Chapter 2666: The End

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Third person

Jackson took the only shot he had and went into the passage of darkness. The only visible thing was the light at the end, meaning it was either heaven or hell from this point.

He kept walking, the heat radiating off his body showing he was getting close. He wasn't going to let a few burns stop him from getting his lover back. He would rather die from the burns than turn back without them. So he kept going, trying to ignore the horrible burning that got worse and worse as he got closer to the light.

When he finally reached the light it felt like he was in flames. Smoke was rising off his body, but he was so close. He wasn't leaving without the one he loved. That was not an option for him.

Jackson finally reached heaven and now needed to find God, the douche-bag who took the one he loved and was keeping them here. He was burning quite badly but he couldn't stop until the deed was done.

God instantly knew of Jackson's presence and appeared before him, looking angered by the fact that Satan was in his world of "purity." It was obvious that he was not happy.

"Jackson, you are banished to the underworld. What makes you think you can come back to heaven?" He asked, making it seem as though he might banish Jackson again.

"I'm only here to get the one I love back from this shit hole of "perfection." Give her back to me and I'll leave." Jackson growled out, his entire body giving off steam and smoke from the holy place he was in.

God snorted and laughed softly. He thought it was funny that Jackson thought he could command him to do what he wanted.

"You are in no position to give me orders. Besides, me having Paisley here is your punishment. When I banished you to hell I made rules. The most important rule I made was that you would not be allowed to love. And once your love died, I would take them away to make you pay for the way you acted." God explained.

"No! You can't do that! You're supposed to be good and fair, but instead you're a total asshole to the mortals! You give out diseases and cancer to kill people! You're not good! You're selfish, homophobic, and just a douche bag!" Jackson screamed, letting out his rage towards God.

He rolled his eyes at Satan's rage, not caring what he thought about him because no matter what God would always have followers that loved him.

"If that's how you choose to look at it Jackson." He replied, being almost done with this little get together.

"Besides, I came up with something you can't refuse. Gabe is your favorite angel. He's the one who ferry's the dead. You chose him for that reason. Well now he's in a same-sex relationship with one of my dead. I know that pisses you off. You'll want to banish him, but you're not going to find someone better than him. So, I'll give you his lover, in exchange for mine. That way, you keep your best worker, and I get the one I love. It's not as if you haven't punished me enough, so it's a win win situation." Jackson explained, finally revealing his plan.

God sighed, knowing Jackson was right. He would hate to lose his best worker and felt like Jackson had him cornered. And all of it was true. He had given Jackson other punishments anyway.


With a snap of his fingers, the two were swapped. Eric saw Jackson and nearly tackle hugged him to the ground.

"Jackson!" He yelled in excitement.

"You look so different... I love it... I love you." Jackson replied, kissing the one he loved.

"I love you too."

The two left heaven and had their own little happy family. Everything turned out to have a happy ending after all.

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