Part 1

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We see a small portal and something falls out. Flowey hit the ground and got up as the portal closed. "Ok... where is he..." he said leaving the room.


Simon ran from his house. He hated them. His family. Hey hated him for no reason. Simon hated it. He ran up the nearby mountain. He knew people disappeared here but he didn't care. After a while, he gets tired. He sits down and the ground beneath him falls apart and he falls in a hole. "W-WAHHHH!!!" He screamed. He fell unconscious when he hit the ground. Flowey pops up out of the dirt. "crap crap crap!" He went over to his body and felt for a pulse. Flowey sighed. He was alive. He decided to look for something to heal him.


Simon wakes up slowly and gasped. He was alive. Everything hurt. He couldn't move his left arm and felt dizzy. He slowly stood up and started walking to some doorway. He goes through and froze when he sees a girl sitting in a flower bed. She saw him and looked surprised.

"Oh! Hello! Did you just fall from the surface?" She asked. Simon nods slowly. The girl giggles. "Don't be shy! I don't bite!" She had her fingers crossed behind her back when she said that. "Here, I should tell you about how this world works. So you don't get to confused." Everything turns black and white and a Redish-Orange heart appeared in front of Simon. He looked around, confused on what was happening. "Golly! Your soul has a pretty unique colour! Oh, wait. I forgot to tell you about it." She giggles. "This little heart is what we call a soul. It's essentially all of you're life force Contained in a small glowing cartoon heart." She said. She rubbed the side of it making Simon blush and flinch. "Hehe, and you can feel everything that happens to it." She smiled. "Anyway, humans can collect something called LV. It stands for love!" She said poking the soul softly. Simon blush harder. "And it will get stronger the more LV you give it! So, I know what you're thinking. How do you get love? Though friendliness pellets!" She created one. "Here, I'll give you some to start your journey through the underground!" She creates a couple more. "Get as many as you can!" She made them float at Simon. Simon smiled and reached out to touch them. Simon suddenly felt a massive pain through his body. "A-AH!!" He fell over. The girl grinned. "You IDIOT! You actually believed that lovey dovey crap!?!? In this world..." pellets appear in a circle around Simon and his soul. "IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED!!!!!" But suddenly, they get cancelled out. "....w-what?" A tiny flower popped out of the ground. "BACK OFF OR ILL TURN YOU INTO A SALAD YOU OVERGROWN DANDELION!!!!" He threw a wave of pellets at her. She disappeared underground. Flowey quickly turns and sees Simon laying there. He took the spider cider he had stolen and used a vine to lift Simon's head and made him drink it. Simon slowly woke up and instantly scooted away from flowey. "Hey hey hey. Don't worry, I'm not like that other girl. Calm down." Simon was still terrified. Flowey sighed. "Well. It's only natural you'd act this way. But I just wanna mention when you fell you broke your arm. I'm not the best at healing but I can make a cast for you. So please. Calm down." Simon suddenly felt a jolt of pain through his broken arm and winced. Flowey just looked at him. "Want my help now?" Simon looks at him and eventually nods. Flowey made the cast and a sling to help it heal. Flowey sat on Simon's shoulder and Simon gets up. "If you want out of here we need to go that way. I'll prevent any more monsters from attacking us." He says. Simon was scared but he nodded. He starts walking through the ruins. "By the way, I'm flowey." The small flower said. "I-I'm Simon..." They complete some easy puzzles and continue moving. Eventually they reach a bridge of spikes. "Ok. Hold on..." flowey begins to think. "Ok Simon, I think I- oh wait." Simon got a bit scared seeing a goat lady at the other end of the bridge.

"Oh my! Hold on I'll be right there!" She says walking through the puzzle. Simon was about to run when flowey spoke to him. "It's ok kid, you can trust her." Simon was still frightened but nodded. The woman kneels down. "Are you ok my child? I didn't expect anyone else would fall... and who might you be?" Flowey sighed. "I'm flowey, this is Simon. Can you please help him through this puzzle?" He asked. She glared at flowey but then stopped. "Of course. Here, take my hand." She says. Simon took it, and they move through the puzzle. Simon blushed and looks away seeing he was eye level with her butt. After the puzzle Simon immediately moved to her side to avoid the awkwardness. She took him to her house. "It's strange. Another human fell down here not that long ago. She's asleep right now but I'm sure she'd be happy to meet another human." She said happily. Simon shyly nods. "Here. My butterscotch cinnamon pie should restore you're health." She says getting him a piece. Simon ate it and his arm suddenly felt good as new. Flowey removed the vine cast and his arm was fine. "T-t-thank y-you!" Simon said to her. The woman smiled. "It was my pleasure, my child." She smiled sweetly. "Oh! I've almost forgotten to introduce myself *giggle* I'm Toriel." She says. "H-hi!" Simon said. "Now. I'm sure you're tired. You should get some sleep." She says.

Tori put Simon the a bed across from frisk, who was asleep. Flowey was asleep in a flower pot. And Simon began to dream.


Simon is seen standing in a dark area. He looks around and sees a tv screen in front of him. On the tv, text appears. [Are we connected?] Simon looks at it. "Yes?" He said out loud. [excellent. Truly excellent] Simon was now confused. [now. We may begin] on the screen several heads are shown. [chose a head]. Simon was confused, but touches a round one. This repeated for the body and legs. [now give it a name] Simon looks at the keypad. It only had numbers and he decided. "I guess... 4871?" [a fitting name. Now. What gift will you give it?]


Simon chose originality and continued. [what's it's abilities?]


He chose and it continued. [Finally. What is it's status?]


Simon chose. [good. You will see him soon. As for me] "I'll be right behind you" everything goes white and Simon slowly woke up. A girls face was all he saw. It took him a second to realize what was happening but he squeaks when he realized. The girl was sitting on his stomach and staring at him, despite having very slim eyes.

Simon blushed and hides under the covers. The girl pulled them down and looked at him. "Who are you?" She asked. Simon was just blushing and shaking. The girl giggles. "You're cute!" Simon blushed more. The girl gets under the covers and hugs him. Simon was slowly suffocated between her breasts. After a minute. Flowey woke up. "Hey! Lady! Off now!!" He picked her up using a vine and put her on the floor. He got on Simon's shoulder. Simon shuffles out of the room and the girl giggles. Simon walked down the hall. "Hey kid, go through there." Flowey whispers pointing at the stairway. "W-why?" Simon whispers back. "It's your way out of the underground." Flowey replies. Simon nods and starts walking. He makes it closer to the end and sees a doorway. He goes up to it. He was about to open it when he hears quick footsteps. Toriel quickly ran up to him with frisk behind her. "My child you can't be down here! You don't know what's beyond that door!" She says. "I do and it's a snow forest" Flowey said. "Do they have ice cream?" Frisk asked. "They have hard scoop, soft served, and sandwiches." Flowey says. "I'm going with them." Frisk says. "N-no! Theres some really dangerous monsters out there! You all don't know how to fight! You might have your soul taken by that awful king asgore!" Simon got a bit worried. "I can easily scare off anything in our way, and whatever doesn't back off, I make them." Flowey said. Toriel went quite. "I will let you pass... if you can show me that you can fight." She says. Both Simon's and Frisk's Souls appear. Simon cowards behind frisk. Flowey growls. "If we run now I can hold her back." Flowey said to the two humans. "No, it's ok I got this." Frisk whispered. Simon's and frisks souls appear. Simon freaks out and his soul moves around wildly, managing to not get hit. 4 buttons appear in front of Simon, 4 in front of flowey and another 4 in front of Frisk. Simon was still scared but touched the mercy button. Flowey hits act.


"Toriel, they'll be fine! Especially while I'm here!" Flowey says. "Quite flower, this doesn't involve you." Toriel replies. Frisk chose act.


"Please Toriel! We just wanna explore! We can take care of ourselves!" Frisk said. "I'm sorry my child, I cannot allow that." She created a bullet pattern. The two dodge. "Simon, try acting." Flowey said. Simon nods and clicks the button.

Check how to flirt
Playful Flirt
Teasing Flirt
Lewd flirt
Flirt (with Frisk)

Simon started at the options and started sweating.

Check how to flirt
Playful Flirt🧡
Teasing Flirt
Lewd flirt
Flirt (with Frisk)

Simon blushed and did a pose.

Toriel blushed slightly and frisk's face goes red. Simon blushed hard. Flowey sighed and selected talk. "Pretty much every other monster in the underground is female, no one else will be able to resist him." Flowey said. "...hmm..." Toriel stopped for a second. Frisk then hit mercy. Toriel gives in, hugging the two humans. "I'm sorry my children. I can see now you can take care of yourselves. I should have trusted you both... I was just worried you'd lose your lives..." she said sadly. "It's ok! You're just overprotective." Frisk says. Toriel stands up and stands back. "Take Good care of each other please." She says. Frisk smirks and kisses Simon on the lips. Simon goes red and freezes in place. Flowey growls a tiny bit. Frisk giggles. "I promise to take care of this cute tiny boy!" Frisk says with a smile. Toriel giggles. "Alright. Thank you..." she turns away and leaves. Frisk holds Simon's hand and takes him out of the ruins.

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