Chapter 7: The Christophsis Blockade

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"Sir, we are now exiting hyperspace." The Droid Pilot reported.

Jaune's small fleet soon exits hyperspace and they are faced with the Separatist blockade over Christophsis, the blockade consists of thirty Warships, a mixture Munificent Frigates, a few Lucrehulks, and single Providence-Dreadnought, which is Trench's Flagship, 'The Invincible'.

Jaune can't help but lets out an impressed whistle, upon the seeing the blockade

"Impressive, it seems Admiral Trench got his ships in position..." Jaune said, impressed.

Then a Pilot Droid informs him.

"Sir, we are recieving transmission from Admiral Trench." The Pilot Droid informs him.

"Put him through." Jaune ordered.

The Droid complies and the hologram of Trench appears infront of him.

Jaune straightens his posture and saluted, "Admiral!"

"[Ah, Captain Jaune Arc, you arrived just in time.]" Admiral Trench said.

"Indeed sir..."

"[Anyways, I heard of what happened in Rodia and I must say your success on having Rodia join the Separatist will strengthen our war efforts against the Republic, and also this 'Separatist Militia' Project of yours shows your dedication to the Separatist Alliance, your giving us any advantage we need against the Republic, well done.]"

"Thank you sir!" Jaune said in gratitude.

"[...however, a day after you defended Rodia, news of you successfully defending Rodia with a small defense force from a Republic surprise attack spread out the Galaxy along with news of the Rodia joining the Separatist, many other Outer Rim world joined has the Separatist Alliance has joined two days later.]"

"Wait, are you serious?" Jaune said in disbelief,

"[Indeed I am... you're actions and the outcome benefited the Separatist war effort.]"

"...I...I don't know what to say..."

"[Well, you don't have... Anyways, position your fleet in the middle.]"

Jaune salutes, "By your command!"

'By your Command? That's a new one...' Trench thought at the response, before cutting off transmission.

After Jaune receives the order from Admiral Trench, he position's his fleet in the middle Trench's fleet.

In the Bridge of the 'Huntsman' Jaune is seen giving out orders to his Pilot Droids before OOM-116 comes up to him.

"Sir..." OOM-116 said, catching Jaune's attention, " got a transmission from Captain Jut Detzuin."

This got Jaune's attention, "Put him through..."

OOM-116 nodded and activates accepts the transmission, and soon the hologram projection of Jut materializes.


"Jut, it's good to see you..."

"[Likewise... I've heard what happened, the defense of Rodia and the Separatist Militia is a success... did you lose another limb in the process?]" The Nemodian joked.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny..." Jaune said sarcastically, "...anyways, did anything happened to the blockade while I was in my mission to Rodia?"

"[Not much, however we did have reports of a Republic Senator Organa of Alderaan is on the planet surface below. Apparently he is helping the Christophsis Insurgence, along with a small Republic garrison force in a futile attempt to oppose us, which I find it unlikely and foolish.]" Jut explained.

Jaune nodded at this information, "...and of the progress of ending this insurgency?"

"[The progress is going well so far... as far as I can tell, General Loathsom is making huge progress in fighting off insurgents. It was even estimated by Loathsom's Tactical Droid that victory is close, the insurgent's supplies are dwindling as we speak.]" Jut explained.

Jaune sighs in satisfaction and "That's good news.."

"[Well, That's all I have to tell you...]"

"Okay, but thanks for the information..."

Jut nodded and cuts transmission as Jaune looks at his SIC, "OOM-116."

"Yes sir?"

"I'll be in my quarters, inform me if I'm needed or we are under attack..."

"By your Command, sir!"

Jaune then left the bridge and heads towards his personal quarters of the "The Huntsman." He looks at his prosthetic arm/servo and thought.

'I probably should have put some... improvements in this arm of mine...' Jaune thought as he arrives to his personal quarters, with two droids guarding the entrance before the door slides open and he enters the room and closes.


About 4 hours later after Jaune's arrival and positioning himself in admiral Trench's fleet, he is seen in personal quarters making some upgrades/improvements on his prosthetic arm.

Jaune knows he would be facing many challenges in the future, not just clones, but possibly Jedi and other force user or anyone that dares to oppose him and Separatist Alliance.

Even this was the first month of the war, he understands that this war for secession will continue on for who knows how long, either the Republic are forced to accept the terms of secession or outlive the Republic.

For now, Jaune has upgraded his prothetic arm to have a built in on his wrist instead.

"Done!" Jaune said, as he flexes his upgraded arm before testing out the, he brings his wrist close to his face and decides to his SIC for testing.

"OOM-116, do you copy?" Jaune spoke to the

There was a a brief pause and the voice of OOM-116 is heard through his

"[Uh... I can hear you loud and clear Captain... is there a problem?]"

"Yes! It works!" Jaune raise his prothetic fist up in accomplishment.

"[...What worked?]" OOM-116 questioned, the Arc Captain forgot that he has his activated.

"Oh, sorry OOM-116, I was upgrading my right arm to have a built-in and I was giving it a test, looks like it works!"

"[Oh... good job sir...]"

"Thanks, now I'm cutting communications." Jaune said, as he cuts the transmission.

Jaune leans back on his chair as he lets out a breath of satisfaction, as he relaxed a bit and closed his eyes.


"[SIR!]" OOM-116 shouted through Jaune's wrist, causing him to jump a bit.

Jaune looks at his and accepts the call, "OOM-116, what is it?"

"[Sir! The Republic forces has brought in some reinforcements!]"

Just then, his Frigate shook a bit as Jaune stumble a bit on his chair, this is enough to get Jaune going.

He sprang out of his chair and ran out of his quarters as he hurriedly made his way to the bridge. By the time he entered the bridge control deck, he is met with the view of Separatist ships, with his Star Frigate included, firing upon small republic force, only consisting of three Venators and three escort frigate.

Jaune looks at OOM-116, "OOM-116 what's the situation?"

The droid looks at his commander, "The republic has arrived out of hyperspace, they must have sent out a relief force, seeing that they have some escort ships with them."

Jaune looks at the small Relief force, and despite this being a battlefield, he can't help raise his eyebrow at the relief force the Republic just brought in.

'Are... are the Republic really that overconfident that they only bring three warships and three escort ships against a HUGE Blockade? Who's the one leading this attack!?'

Just then Admiral Trench's voice is heard through the of the bridge.

"[Attention all units! Hold formation and return fire!]"

"I'm already did that sir!" Jaune said, referring to the 'return fire'.

"Yes, I noticed that. Good work on thinking ahead before I gave out an order..."

"Thank you sir!" Jaune nodded in appreciation as he finically entered the bridge.

The rest of Separatist ships in the blockade fired upon the small republic fleet, as Admiral Trench's flagship took the lead, firing barrage of turbolaser fire at the Republic force.

While this is going on, Jaune is observing the battle before him and gave out his commands to the Pilot Droids.

"Steadily advance forward, and increase power on front shield to 65%, increase firepower on forward turbo-lasers." Jaune ordered.

"By your command!" The Pilot Droids nodded as he increase power on the front shields, and increasing firepower on the front Turbo-lasers.

Just then Jaune receives transmission from Admiral Trench himself. Jaune accept the transmission as the hologram of Trench appears.

"[Jaune Arc! Have your ships focus on taking down the Venator to the left!]"

"Yes admiral! Shall I send in our droid fighters? The Republic Venators mainly rely on fighters to be their offense and defense against us." Jaune said, remembering the usual republic tactic during the space battle of Christophsis and the Space battle of Rodia.

"[Request denied, I'm aware the republic use fighters as their main use of defense and offense purposes, but we must preserve much of our forces as possible.]"

Jaune wanted to argue, but Trench is the Admiral and has more naval so he has to obey.

"Very well sir..."

While the fight escalated with the Separatist Blockade getting the upper hand on the Republic Relief Force as the separatist warship continues to rain continuous turbo-laser fire on the Republic Relief force.

"Sir, looks like we're pushing the Republic back!" OOM-116 commented as he watch the republic being pushed back.

"Indeed they are..." Jaune smiles in satisfaction, then he said, "...You know OOM-116, they call themselves the Republic and from what I've seen so far, the way how they handle negotiations of secession is usually by force, if I have known any better they are better off being called the Empire."

"...ironic..." OOM-116 nodded.

As the two sides exchanged heavy fire, Jaune notices that the 'Invincible' advanced on the 'Resolute' unopposed.

Jaune sees this and looks at his SIC, "...OOM-116! Advance forward and increase power to forward deflector and firepower!"

"Roger Roger!"

Jaune's ship advances forward as his Friagte has fired a barrage of turbolasers at the Supply Ship, fortunately the left supply ship was then hit by the increased firepower of Jaune's Munificent Frigate, being completely torn apart.

"Sir! Left enemy supply ship is damaged!" OOM-116 reported.

"That's a good sight to see..." Jaune said as his Friagte continues to fire barrage of lasers at the task force.

Just then, the 'Resolute' then charged forward, intending to charge past the Separatist Admiral.

"Uh... sir, I don't think it's breaking off it's attack on the Admiral!" OOM-116 informs.

"I can see that OOM-116!" He looks at his OOM-Command Droid and shouted, "Focus all fire power on that Venator!"

"By your command!"

The weapons of the 'Huntsman' turns its attention to its new target, the Venator Star Destroyer known as 'Resolute' as it release a barrage of lasers at the leading Venator Star Destroyer, providing assistance to Admiral Trench.

In the 'Invincible', TI-99, informed him that the 'Resolute' was not breaking off its attack. Trench has ordered his ships to hold the line and had his bridge crew intensify forward shields, before another Venator-Class Star Destroyer jumps into the star system.

As Republic ships took more damage, Anakin ordered the supply ships to break away first, with the Venator Star Destroyers covering their escape.

Jaune watch as the enemy cruisers managed to maneuver around and have their hulls take most of the turbolaser fire, protecting the supply ships and the reinforcements behind them.

In the 'Invincible', Admiral Trench watches the Republic Relief force are retreating while his ships continue to fire on the retreating Republic Forces, but Trench knew this is just the first round of the attack, and no doubt the Republic will attack again.

He kept his focus on the retreating fleet as holograms of Jaune and Jut appears.

"[Sir! The Republic are escaping! Shall we give chase?]" Jut suggested, eager to end the fight quickly.

"No..." Trench denies followed by clicking, much to the surprise of Jut, "...Our orders are to blockade! Not chase... We have one this round."

He then looks at the two Pilot droids in the bridge, "...Recycle the shields and let the cannons reset to a full charge."

"Roger Roger..." The two Pilot nodded in acknowledgment and walks off to do their task.

However, Jut doesn't seem to be convince and tried to reason with the Admiral.

"[But sir, if we attack now we could end this battle! Imagine the glory-]"

"I said; Our orders are to Blockade the planet, not pursue the enemy! Don't be reckless,Captain Jut!" Trench snapped at Neimodian.

Admiral Trench clearly doesn't like Jut's reckless and aggressive behavior, as his leadership skill is more keen on engaging in flashy and frontal attacks. And it doesn't help the fact that Jut clearly lacks discipline and in narrowly focused on obtaining glory than what's going on the battlefield.

"[But-]" Jut tries time argue again, before Admiral Trench would snap again at Jut's stubbornness, Jaune interrupts.

"[Jut, listen! Admiral Trench is right, our priority is to keep the blockade secured. Plus we should resupply and be prepared for the next attack, after all we are in the defense, not on the offense... and even though the Republic may have brought a small force, but remember... never underestimate the enemy, Jut.]"

Now another reason why Jaune is Trench's favorite student. Jaune has a tactical mind, competent and follows orders. Even understanding the situation at hand. Especially that he follows Admiral Trench's teaching more and hold on to it, especially putting those lesson to good use.

"See, Captain Arc understands the situation. I suggest you do the same aswell Captain Jut, is that clear?" Admiral Trench said narrowing his eyes at the reckless Neimoidian.

The Nemodian Captain sighs in defeat and nodded, "[Yes... Admiral...]"

"Good... now focus on recharging your weapons and shield, prepare yourselves for the next Republic attack."

Jut nodded and cuts transmission. Just as Jaune is about to cut transmissions, Admiral Trench calls out to him.

"Oh by Captain Arc..." Jaune looks at the Admiral, "...I'm impressed that you understood the situation at hand, unlike Jut's reckless behavior."

"[Oh... um, I appreciate the compliment sir.]"

Admiral Trench nodded as he cuts communications and sat on his command chair, and his fleet remained in orbit to wait for the Republic's inevitable second attack, while the rest of his ships does the same.


After what seems to be an hour Admiral Trench found it odd that the Republic hasn't started a second attack yet.

Meanwhile aboard the 'Invincible', TI-99 stated, "I cannot calculate why the Republic fleet hasn't launch another attack."

Admiral Trench growls as he asked, "What is the status in Christophsis?"

"Resistance is crumbling sir, I would estimated that it be a half rotation before it's over..."

Admiral Trench clicked his mandibles in satisfaction at this news, "...we need to add some pressure, on those who are here to rescue our enemies on Christophsis..."

He lets out a small chuckle before saying, "...Send our Hyena Bombers to hit Senator Organa, on the surface..." he clicked his mandibles again, "...that should draw those cowards out, from behind the moon."

TI-99 nodded in acknowledgment as the Pilot Droid activates Hyena Bombers inside the hanger.

In the 'Huntsman', Jaune watches from the Bridge, as Trench dispatched his Hyena-class bombers, followed by a few escort fighters, to attack the Senator's camp on the surface in an attempt to draw his enemies out from behind the moon.

After that's done nothing happened yet. Trench, meanwhile, found the Republic fleet's silence odd and mused to himself about their intentions.

"Something is odd... is going on out there..." Trench muttered out,

However, he is not the only one as Jaune, inside the 'Huntsman,' is also getting an odd feeling from the Republic's silence, "...Hey OOM-116, something is not right... the Republic should be attacking anytime now..."


Then out of nowhere a Republic stealth ship appears and gets a clear shot at Trench's ship, but it also got the Attention of Jaune Arc's Munificent-class Frigate since he is close to Trench's ship.

Jaune exclaims in shock.

"What the-!?"

Inside the 'Invincible' Trench also spots the enemy stealth ship.

"There! a cloak ship!" Trench exclaims, pointing at the enemy ship.

Inside the stealth ship, is Skywalker and Yuleran. After disengaging the ships cloaking shields, Skywalker had his crew fire the four prepped torpedoes at the Invincible's bridge.

Inside the 'Invincible', the screen shows that torpedoes have locked into Trench's ship.

"Torpedo's lock and closing." TI-99 informs the Admiral.

"Activate the shields!"

Trench's droids manage to activate the ship's thermal shields, as the torpedoes collide into the ship's shields rendering the attack unsuccessful, as the ship's crew stumbled a bit before regaining their footing.

"Foolish Republic Scum! Your puny torpedoes are no match for my thermal shields!"

Then the Hologram of Jaune appears, "[Sir! Are you alright!? I witness the enemy stealth ship's torpedoes hitting your ship!]"

"I'm fine Captain Arc... we just need to get rid of that cloak ship."

Jaune nods in acknowledgement, as Trench turns his attention back to bridge's crew.

"Prepare to fire all cannons!" Trench ordered as the Droids begin doing their given objective.

When the stealth ship began to re-cloak, Trench shouted, "FIRE!"

The Providence-Class Dreadnought fired four missiles at the stealth craft. Unfortunately the ship launches decoy flares to intercept the missiles, and then re-cloaked the ship, rendering Trench's attack to be unsuccessful.

Meanwhile with Jaune, he saw where the cloaked and then looks at bridge crew and orders, "Fire a spread of lasers at its last known postion!"

The Droid pilots acknowledges this and quickly aims the ship's light-Turbolasers at the ships last known position.

Trench was about to do the same, but stopped when he sees that Jaune has his ship fire a large spread of lasers at the enemy ship's last known position, believing it would be able to hit the craft with the sheer number of blasts, much to Trench's survive even though he never gave Jaune any orders to help.

'Attacking without any permission... impressive..' Trench thought,

In spite of this, the stealth ship managed to avoid the laser spread.

"Sir, scans indicate that we miss the target!" OOM-116 reported.

Jaune cursed under his breath at this unfortunate event, but was impress by how the ship was able to avoid those lasers.

'That's one skilled Clone Pilot...'

Back in the 'Invincible' TI-99 looks at the scan's results before informing Trench.

"Scans are coming up negative, Captain Jaune Arc has miss..." TI-99 reports.

Trench stroke his left mandible as he says, "Yes..." he clicks his mandibles, "...but thanks to Jaune's action, we have learned something... no clone could fly through that many lasers, we are dealing with a Jedi... contact Jaune Arc immediately..."

TI-99 nodded in acknowledgment as he gives a transmission to Jaune's ship. The transmission is received as the Hologram of Jaune appears.

"[....Sir, I apologize for attacking without any permission...]" Jaune said through the transmission.

"...Your actions are necessary, you may have miss the target but we have learned something..."

"[Learned what?]" He asked.

"No clone could maneuver through that many lasers, a good explaination is that we are dealing with..."

"[...A Jedi...]" Jaune realized, to which Trench nodded in confirmation.

The Admiral then looks at his Tactical Droids, "Patch me into the comm channels frequency."

The Tactical Droid nodded as he opened any comm channel.

Fortunately, Anakin's stealth ship picked up the transmission and unhesitatingly accessed it. When the transmission was accepted, as the hologram of Trench appears.

"Hello ugly..." Anakin comments.

"[I am Admiral Trench...]" he clicks his mandibles before speaking, "[...If you are listening, Jedi, you've made a bold move and a grave mistake. I appreciate your decision to face me, ship to ship, to play this little game. It's been so long since I had a worthy opponent. You have an impressive new vessel, but I warn you, I have dealt with its kind before. Your technology will not save you. And your friends on the planet below shall perish as a result of your failure. The people of Christophsis and her resources shall join the Separatist Alliance. Turn back now, retreat while you can, for I am your doom.]"

Then clapping is heard from the sidelines, catching Trench's attention and also Anakin's attention.

"[Huh...]" Trench's hologram looks to the left to the source of the sound and said, "[ I appreciate the compliment Captain Arc, you can stop now...]"

"Sorry Sir, can't help it..."

The name Arc caught Anakin's immediate attention, he remembered looking through the Holo.Net and the name Arc has appeared on the same event where Padme was suppose to make sure that Rodia stay loyal to the Republic, but failed doing so as Rodia has become a new member of the Separatist. Also the fact Padme mentioned his name.

'Arc...? As in Jaune Arc? Why do I have bad feeling that he might be a problem in the future...'

After terminating the comms and completing the necessary preparations, the stealth ship de-cloaked once more and fired four more torpedoes at the Invincible.

Meanwhile inside the 'Invincible'.

"There she is!" Trench pointed.

"Sir! Four more Republic torpedoes Armed and are closing."

"Lock us onto that ship's magnetic signature!" Trench ordered.

The torpedoes hit the Invincible's thermal shields and failed to do any damage, as Trench and the crew stumbled from the the impact.

"Magnetic Signature locked..."

"Armed tracking torpedoes and fire on my command!" The Harch ordered.

"But sir, we cannot fire unless we lower our shields." TI-99 replied.

"Lower shields and fire!"

"Lowering shields..." TI-99 nodded and didn't hesitate to obey to lower the 'Invincible's shields in order to fire tracking torpedoes. After

Trench had his tactical droid do just that and released the four-torpedo volley.

With the bait taken, Skywalker began to pilot the stealth ship toward the Invincible. With the torpedoes following closely, Skywalker deactivated his ship's cloaking device and diverted all the ships power to her engines. He then steered the ship straight towards the Invincible's bridge. Realizing his error, Trench attempted to raise the thermal shields, but could not because they were still recharging shields.

Meanwhile with Jaune Arc in the 'Huntsman'.

"Oh no..." Jaune mutters in horror when he watch Skywalker piloted the stealth ship across the Invincible's hull, grazing and leading the tracking torpedoes straight towards the bridge.

But it also implied Trench has deactivated his Thermal Shields aswell.

Realizing what the Republic Stealth ship is planning to do, he turns to frantically looks at his SIC and shouted, "OOM-116! Quickly send Vulture Squadron 1, have them intercept those missiles!"

"Roger Roger!"

The Vulture Droid's standing on the hull of Jaune's Munificent Frigate received the order, and they quickly flew off the hull and flies to intercept missiles heading to Admiral Trench's ship.

As Admiral Trench prepares face his end as the missiles draws near to his bridge, and by some miracle Jaune's Vulture Droid flew infront the bridge and also the missiles view as they collided into the Vulture Droids, taking the hit and saving Admiral Trench's life.

In the Republic Stealth ship, Anakin asked Yuleran, "...did we get him?"

The Stealth Ship turns it view around to see the 'Invincible' in perfect condition, much to the surprise and shock of the Jedi and Admiral, seeing that Anakin's plan has failed.

"Well, that didn't work!" Yuleran exclaims.

Meanwhile with Admiral Trench, he quickly snapped opened his eyes and was in shock by what happened.

"Thermal Shield has been recharged, raising shield..." His Tactical Droid said as he raises the thermal shields back.

"What happened!?"

The Tactical Droid looks at him and stated, "Captain Jaune Arc, has sent his Vulture Droids to intercept the missile, we are fortune that his Droids have flew in front the view of the tracking missiles, taking the hit and protecting the 'Invincible'."

The Admiral was shock by such a bold and smart move that Jaune Arc has did, and is impressed that he save his life.

Just then the hologram of Jaune Arc appears, "[Sir! Are you alright!?]"

Admiral Trench breaks out of his shock and looks at Hologram of Jaune.

"I am alright, thank you for your assistance, Captain Arc." Admiral Trench said in appreciation.

At the Bridge of the 'Huntsman' Jaune nodded before looking at the Republic Stealth ship as it cloaks again. Jaune narrows his eyes at where it once was as a idea came in mind, before looking at the Separatist Admiral.

"Sir, let me handle the situation I know what to do..." Jaune stated.

"[Captain Arc...]" Admiral Trench begins, before getting interrupted.

"Trust me in this Sir! The enemy nearly killed you using your own tracking missiles against you, I believe I have a solution for that problem, I know you have experience against stealth ship, but let me help I know what to do..."

Admiral Trench was thoughtful for a moment, thinking if he should consider for Jaune to help with the defense with against the republic stealth ship. He ponders his decision if he should let Jaune Arc take Command of the Blockade or not, but his leadership skill in the Officer Academy in Geonosis are over the top and proof that he makes a worthy leader, yet he is still a Captain. But after witnessing a bold move to sacrifice some of his Vulture Droids to take the hit, and save to him, Admiral Trench came with his decision.

"[Hm... very well...]" Admiral Trench then addressed to everyone in the Separatist Ships of the blockade, "[Attention to All hands; This is Admiral Trench, Captain Jaune Arc is in now command of the blockade.]"

"[What!?]" Jut's shock of exclamation is to heard across comm channel at the sudden change of command, but Admiral Trench ignores his exclamation.

"[...He has found a solution to win this battle, follow his command.]" Admiral Trench finish.

The Droids in the Separatist Ships acknowledging this, with Jut also reluctantly acknowledging the change of command. As Admiral Trench cut communications, he looks at Jaune, who has a small smile on his face.

"Thank you sir..." Jaune said in gratitude.

(Music Starts)

"[... now finish this fight...]" Admiral Trench stated, Jaune straighten his posture and gave a salute.

"It will be done..."

Jaune turns his transmission off then walks a few steps forward before he pointed to his SIC and said, "Prepare our Fighters for a fight, and have our Droid Bombers be at the ready!"

"Roger Roger!" OOM-116 quickly gave the order to the Vulture Droids.

The Vulture droids received the order before they flew out the hanger and stand on the outer hull of the 'Huntsman' waiting for the Republic stealth ship to reveal themselves in order to face the them, while the Hyena Bombers stayed in hanger and waited for any further orders.

"Wait for my orders!" Jaune said, as he keeps his focus on where the Republic ship will appear.

"Roger Roger!" OOM-1106 nodded.

Jaune waited, and waited as the atmosphere in the bridge feels tense. Jaune's eyes are focus, observing the vastness of space awaiting for the Republic stealth ship to reveal itself. Jaune is well aware of the risk he is taking, he's now fighting an adversary that could cloak and decloak at any given chances to attack, and good thing he has a solution for that.

When the stealth has uncloaks itself as it readies to fire a set of another set of torpedoes at the 'Invincible'.

Unfortunately for the Republic Stealth ship, Jaune saw them decloaked and immediately ordered, "Have our Vulture Droids Fire their discord missiles at that ship!"

"By your command!" The OOM-116 acknowledged as he quickly gives the command to the Vulture Droids.

When the first squad of six Vulture Droids received the order, they quickly flew off and pursue the Republic Stealth Ship.

Inside the Republic stealth, Anakin, Yuleran and the crew were caught off-guard by sudden appearance of the Droid Fighters.

"Incoming!" Yuleran shouted, as they break away from aiming at Admiral Trench's ship.

As the Vulture Droids are now it's tail, the Stealth ship fires it point-defense laser cannon at the Six Vulture Droids.

The Stealth ship was able to pick off two of the Vulture Droids, but when the Vulture droids are in close range they quickly fire their discord missiles at the stealth ship.

The Republic stealth ship then launches it flares at the discord missiles, using the same tactic used to redirect the missiles to the flares.

Unfortunately it ignore the flares and instead of the hitting the stealth ship, it flew infront of the stealth ship and exploded, and releasing a screen of Buzz Droids as the Stealth Ships crashes into them.

At the cockpit of the stealth ship, everyone stumbled a bit when the Buzz Droids made impact with the Stealth ship.

The Buzz Droids attaches themselves into the ship as it emerge from their protective sphere. Once they secured their position on the enemy ship, and they starts stripping or destroying, any important parts of the enemy ship, like the cloaking projectors on the of the ship, as the Buzz Droids continues to damage the ship, the stealth ship slowly malfunctions and glitching out as it slowly reveal itself.

Inside the Stealth Ship, the clone crew are trying to keep everything in functional order.

"What's happening!?" Anakin exclaims in alarm.

"I don't know sir, our cloak projectors are taking damage!" One clone reported.


Then a Buzz Droid comes in view of the cockpit and starts making chattering noises, as if it's taunting the before moving out of the cockpit's view.

"What are those things!?" Clone Pilot exclaims.

"I don't know, whatever it is it's damaging our ship!" Anakin said, as the ship shook making everyone stumble.

"Sir! Our cloak projectors are too damaged!"

"General Skywalker, we are being revealed, we must retreat!" Yuleran shouted.

"You don't have tell me twice!" Anakin said, as he quickly starts heading back to the fleet.

In the Providence-Dreadnought called, 'The Invincible' Admiral Trench observes Jaune's tactics and is impressed by the Arc's tactics and strategic thinking by using Buzz Droids to damage the Stealth ship and using them to reveal the enemy stealth ship's position.

"Impressive... Mr. Arc better get a promotion after this..." Admiral Trench mutters as he observe the event from the bridge of the Providence-Dreadnought.

Meanwhile in the Bridge of the 'Huntsman' with Jaune Arc, he watches as the stealth ship is malfunctioning and slowly revealing itself as the buzz droids continues to damage the shield projectors and the ship itself as it slowly retreats back to the Fleet behind the moon of Christophsis, but the Buzz Droids are hindering its process of retreating.

Seeing the stealth ship retreating, Jaune looks OOM-116, "Have our bombers ready to attack their escort frigates!"

"Roger Roger!"

He then com.links Jut, who answers the call. "Jut, have your bombers ready, attack their Venators, my Bombers will handle the escort Friagte."

"[But Jaune... what about the Stealth ship?]" Jut asked,

"We leave them be, let's make the Crew of the Republic watch that their plans falling apart."

"[Um... very well sir...]"

In Jut's Munificent-Class Frigate called "The Hound" he gave orders to his Droid Bombers to attack the Republic Fleet hiding behind the moon of Christophsis, as a few squads of bombers, accompanied by a few squadrons of vulture droids, flew to their target.

Back at Republic Stealth ship.

"Admiral! Enemy bombers are heading to our fleet!" The Clone Pilot warms them

This immediately got the Jedi and Admiral alarmed.

"We have to want the fleet immediately! Now!"

And just as Anakin, Yularen and the rest of the crew attempts to warn the relief force that enemy bombers are heading to them, the Buzz Droids have destroyed their communications by destroying the two Radar dishes of the Stealth ship.

"Sir! We can't! They jammed our communications!"

The Hyena Bombers and Vulture flew over them as they quickly reach the Republic Relief force.

With the Republic Venator known as the "Negotiator" the Clone Officer looks at Obi-wan Kenobi, "Sir! We got incoming droid fighters!"

Obi-wan widens his eyes as the droid squadron comes in view. He looks at the clone officers, "Send out our fighters! Protect the Supply ships!"

The Clones acknowledges this and they quickly start doing their task.

The Republic Venators immediately fired upon the incoming Hyena Bombers while the Republic Clone pilots quickly entered their starships, however it's too late as the droid bombers are now closer .

The Republic Venators fires their turbolasers at the Hyena Bomber, but its able to evade all the incoming turbolaser fire from the three Venators, with taking a few causalities.

Jut's Hyena Bombers focused on the Venators while Jaune's Bombers focus on escort frigates.

The Hyena Bombers were able to reach their destination, and being quick and agile they were able to dodge the turbolasers before they let loose their proton bombs and were able to blow through the Venator's hull and severely damaging it. Same with the other Venator, 'The Resolute' erupted in flames and exploded.

(Music ends)

The Stealth Ship, that's still being attacked by the Buzz Droids destroying their cloak projectors, has arrives just time before Anakin and Yuleran witness the Battle before them.

"This is doesn't look good..." Yuleran stated at the battle before them.

Anakin was enrage that his Venator, 'Resolute' has been destroyed and his plan to break through the blockade has ended in disaster, he accelerated his stealth ship towards the 'Negotiator.'

'The Negotiator' opens up its main hanger as Anakin made an emergency crash landing into the hanger. The Clones in the hanger, starts picking off the buzz droids from the exterior of the stealth ship as Anakin and Yuleran steadily exits the stealth ship.

"Sir! Are you alright?"

"No... we're not alright, we failed..." Anakin said in a defeat tone, as he and Yuleran quickly made their way to bridge.

Meanwhile with Jaune's hyena bombers, when they reach their destination, they release their payload at the three Republic Supply Ship, as it severely damages the Republic Supply ships and erupts in flames, being torn apart and exploded.

In the 'Negotiator' the Clone Pilot sees that screen in the monitor shows that three of the Supply Ships and the Venator have been destroyed by the Droid Bombers.

He looks at Obi-wan, "General! We lost all three supply ships, and the 'Resolute'."

"General! Incoming enemy ships!" Another clone Pilot informs them.

A few Separatist ships comes in view, seven Munificent-Class Frigates, among of them is Jaune Arc's and Jut's Frigates, 'The Huntsman' and 'The Hound'.

In the Bridge of the 'Huntsman', Jaune observe the situation before him, watching as the his and Jut's bombers has done their job.

"Sir, Enemy supply ships have been destroyed along with one enemy Venator." OOM-116 reported,

Then Jaune receives a transmission as Jut's hologram appears.

"[Hahaha! Look at those Republic dogs fall, Jaune! You're plan works, we outnumbered 3 to 1!]" Jut exclaims.

"Then it's an even fight..." Jaune stated, as activates his wrist comm channel and he address to everyone as he orders, "All Frigates! Fire at will! Destroy them into dust!"

The small fleet of Munificent-Class Frigate fires a barrage of turbolaser fire at what's left of Republic Forces, as another Venator was also destroyed due the Hyena Bomber's payload it took.

While inside the Bridge of the 'Negotiator', everyone stumbled as the Separatist ships fired their Turbolasers at them, while the Venator did the same but it did little difference."

"Generals, we need to withdraw!" Yuleran stated, as he stumbled when another turbolaser blast impacts them.

"Withdraw!?" Anakin exclaims.

"Sir! We are in a losing battle! We must retreat now!"

"What about Senator Bail Organa-" The Venator shook as everyone stumbled again when the proton bombs from the Hyena Bomber impacts the Venator.

Yuleran regain his footing and said, "Sir, regretfully we are outnumbered and outmatched, and the stealth ship is beyond repair! We don't have much time! We will have Chancellor Palpatine send in another relief force as soon as we get our of here!"

"Anakin, he has a point, we have to no choice..." Obi-wan said, in a regretful tone.

Anakin grits his teeth in frustration at the this sudden change of event, with no choice he reluctantly nodded in approval at the decision.

As for battle, the last two Republic Venator-Class Star destroyers starts to fall back as they managed to maneuver around and have their hulls take most of the turbolaser fire while Jaune and Jut watch the Venators retreating.

"[Ha! Look them run, Jaune!]" Jut taunts.

Jaune said nothing as he just observes the enemy retreating before entering hyperspace, leaving Christophsis to the Separatist

The Separatist has won.

Jaune then sends a transmission to Admiral Trench, who accepted then transmission, as the Hologram of Admiral Trench appears.

"Admiral, the Republic Relief Force is now in full retreat!" Jaune informs him.

Admiral Trench is impressed and satisfied by the outcome, "[Very good, Captain Jaune Arc, now return to the blockade, we still have unfinished business.]"

"By your command Admiral!" Jaune saluted.

~Timeskip, Location: Christophsis, Separatist Blockade, Munificent-Class Frigate, The Huntsman~

Six hours after the successful defense of Christophsis Blockade, it was a matter of time before General Loathsome has ended the Christophsian Revolt with Bail Organa captured. Due to the worsening conditions and depleting supplies, any future Christophsis Rebellion has failed, or has been apprehended.

At the moment now, Jaune Arc is in the Bridge of the "The Huntsman" and he is being debriefed by Count Dooku, through the holographic projector, with OOM-116 is standing by Jaune's side while the Pilot Droids are seen working on the console.

Needless to say, Count Dooku is impressed, "[I'm impress Captain Jaune Arc, Admiral Trench told me it was you who stopped the Republic from retaking Christophsis...]" Count Dooku said, clearly impressed by Jaune's performance, "... and since you have won the space battle over Christophsis and saved Admiral Trench's life, because of you, General Loathsome now has control over the system of Christophsis, and now with Christophsis Rebellion destroyed and Bail Organa captured, we won't be having problems taking control of Christophsis. Impressive Captain.]" Dooku said with a satisfied grin.

"Thank you sir, I do what is best that benefits the Separatist Cause." Jaune said.

"[Indeed... anyways, for your performance in Christophsis,you are promoted from Captain to Colonel...]" Count Dooku said.

Jaune stood their shock, he just got promoted to Colonel, this is a big surprise to him that he is lost at words.

He was broken out of his shock when he left OOM-116 patting his back in congratulations.

"Good job sir! You're a Colonel now!"

"Sir, I don't know what to say, it's an honor."

"[Indeed, now return back to your duties, we still have a war to win...]" Count Dooku said.

He saluted, "Yes sir!"

Colonel Jaune saluted as Count Dooku cut transmissions. Jaune the walks back to his command chair and took a seat.

As his droids continues their duties, Jaune was in deep thought, 'Promoted from Captain to Colonel? What an fortunate chain of events..."

"Sir, You're Order?" OOM-116 asked, breaking out of his thoughts. He looks at OOM-116 and said.

"We don't have any task give to us yet, so at the meantime now, we should restocking supplies and make some repairs on our ship."

"Yes Colonel..." OOM-116 nodded acknowledgment as he gives orders to the droids manning the bridge.

Jaune sat there, while being a colonel is a surprise, but that's what he is focus. No matter what rank he is he only has one think in mind, win the war for the Separatist Alliance and let the Outer Rim be free from the Tyranny for Republic.

Jaune may no longer be a Huntsman, but he is what his former-friends and team could never be, a Colonel of the Separatist Alliance.

Jaune stared at the vastness of space from the bridge window, he knows this war will take away many lives, but he knows it's necessary to gain victory over the Republic.

He would gladly give his life to the people of Outer Rim, to the Confederacy of Independence Systems.

To be continued

Well this chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter and I apologize for the long delay, I have too much stories to focus on and arts to finish, including the school works I have to focus on aswell.

Also this took a while to finish, so I hope you enjoy also...heres a little preview in future chapters, NOT next chapter so here.

Chapter ???

I would like to see your Theories in the section comment, I would gladly read them, and stay tune! :3

Stay Tune...

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