felt completely fine. That's what worried her.

The week passed by without a single indication of "Shark Week." And while it did make Paisley's life easier, it worried her very much. Her period had never been this far behind schedule and it made her think about all the possibilities.

Perhaps she had developed a problem with her thyroid gland, or maybe her body wasn't producing enough estrogen. But the most likely reason scared her the most; Pregnancy.

What if she was pregnant? What would happen? What would Jackson say? How would he feel? Would he leave her? Tell her to abort it? Would he actually stay and help? There were too many questions that Paisley didn't have the answers to.

She wasn't even confirmed as pregnant and yet she was already panicking. How would she raise a child on her own? Would she even be able to do such a task? And then what if she couldn't? What would happen to this child, if there was one? Paisley couldn't raise a child by herself. She couldn't even imagine telling Jackson right now.

But first thing's first: taking a pregnancy test. After all, Paisley couldn't just say she was pregnant. There was a chance that she wasn't.

So she got dressed and decided to head to a small convenience store near her apartment. She dreaded buying the test that had the potential to change her life, but she had to.

The possibility of a child would also push back her plans indefinitely. She couldn't do what she wanted with her life if she had to care for a child. Children are so much responsibility and require so much care. She would never reach her dream with a child in her life right now.

But, despite all of her negative thoughts, some tiny, tiny part of her almost wanted a child around. Paisley liked children and she wouldn't mind having one. She wasn't particularly ready for a child in her life at the moment, but if she was given on, then she would care and love for it like any good parent.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized she could never bring herself to get rid of a child or give it up for adoption. She would love the child no matter what. Even if Jackson wasn't happy or accepting, she would take care of them by herself if she had to.

She grabbed the box and a few other small items so it didn't seem like she just came in for a pregnancy test. The clerk scanned her items and rang them up, telling Paisley the amount she would have to pay. She paid him and left to go back home.

When she got back to her apartment she took the box out of the bag. She was nervous, but also quite anxious to know the result. A part of her wanted negative, while part wanted positive.

She followed the instructions and waited for the window to decide her fate. When it finally did appear, she was shocked. Paisley was pregnant.

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