Absolute Dragon of Destruction

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Hello everyone it's time for another chapter. Last chapter after getting into an argument over honor, you got in a maturing ritual with Kiyohime and Louise.


POV: You

Part 1.

It was late into the night, Louise, Kiyohime, and I were sleeping after the maturing ritual aka sex. I was then woken up by furious ponding at the door. Kiyohime and Louise were sleeping fine. From outside, I could hear faint clashing of metal.

"(Y/n), we've got a major problem!" I hear Julio shout from other side of the door.

"The soldiers are fighting each other!" I hear Siesta cry out.

"What the hell?" I questioned in my mind.

"Louise, Kiyohime, we have to get up" I state while trying to wake them up.

"Five more minutes" Louise mutters.

"We don't have five more minutes" I say and got myself out of bed. I get around the room trying to get myself dressed.

"What's going on?" Kiyohime says as she sits up and rubs her eyes before fixing her kimono "And what's up with all the pounding"

"The soldiers are fighting each other" I tell her.

"Commander!, we don't have much time here!" Julio shouts.

"I'm coming!" I shout back.

Louise sits up "Whys is everyone being so loud?"

"We have a problem so get dressed" I tell her.

As I hurried to put my clothes on I walked over to the door. Louise groggily hurried as she tried to put her uniform on. I get to the door and open it.

"Sorry for interrupting your sleep but as the maiden said, the soldiers are fighting each other" Julio tells me with a serious tone.

"You forgot this back at the tent..." Siesta says while holding out Derflinger. I take Derflinger and put him on my back. I look back in the room and both of the girls are dressed.

"We should hurry, the situation is dire. Many of the soldiers have gone mad" Julio tells me "Let's get going"

I take lead with Derflinger drawn and Julio takes the rear with the three girls in the middle. The five of us make our way through the hotel with no interruption. However once exited the hotel, I saw the carnage of what was happening. There were buildings on fire, embers rising into the air as snow fell from the sky. Soldiers were clashing each other, killing one another.

"They've all gone crazy" Louise exclaims.

The mad soldiers all state saying a phrase "Kill Henrietta! Kill Henrietta! Kill Henrietta!"

We then heard the sound of dragon screeches as dragon knights flew over head "Albion troops, I knew they were going to make their move soon"

"Then it was good that we did the maturing ritual earlier" Kiyohime says and Louise's face went pink.

"Don't say that aloud!" Louise says in embarrassment.

"Right now is no time to get embarrassed. We need to get the hell out of here" Julio states.

"Where do we go?" Siesta asks in a shaken voice.

"We need to head back to Lowscythe and make sure the Princess is safe" I say. A mad soldier then runs towards us and with one swipe I cut the guys head off "Julio, defend our rear and take care of any dragon nights as we go"

"Of course, Commander"  Julio says as he readied his sword.

"Kiyohime, burn any strays that try to go for our sides" I tell Kiyohime and she takes her fan out.

"As you wish Anchin" She states.

"Now let's go!" I shouts and we start moving.

{Time Skip}

It was evening of the next day now, the five of us safely made it to the port at Lowscythe. It took us too long to get back as the mad soldiers were targeting us left and right. A travel time of half a day lead to nearly 18 hours of endless fighting. From the looks of it, it looked like a retreat was being prepared, civilians trying to leave Albion by air ship. Siesta went to go find her uncle and cousin while Louise, Kiyohime, Julio, and I went to Henrietta.

"Louise!" Henrietta shouts as she rushed over to Louise and hugged her "Your alright, I'm glad"

"What's the situation?" I question.

"The enemy used some kind of magic item in the well, so they are most likely under a spell" Agnes tells me "Albion recaptured Gota, also, they are approaching our position with more then 70,000 men"

"Shit" I state.

"Why haven't you escaped then Henrietta?" Louise asks.

"I am the Queen of Tristain. I have no intention of boarding a ship until everyone else has been able to escape" Henrietta replies.

"How long do you think it will take to successfully get everyone out of here?" Kiyohime asks.

"We assume that the last ship will departure until later tonight, however the rearguard is quickly falling apart" Agnes says.

"Understood" I say then looked at Kiyohime and Julio "Kiyohime, stay here and make sure everyone is able to retreat to safety. Julio, your coming with me and we're going to bluster the rear guard"

"Yes Anchin" Kiyohime says.

"Understood Commander" Julio states.

Me and Julio then go and start walking out of the room before being stopped by Louise as she grabbed me from behind "Don't leave!, please don't leave!"

I turn around and hug her "I have to go Louise, if not none of you will be able to get off this floating rock"

"But, what if you don't make it back?" She says as tears start to roll down her cheeks.

I cup her cheek and smiled "If I don't make it back on the last ship, promise me you'll wait for me back at the academy"

"I-I promise" Louise cried as she held my hand that cupped her cheek.

"Now, promise me one more thing" I say.

"Anything (Y/n)" She says.

"If you hear my dragon's roar. Give me the best explosion you got" I tell her.

Her eyes wide to then said "I-I can't do that, I can't use a single spell"

"Haven't you noticed that all you can do is cause explosions?, that means your magic is explosions. So use the most powerful explosion spell you know. You are a void mage after all" I say.

Tears continuously roll down her face "I-I promise!, I'll do my best!"

"Thank you Louise" I say with a smile then gave her a kiss "I'll see you soon"

"Anchin" Kiyohime says as she walks up to me and gives me a kiss "Give them no mercy"

"Of course Princess" I say.

I then continue walking with Julio at my side. We exit the building and we walked over Julio's dragon. Julio then speaks up "I wasn't able to bring this up last night, but I assume that you and the Princess did the maturing ritual together?"

"Yes" I state then question "Have you done it yet?"

He chuckles a bit as he gets on his dragon "Of course I have, I did it long ago with my beloved back in Rome"

I smile then hold my hand out to him "Someday, I promise I'll get you back to her in one piece"

He shakes my hand "I know you will, I am confident in our victory in this war"

I look in the direction of Gota and say "You take the sky, I'll get the ground. We don't stop fighting until everyone is safe. Understood"

"Understood, Commander rod Darkness" Julio says then takes to the sky.

I look at the building where Louise and Kiyohime are and I see them both watching me from the entrance to the building. I smile then drew Derflinger and rushed into the forest, heading towards Gota.

Part 2.

Night has covered Albion, Julio and I have made great progress and had essentially killed all of the mad soldiers inside of Gota and some Albion troops. Occasionally, Julio would have to fighter out with dragon knights. We took Gota back and I was walking towards a large field that we at the edge of Gota.

"Commander, looks like the army of 70,000 men are up ahead" Julio tells me while hovering near me.

"Partner, I sense a Protecotor of worlds among the army" Derflinger tells me.

"Is it the one with the bow?" I ask.

"No, it's an Axe user" He states.

"Great" I reply sarcastically. We both then hear the sound of a bell, signaling the last ship is leaving. I then looked up to Julio "Julio, head back to port. Escort them back"

"How about you?" He questions.

"I need to take down this army and Protector of Worlds, if not then the Protector of Worlds could go after the ship" I explain.

"Understood" He tells me "It was nice fighting with you"

"Don't sound like this is goodbye" I tell him "We got a whole war to fight"

He chuckles "I know, but for now, good luck. Commander of Darkness"

Julio then flies off in the direction of Lowscythe. I sigh then pulled out a loch of pink hair from the inside pocket of my jacket "I've decided Derflinger"

"Your going to make her your successor Partner?" Derflinger questions.

"If I some how die in the fight with the enemy Protector of Worlds, I want her to have my power" I tell him. I hold the loch of hair in my hand and cut my hand on Derflinger's blade, the blood started to cover the loch of hair "I, (Y/n) (L/n) make Louise Françios le Blanc de La Vallière my successor upon death"

The hair started to glow before dematerializing and  I started to feel a burning sensation on my hand that I had cut open. The hair essentially became apart of me as it healed the wound that I cut open. Now the palm of my hand had a scar across it.

"It's been complete Partner" Derflinger says.

"Alright, now lets give them hell" I state.

At an incredible speed I run towards the army with Derflinger in hand. Arrows fly into the air and begin to rain down from the sky. I evade every arrow that got in my way as I charged forward. I then infuse Derflinger with flames of destruction and right when I enter the fray, I do a horizontal swing, killing many with a single swing. Even though I am killing with no mercy, that did not change that I felt bad for killing these men when they didn't stand a chance. I killed everything in sight, man and orcs died by my hand, as well as any dragon knight that stood in my way. Stab, slice, burn, crush, over and over. I have then stopped to take a breather, how many I've kill so far I don't know. I was surrounded by soldiers and I was covered in blood, so much blood, and none of it was mine.

"Louise....this is why I didn't want you to go to war.." I say softly under my breath.

"The Commander was right, you are nothing but a merciless monster" A soldier shouts.

"Someone who knows nothing but murder" Another soldier says.

"Why would you come here?!, just to kill us for your satisfaction?!" A soldier shouts at me.

"Merciless? I'm only like that to my enemy. From my perspective, you are my enemy" I state "Also, how am I the monster? Your Commander had you March here knowing I was going to be here. I'll give you once chance. Are you going to fight me or are you going to surrender?"

Every soldier held their weapons, magic was being casted and bows were being pulled back. At the same time ever soldier around me attacked. Charging at me with theirs swords, arrows released and flying my way, magic being hurled towards me.

"I gave them an option, I have no choice now"

I engulf Derflinger with my flames of destruction once more then spun, creating a wave of purple flame being thrown in every direction. Screams could be heard as people were burned alive in an instant, while also feeling their bodies breaking apart. I wanted to hold back, I wanted to be merciful but deep down, I knew I couldn't because that would put everyone I care about in danger. So I had to embrace it, accept that I am a monster to my enemy so I can be the hero the people I care about need. So much death, all by my hands, so many families losing someone to my blade. That's the job of a Protector of Worlds, Protect those who can't do it themselves and making the world peaceful. That's why even with all this death, I don't feel bad, it's my job.

"That...I think that was all of the...." I thought as there was no living things standing around me. Nothing but dead bodies with in the middle covered in their blood.

"Commander of Darkness" I hear a deep stoic voice say from above me.

I look up and perched on a hill was a man with a massive battle axe. He was missing his left eye, his dirty blond hair was put into a long braid and his white muscled body was covered in scars, he also had braided beard that was about four to five inches long. The guy only wore pants and boots. His crest covered his right arm like a sleeve tattoo. His body was also covered in what looked like Norse runes.

"You must be the Protector of Words my sword sensed" I state.

"I am Eric, an honorable warrior from the proud country of Norway" He says to me.

"I am (Y/n), A royal guard of Queen Himiko and Princess Kiyohime, From the Satoko clan of Protector of Worlds in Japan" I state to Eric.

"So you are an honorable warrior as well?" He asks.

"If you want to put it that way, I fight for my Queen, Princess, and Master" I tell him.

"I see" Eric says then holds up his axe and readies it "I've been ordered by the Commander of Light to eliminate you. So, in a honorable fight, I wish to fight you to the death in a duel"

I readied Derflinger "Your wish is granted and I accept your challenge" We charged at each other and he went for the attack. I block his attack with Derflinger at held it steadily "Why are you not using your Absolute form?" I question him.

"I have already used it once, and I have not gone through with the maturing ritual" He say then lifts his axe up and goes to swing from another side but I stop the attack as well.

"How come?, you seem like a likable man?" I say.

"My beloved was murdered before we had a chance to do the ritual. I promised myself to never fall I love again" Eric says.

"If that is so, I won't use my absolute form either" I tel him before jumping back.

I dash towards him with a lightning fast strike to the torso and I cut his side then dashed past him again and cut his arm. Eric does a large swing and I slide under his blade and at the same time I cut at his leg. He falls to the ground and tries to use his axe to stand back up. I engulf Derflinger in flames of destruction and with a powerful swing, I hit the handle of the axe and broke the axe.

"I admit defeat" Eric says while on his knees.

"Your not going to continue fighting? You can just resummon your axe" I tell him.

"There is no use, it is obvious that I am no match for you. And on the plus side, I will soon enough be with my beloved" Eric says as he looked up at the sky "I have something to say to you Commander of Darkness. The Commamder of Light has a girl who needs help, he did something that made her possessed"

"What's the girls name?" I question.

"I am not aloud to say. As a man of honor I keep my promises. And I had to promise the Commander to not speak his name or her name to anyone but him and his other subordinates" Eric explains.

"I understand your code of honor Eric. I will make your death painless" I say as I raise Derflinger up.

"One last thing Commander of Darkness" Eric says.

" What is it?" I ask.

"Make this world peaceful" He states.

"I will" I reply then proceeded to cut his head off.

"Looks like our job is done her Partner" Derflinger says then immediately speaks again with urgency "Partner move!"

I sense the danger and jump out of the way as a beam of dark purple fire is blown my way "What the hell was that? Another Protector of Worlds?"

"No, worse" Derflinger states.

From the forest on the side, a dragon emerges from it, six eyes, black scales, a pair of massive forward facing horns and three pairs of wings.

"Holy shit" I state.

"(Y/n), right now would be the time to use your absolute form" Derflinger tells me with urgency and I start doing the chant.

"I shall become a being of absolute power!"

"The one that destroys everything in its path!"

"No matter the reason, whether it's selfish or selfless!"

"The one that urns for peace!"

"I shall become, The Dragon of Destruction!"

I then get transformed into my Absolute form and faced the enemy dragon before letting out a loud roar. The dragon was slightly bigger then me in length and with "Who are you?" I ask.

"I am the Fell Dragon, Grima-" The dragon states "-And I'm here to make this world a new with the Commander of Light"

Grima then flies towards me but before he could get too close a blinding light formed in the sky above us before aloud bang goes off with the feeling of a powerful shockwave. Louise did as I told her, and she let out the strongest explosion she could. Grima back tracked as he noticed all of the power from the massive explosion started to decrease immensely. That's because I was absorbing it.

"Thanks for the power boost Louise"

I charge at Grima and breathed out a large amount of fire. He used his wings to shield himself before taking off into the air, I chase after him into the sky. In the sky ahead of us I see a alone air ship.

"He's going after the air ship"

Grima charges forward toward the air ship. As we got close to it, I blew fire at him and it nicked one of his right wings. Grima moves a bit to the left, nearly missing the air ship and I dive under the Air ship to catch him by surprise. I fly up and I grabbed Grima by his neck and then flew back towards Albion. I had my jaw clenched down on his neck, but I wasn't strong enough to break his neck. Grima tried to scratch and sip his tail around but it was no use. I then charge down with Grima in my jaws and I crash us into the ground in the middle of the forest between Lowscythe and Gota. I felt in phased as I got up and from the ground. After the dust cleared, I see nothing, no Grima, no blood, nothing. Then, before it was too late to evade, a rain of electrified ice spears make contact with me. The about ten spears were thrown, all hitting me and going straight through my dragon skin. I had no choice but to transform back to my human form. In my human form, a ice spear was going through my stomach as the rest were on the ground around me.

"What. The. Fuck..." I say then coughed up blood.

I felt as my consciousness was dwindling "Partner, stay with me!" I hear Derflinger says.

"Hell...I didn't expect this was how I was going to die...fucking ice spears..." I say.

My vision was getting fuzzy. I felt myself loosing balance and I fall before some one catches me "Your not going to die tonight Commander of Darkness" A familiar voice says as the pulled out the spear and held pressure on my stomach.

I then start to feel weight less as the person picks me up and starts through the trees to who knows were. My vision then went dark and I felt cold.

Part 3.

POV: Louise

Kiyohime and I were on the last air ship back to Triatain, the ship had departed and neither (Y/n) or Julio had made it back in time. I didn't know what to do, I just felt worried for (Y/n). I sat on the deck of the ship and Kiyohime walked over to me.

"Louise, how are you holding up?" Kiyohime asks me.

"I'm worried. I know (Y/n) can handle himself but what if he can't this time?" I tell her and she smiles.

"You shouldn't need to worry. (Y/n) will meet back with us at the academy like he said. You need to trust him on that" Kiyohime says.

"Hello Princess" A familiar voice says and the both of us look to the side of the ship and we see Julio as he rode his dragon.

"Where is (Y/n)?" I ask him.

"He's taking on the army of 70,000, however at this point, he's probably fighting the Protector of Worlds that's amount their ranks" Julio explains to me.

"Who is the Protector of Worlds?" Kiyohime asks.

"I'm not sure, all I knew before he sent me off was that it was a axe user" He tells us.

"Why did he send you back?" I question.

"He wants me to escort the ship back" He tells me.

"(Y/n), be careful"

10 minutes of smooth sailing goes by, before the sound of an ear piercing roar rings out "That was (Y/n), I need to cast some explosion magic"

"Do you know any?" Kiyohime asks me.

"I don't know of any off the-" I tell them before something comes to mind that I shouldn't know because I've never seen it before. It's like it was being shared with me in some weird way. I raise my wand up and point it in (Y/n)'s direction, without consciously knowing what direction he was in.

"Rol'n Suny, Feely, Jalunsa, Kusa, Os, Sumy, Rodde, Lyn, Rade, Beozzs, Yul...Explosion!"

In the direction where (Y/n) was, a blinding light appeared before there was an explosion. The explosion was massive, but it quickly vanished. And I came to m senses.

"What was that?" Kiyohime questions.

"I don't know..." I say "I didn't feel like my self right there..."

Kiyohime then giggled a bit "Maybe the maturing ritual did something for you after all"

I feel my face heat up in embarrassment "Please don't bring that up in public..."

We all hear the roar of a dragon and purple light, light up the sky for a fee seconds. A black flying beast then nearly hits the ship.

"Was that (Y/n)?" I ask.

"No" Kiyohime says asks she looked at it. The flying beast then gets caught off guard by a familiar dragon and gets bit on the throat "That's (Y/n)"

I noticed that the (Y/n) hard bright purple fire on his wings while also his eyes being bright purple as well. (Y/n) tightly holds on to the beasts neck and starts to flyback in he direction of Albion. I run through out the deck of the ship to get to the rear to see what happens to (Y/n), Kiyohime followed me as well. I watch as (Y/n) plummets into the ground. The dust slowly cleared and the beast was gone with only (Y/n) just standing there. We then both watched as a rain of what looked like large arrows rain down onto him, with every singe one hitting him.

"(Y/n)!" Both Kiyohime and I cried out. We see him transform back into his human form, now we were too far away to see anything happen.


I start to tear up at the thought of him.being dead. My back fhen starts to burn, like if it's on fire. I cry out in pain and Kiyohime holds onto me. The burning sensation stops and I stand there beating heavily. Kiyohime lifts the back of my shirt up and gasps.

"He made you his sucessor..." She says "However.....not all of his crest transfored...."

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"You have half of his crest on your back...that means is possible that (Y/n) is still alive" Kiyohime says.

"Are you sure?" I ask as she puts my shirt back down.

"I'm just going off assumptions since something like this is unheard of. We can talk to Elizabeth about it once we get back" Kiyohime explains to me.

"Alright...." I say then sit down and lean against the railing.


Hello everyone this the end of the chapter. I hope you all enjoyed everything that happen on this chapter. Until next time, bye.

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