Defense Line

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter the school got invaded by mercinaries from Albion.

P.S.: I decided to change Attribute to Crest because it sounds better and makes a lot more sense since ever protector of world has a mark on them depending on what they have.


POV: You

Part 1.

It has been a few days since the incident with the mercenaries happened at the school. To my dismay, Henrietta had requested Louise and I to come to the frontlines. I made Louise a promise so right now we are on a air ship to the Albion military port of Lowscythe that is currently occupied by Tristain. Kiyohime is with us as well since she insisted on it, mom on the other hand stayed back just in case the school got attacked again. As we rode on the air ship, I decided to take a nap.

{Flash Back 5 years ago}

"Robin, you need to be able to control the water better" I state to Robin as she tried to use her crest.

Robin is the same age as me, though she had recently gotten her crest after her father died in a fight with a monster. Robin is a sweet girl, her mother is a decedent of the Lady of the Lake from arthurian legend. In that case she is really good at using magic, how ever her crest is an amplifier of that while also allowing her to learn forbidden magic I was in the training area of the clan's compound , helping her with her training.

"Why do I have to do this?, I learned this back when I was six" Robin replied in frustration.

"You didn't have your crest at that time. You need to relearn your magic with your crest. The Princess would be sad if something happened to you because of inceficiant training" I tell her. "Now do it again, with more focus on controlling the output"

Robin then started using her magic with the crest. Water started to form in her hand, then the water blasted sky high. The water then rained down onto me. Robin then started to tear up a bit.

"S-sorry" She says while embarrassed.

"It's alright" I say as I dried myself off with a towel that I brought with me.

"So this is where you have been?" We hear someone say.

We both look over and see a white haired boy walking over with a spear in his hand "Kouzai, what do you need?"

"The Queen is requesting your presence. She says about it's about the Enishi " He tells me.

"The Enishi?" I questioned.

"Yes, I wasn't told any details about it though"

"Alright then. Sorry Robin, we can continue this later" I say to Robin.

{End Flashback}

I wake up and I find that we have arrived at Albion. Kiyohime was looking at me with a strange look.

"The Enishi, why would you be dreaming about that?" She questions

"I'm not exactly sure" I replied.

"What's the Enishi?" Louis asks out of curiosity.

"The Enishi is a divine weapon that our clan possesses, it was forged by a god and given to our ancestors. Only the worthy are chosen to wield it" Kiyohime explains to Louise.

"Are you worthy of welding it (Y/n)?" Louise asks me.

"If fate decides it" I say "We should get going, let's not keep Henrietta waiting"

The three of us walk out of the airship and see Julio waiting for us out on the dock "You've finally made it, welcome back to Albion" He says.

"What does he mean welcome back? Have you had some sort of business here before?" Kiyohime quietly asks me.

"Yes, a little bit before you arrived here, I had to save Louise from a traitorous old geezer who used to be Louise's fiancé" I replied back.

"I see"

We followed Julio over to a building that was surrounded by military personnel doing different things. Julio opens the door and then the four of us walk in. We enter a room and we see Henrietta sitting on a throne and also standing in the room was one of her generals, Agnes was there as well. Henrietta was white armor that did not suit her what's so ever.

"Louise!" Henrietta shouts as she runs over to Louise and hugs her.

"Your highness.." Louise says.

"I'm sorry for calling you all the way to Albion" Henrietta says then looks at me and Kiyohime with a smile "It's good to see you again as well (Y/n) and Princess Kiyohime"

"Armor doesn't suit you at all your highness" I say and Henrietta giggles a bit.

"I know" She replies. Henrietta then sits back down on her throne.

"You're magesty, before you ask anything of me. There is somethings that I need to talk to you about" I tell her as I kneeled before her.

"Go ahead" Henrietta states.

"This war that you are in with Albion. I believe it's a facade for something more, A war called the War of Demons. From where we come from, the War of Demons was a war between Protector of Worlds, A side of light and a side of darkness with each side having a Commander and seven loyal subordinates. They fought until one side was absolutely decimated. During that war the Commander of light won" I explained to her " Now, it's happening again here in your world"

"Which side are you on" Agnes says while cautiously glaring at me.

"I am the Commander of Darkness" I replied.

"So you're our enemy" Ages says then places her hand on her sword.

"Commander of Darkness is just a name, I does not mean that (Y/n) is evil" Kiyohime States.

"Kiyohime and Julio are two of my seven subordinates" I state "That is all, I'll tell you more when I find out more"

Henrietta smiles "Thank you for informing me, I'll leave matters like that to you and I won't interfere"

"Thank you your majesty" I say then stand up "Now, What do you need me to do?"

"I will tell you the idea we have in mind" The general says as he stood next to a table. I walk over to him and on the table was a map of Albion "Our main goal is to get to Londimium. In order to do that we have to get through the defense line that's south of the city of Gotha"

"Do you know how south of Gotha the line is?" I question.

"Not far. It's close enough that if we sent our troops in, the enemy could easily retreat back into the city and we don't want to kill any innocent civilians" The general explains to me.

"Interesting, I propose that after that attack.We wait and see for what the enemy does next" Kiyohime states.

"I agree, I would like to have the casualties be as low as possible for both sides" Henrietta says.

"Alright, that's what we will do" I say then started to walk away "I'll give you a report when I get back"

"Good luck" Hentrietta tells me.

I walk out of the building and Kiyohime followed me. I walk to the edge of Albion and Kiyohime stops me before I can transform.

"(Y/n), if you happen to run into another Protector of Worlds, you need to run. We have yet to do the maturing ritual" She tells me.

"Of course Princess" I tell her and she smiles.

I jump off the edge of Albion and transformed into my dragon form. I started to fly through the sky towards Gotha, in search of the defense line. Soon enough, after a small cruise I found the defense line. The line saw me when I saw them and readied their weapons.

"I should finish this as fast as possible"

As I get to the line, I start to travel down the line while breathing fire down into the enemy soldiers. They had no chance against me, in a way I kind of felt bad. I continued my path of destruction then, out of no where I see something shiny fly past me. I was almost instantly reminded of the spear that was thrown at Henrietta during her parade. Without a second thought I transformed back to normal, mid air, the landed on the ground facing the direction the spear had come from. I drew Derringer and scanned my surroundings while paying attention to the sky. I was near a part of the defense line that I destroyed, in a field surrounded by forest.

"It's the same spear like before" I state.

"We should head out Partner, we've destroyed most of the defense line" Deflinger tells me.

"I'd love to, but with spears flying at me, it won't be easy to escape unless I run back" I tell him.

I see spear fly towards me fast, I jump out of the way and I look at the spear. The spear was made of ice and had golden sparks coming off of it like, just like last time. I then see as more fly towards me. I quickly evade the attack as more rained down. After a few moments, the rain of electrified ice spears stopped.

I looked at one of the spears then said "Deflinger, let's do a durability test of these spears"

I swing Deflinger at one of the spears and spear held its own. I then started to push my flames of destruction through Deflinger until the blade was covered. I didn't even scratch the spear.

"What the he'll is up with these spears?!" I shout. My frustration let out a burst of powerful flames through Deflinger that cracked the spear before the blade went through the spear.

"The Protector of Worlds that made these spears is powerful and experienced" Defringer tells me.

"Can you tell anything else about these spears?" I ask him.

"The person that made these was not the one that threw these spears. These spears are too imbalanced for someone who wields a lance." He says.

"How can that be? I get instant frost bite from touching them" I question.

"Think of it like Princess Koyohime's flaming kiss and the mark she left on you. That flaming kiss made you immune to the effects of her flames, so maybe it's something like that" Derflinger says.

"Interesting, let's head back before we have more spears head our way" I say.

Part 2.

After a long walk back to port, I walk into the building and I see Henrietta sitting on her throne and Kiyohime was sitting next to her in a similar throne. Louise was standing next to Henrietta. I walk up to them and kneels before them.

"The defense line has been destroyed your Majesty. Any survivors have retreated into the city" I say to them "Though the only reason why there are survivors is because I was interupted by a Protector of Words. I am unsure who they are but I do know it is a user of ice that has the ability to make others immune to there ice"

"Thank you for your service (Y/n)" Henrietta tells me.

"This Protector of Worlds that uses ice, how do you know have have this ability to make others immune to there ice?" Kiyohime asks me.

"Deflinger could tell that the spears of ice that were thrown at me were not made by someone who could use one simply by how poorly balanced they were" I explained to Kiyohime.

"I see, so the Commander of Light must know we are here already" She says.

"Yes, but they are keeping their distance" I state "I'd advice none of you to leave this building unless absolutely necessary for the time being"

"Thank you for the advice" Kiyohime says then stands up. She walks over to me and kisses my cheek "Good work (Y/n)"

"It was my pleasure Princess" I state.

"Atalanta, I wonder. Are you on my ally or are you my enemy?"


Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I hope you all enjoyed the chaprer. Until next time bye.

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