The Staff of Destruction

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter was the exhibition and the staff of destruction was stolen by a well known theif.


POV: You

Part 1.

Me, Louise, Kirche, and Tabitha were in the back of a carriage as Ms. Longuevile took us the the cabin in the woods. We rode through a path in the woods, I was thinking about something that was a little off then I tell Louise what I was thinking.

"Louise" I say to get Louise's attention.

"Yes?" She says.

"The fact that Fouquet can use magic would mean she is a noble woman right? So why would a noble woman steal things as a thief? But I can think of a few things" I say.

"The fact of the matter is that not all mages are nobles, there are many mages that have been demoted from nobles to peasents for various reasons and among that group many disguise them selves as guards or common laborers or turned to lives of mischief and occasionally crime, even I am one who has been demoted from my status as a noble woman" Ms. Longuevile explains.

"But Ms. Longuevile how can that be? your lord Osmond's secretary arn't you?" Kirche questioned.

"Thankfully lord Osmond isn't to picky about weather someone working for him is a noble or a peasent" Ms. Longuevile says.

"What's the story behind you losing your noble status? Hope you don't mind but I would love to hear it" Kirche says intrested in Ms. Longuevile's back story.

"Zerbst I can't believe how rude you are" Louise tells Kirche.

Kirche takes her seat and says "I'm just making idle chit chat because I'm bored. Geez what sad reasons do I have to catch a thief"

"Then you didn't have to come out her at all" Louise tells her.

Kirche then stands up and sits next to me on my left and leans on me "I'm here to protect my darling. Right darling" she says then directs what she says towards me.

"Uhh sure....." I reply.

Louise and Kirche then begin to argue with eachother over what would happen if a big golem shows up again. I then pull them apart.

"We didn't come out here for you 2 to argue" I tell them.

"Ohh darling you forgot the sword I gave you" Kirche says with the sword in her hand.

"I don't need it Kirche, I have my own sword" I tell her.

"Please, a cheap sword won't do any good in this situation don't you agree" Kirche says while pushing her breasts against my chest.

"I might as well give in because she doesn't going to give up any time soon"

"Fine" I tell her and I grab the sword.

I look over at Louise and she wasn't having it with what Kirche was doing to me but I'm not sure why though.

When we got near the cabin Ms. Longuevile stopped and we all got out of the carriage. Louise calmed down before we got there. I had Derflinger and the sword Kirche gave me on my back.

"(Y/n) go check if there is someone in the shack" she tells me.

I nod and I started walking near the side of the shack. I looked inside through a broken old window to see what looks like a empty house with nowhere to hide. I then turn to the girls who were behind a bush waiting for me.

"There's nobody in there" I tell them and I see Louise and Kirche sigh I relief.

We all walk towards the front of the shack. Tabitha walks in front of the door and waves her wand then turns to us.

"There arn't any traps" she tells us.

Tabitha then just walks into the shack without any hesitation alarming Kirche.

"Hey Tabitha" Kirche said as she ran after Tabitha.

I run with Kirche just in case someone is actually inside the shack. You can never know with these places.

"I will just keep the area secure" Louise says.

I turn to her before entering the shack
"Okay, you do that. Just be careful" I tell her and she nods.

"In that case I will scout out the surrounding area" Ms. Longuevile says with a small smile then walks off.

I walk into the shack and see that everything was covered in a thick layer of dust. Inside the shack was a small bed, a dresser, a fireplace, and some other very simple furnatue.

"Let's do a once over see if we can find any clues in here" Kirche says.

I look around and almost everything looks like it hasn't been touched in a long while. After a few minutes of looking around there wasn't much to see let alone feel any hint of magic.

"Ohh I'm getting covered in dust. Tabitha, (Y/n) let's get out of here" Kirche says as she starts walking towards the door and I follow her.

"The staff of destruction" Tabitha says.

We turn to her and she's holding the case that's supposed to have the staff of destruction.

"Whaa?" Kirche says as I started to sense a magical presence from outside the shack.

Kirche went to open the box then something takes out a part of the shacks roof after I heard Louise scream. Through the torn part of the roof we see a gigantic earth golem. Tabitha points her wand at the golem and does a wind spell that does nothing to the golem. Kirche then points her wand at the golem and does a fire spell covering the top half of the golem in fire. The golem then swipes off the fire with its hand.

"Not even a mark? Imposible" Kirche says after seeing the effect of her spell on the golem.

I look out the door of the shack and I didn't see Louise until she appears from some dust behind the golem. She raises her wand at the golem.

"What are you doing Louise!?" I shout at her before running out of the shack.

I see her try to attack the golem but it backfires. She hits the golem with a small explosion turning the attention of the golem to her.

"Run away Louise" I shout at her.

She raises her wand again to the golem "No I don't want to" she says to me.

"God damn it Louise you are no match for it, you can't even cast a spell. Let me take care of this, it is my job as a familiar to do so" I tell her as I start to draw the germanian sword.

"This sword better be worth drawing it and not worth Louise's life" I tell my self inside my head.

"I am a noble, just because you can use magic it doesn't make you a noble, a noble is someone who never shows their back to the enemy. I am a noble and not Louise the Zero" She yells.

She casts a spell at the golem only causing a explosion again. The golem raises it's right arm ready to hit Louise. The golem then swings it's arm down. I stopped drawing the germanian sword and run at Louise. I wrapped both arms around her and jumped out of the way just in time. The golem arm hits the ground creating a massive dust cloud. I get up and Louise does also, she looks at me fiercely.

"Stay out of this" she yells at me.

"Mom please forgive for hitting a girl" I say in my head then back slapped Louise on her left cheek.

Louise then looks at to me with teary eyes while holding her cheek. I had to do what I had to do, I don't need her dying because of her feelings right now.

"So what that your a noble Louise, it's all pointless if you die!" I tell her.

Louise then starts to weep while still holding her cheek. Then she started to cry.

"People always make fun of me and it really hurts my feelings, alot. They will make fun of me again if I run away from this" She crys out before looking at me with streams going down her face.

"Hey now Louise don't cry" I said while pulling her in close with at hug.

"Now I won't be able to keep the promise I made to the princess" she continued to cry not listening to me

I look up and I see the golem arm raised above us. I pick her up and ran out of the way. Tabitha lands on the ground on her dragon with Kirche. I run up to the dragon who was unphased by me some how.

"Kirche take her" I tell Kiche as I lifted Louise up to her.

Kirche took Louise and lifted her onto the dragon.

"Get a grip on your self" Kirche tells Louise.

I look back and see that the golem was going to attack again.

"Go, I can handle this" I tell Tabitha and she flys into the sky.

"This germanian sword better be worth it. Let's see if it can even handle my power" I say as I drew the sword.

I walked up to the golem with the drawn sword.

"Making me use my power on you. Now your mine" I say with a grin to the golem.

I then start running at the golem. The golem trys to swing at me but misses. I then swing the sword down with both hands on the handle. Once the blade hit the arm the sword's blade instantly broke in half. I look to the right and the golem was swinging it's left arm at me. I jump out of the way with the broken sword.

"What a pathetic sword" I say as I threw the broken sword behind me.

I then started to draw Derflinger as I spoke loudly "I am the familiar of Louise Françoise le Blanc de La Vallière and I am the protector of this world!" Then finally drew Derflinger all the way.

I run atthe golem and went between its legs. As I did I slashed at its right leg cutting off. Then I ran past the other leg and cut it off also. As I got back in front of the golem the legs regenerated it's legs back with dirt.

"Well if that isn't just great" I said sarcastically as I stood in front of the golem "I need to find its core"

I was about to attack again but I hear Louise's voice.

"Get away from (Y/n)" she tells the golem.

I look up in the direction that I heard her voice and u see her holding something as Tabitha used magic on her to have Louise levitate to the ground. I look closely at what she has in her arms and I couldn't believe it.

"'That's' the staff if destruction, you've got to be kidding me" I say.

Once Louise got onto the ground she started to swing the so called staff of destruction around like a wand trying to do spells. As it wasn't doing anything she was getting frustrated with it. The golem then started to turn it's attention towards her. As it did I ran past the golem to Louise and put Derflinger back in his sheith. I looked at louse and she was getting tired as she swung the 'staff of destruction' around.

"Louise this isn't a magic staff" I tell Louise as I took it from her "It's science"

I pull the pin in it and unfolded the 'staff' then put up the reticule.

"Take cover" I tell Louise.

She gets a bit away from me and ducks. The golem was about to step on me before I pushed down the black trigger causing the rocker inside to shoot at the golem. The rocket hit the golem in the face blowing it away, The golem then starts to crumble while creating a dust cloud. I throw the 'staff' down then grabbed Louise and got her onto the ground and got on top of her to protect her from any of the falling rocks or debris. Falling rocks and debris fell onto my back as I covered Louise. She looked at me blankly and amazed as I winced in pain when rocks fell on top of me.

"I swear if my jacket gets ruined my mom will kill me" I grunt.

"Are you okay?" Louise asks a little concerned.

"Yeah, just going to have a few bruises after this" reply.

The dust cloud cleared and I got off of Louise and pulled her up. We look over and saw a pile of dirt with rocks scattered all over the place.

"Amazing" Louise said as she looked at the reminents of the golem.

"I should of expected the staff of destruction to be something not from this world" I say as I looked at it.

Louise then looks at me amazed, I notice and I give her a small smile causing her cheeks to become faintly pink. Kiche then out of no where runs up to me and hugs me.

"He's a peasent that can use a magic staff, you really are my darling after all you know that" Kirche says as she pressed her boobs against me.

I tried to argue back but I didn't have anything to argue back with.

"Where do you think Fouquet is?" Tabitha asks.

Kiche stops hugging me and days "The fact that the golem was here means that she's close.

I look at the 'staff of destruction' and Ms. Longuevile picks it up.

"You did a good job" she says.

"Ms. Longuevile where have you been?" Louise asks.

She ignores the question. While starting to undo her hair "Staff of destruction describes it well enough. It blew my golem into a whirling cloud of dust" she says then takes her glasses off.

"Why do you mean your golem?" Kirche says.

"I knew you had to be Fouquet, there were too many suspicious things that you've done since the 'staff' was taken" I tell her.

I go to take out Derflinger but she stops me "Don't move" she tells me.

"Even though I stole it I was in a bind because I couldn't figure out how it worked. I was sure if I could lure someone from the institute of magic out here it would yield some very good results" she says and I put my arm down "My plan was slightly off in that a bunch of students came instead of instructors, but I thought the familiar there would be able to pull it off as you would expect from Gandalfr"

"Who's Gandalfr?" Louise asks.

"I give you my thanks" Ms. Longuevile says then pushes down the black trigger.

Nothing happens and she gets frustrated "What's the meaning of this" she says.

As she was distracted I pull out Derflinger and run at her. I then hit her in the stomach with the hilt. She falls down asks drops the 'staff'.

I the stand up "unfortunately for you that so called staff of destruction is a single use weapon called a M27 Law, in short it's a rocket launcher and it's from my world" I tell Ms. Longuevile.

I turn to the girls and said "Looks like our work here is done, isn't that right?" I say.

Kirche had hearts coming from her as she held her hands close to her and Louise was looking at me more amazed.

Part 2.

Me, Louise, Kirche, and Tabitha were in Mr. Osmond's office. Mr. Colbert was there also. Tabitha, Louise, and Kiche were standing in front of Mr. Osmond's desk and I stood behind Louise.

"We have handed Fouquet over to the palace guards and the staff of destruction has once again been secured in the vault. That puts an end to these matters, you are all guests of honor for tonight's banquet. The palace thinks very highly of your conduct through out this incident. I am certain some reward will come from the palace to the three of you" Mr. Osmond says.

"You said three does that mean (Y/n) isn't included?" Louise asks.

"Unfortunately since he is not a noblemen you are correct" Mr. Osmond says with shame.

"Ohh I see" Louise says in response.

"Now then you are free to go now" Mr. Osmond says.

We all walk out of his office. Once me and Louise walked out and I closed the door Louise stopped me.

"Why didn't you say anything about you getting a reward?" Louise asks me.

I put my hand on her cheek where I slapped her "because I'm the protector of this world and I don't need a reward for doing my job, me being by your side is good enough for me" I tell her.

Her cheeks became pink and it became a moment. The moment was short lived and ended when she pushed my hand away and hit me in the face.

"What was that for?" I asked as I held my face.

She had her arms crossed and looked away from me "That's pay back for slapping me earlier" she huffs.

"Okay then I deserved that one" I tell her.

{Time Skip}

It was banquet time and I was leaning against a balcony rail looming out into the vastness of the world that I now live in.

"You know Derflinger this ain't such a bad world to live in. I just wish mom was here also" I says.

"How is your mom doing any way?" He says as he leaned against the rail in his sheith.

"Still acting like a 14 year old" I tell him.

Another hint on who your mom is.

"Somethings never change now do they" he replies.

"No, no they don't" I says.

I then begin to hear loud music and I turn around.

"Ladies and Gentlemen presenting you Louise Françoise le Blanc de La Vallière, 2nd year student and daughter of Duke Vallière" a guy says.

Guys looked in awe and tried to talk to Louise as she walked over to me. She walks in front of me and she's in a pink dress with her hair up.

"Fine feathers make fine birds" Derflinger says.

"You be quiet" Louise tells Derflinger.

"So what do you need Louise?" I ask her.

Then slow dance music starts to play.
Louise holds her hand out to me.

"Would you like to be my dance partner?" She asks with a shade of pink on her face.

I take her hand and kiss it "I would be happy to be my master's dance partner" I say.

"You don't have to act so fancy" she tells me looking a bit embarrassed as she pulled her hand away.

"Tsundere kicks in again"

"I was trying to joke around Louise" I say then I took her right hand in my left hand and put my right hand on her waist "Shall we dance"

Louise nods and we start to dance. I was pretty good at dancing and Louise noticed.

"Who taught you to dance?" Louise asked.

"My mom, Noble when it comes to family but not exactly noble when it comes to how she acts" I tell her.

"I'd like to meet her some day if that's possible" Louise says.

"I did like to dress her too again also" I say.

"I hope we can be reunited again, I am her only family that's still alive. I wonder how lonely she feels right now without me. Well at least she has her friends to keep her company"

Hello everyone it's the end of the chapter. And yes I put a lot is stuff about your mom in this. If you can put all the hints together about who she is tell me. Now until next time bye

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