The Water Spirit

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter . Last chapter you found out that Louise had became under the influence of a aphrodisiac that Montmorency made for Guiche to drink. Now the 4 of you need to get something for the potion to turn Louise back to her usual self.


Part 1.

POV: You

Me, Louise, Guiche and Montmorency were on our way to Lagdorian Lake to get the spirit tear that is required for the potion to turn Louise back to her usual self. We were all riding horse back to the lake. Louise was sitting in front of me as I controlled the horse, She continued to lean against me like she did the day before as we rode along. I had derflinger on my back as always now a days.

"Along the border with Galia?" Guiche questions "It'll take half the day to get there"

"I didn't ask you to come with me, now did I?" Montmorency tells Guiche.

"What else would your knight be doing if he didn't go with you at a mission like this? Haha" Guiche says then chuckles to himself.

"I really hope this potion works" I state "If not, I will be pissed beyond belief"

"I wonder how Mom and the princess are doing?" I thought.

After a very long horseback ride we finally got close to Lagdorian Lake. We stopped for a bit and we were surrounded by a large forest of evergreen trees with a path leading ahead over a hill.

"Lagdorian Lake is up ahead, just past this hill" Montmorency says.

"So we finally get to see Lagdorian lake, Our destination" Guiche says before kicking his horse and running off down the path.

"He really is carefree. What part of him is a knight?" Montmorency says to herself.

"Hey, I knitted this for you (Y/n) my love" Louise says then pulls out a half finished knitted sweater.

"Oh, Thank you Louise" I say and she hugs me and leans into my chest. I take the half knitted sweater "I like it, I'll hold on to it for later, don't want it to get ruined now would we?"

"No we wouldn't" Louise says happily.

We walk over the hill and we see Guiche sliding down the hill on his horse yelling. He ends up sliding all the way down the hill and then was thrown off his horse into a large body of water. He started to flail around in the water.

"What's this? The water is up to here?" Montmorency says surprised.

"Is the water spirit here or not?" I question.

"It looks like the water spirit is upset, The water level is unusually high" Montmorency says.

I look in front of me and down the hill I see a huge flood water stretching out for miles. The water flooded homes and other buildings while also flooding over part of the seemingly everlasting forest. It definitely showed that someone was pissed.

"Everything is underwater" I say.

"When I came here with my father as a child, the lake wasn't like this. Let's wait for a while" Montmorency says "The spirit won't come out until after the sun sets"

"If that is what is needed" I say.

"I'll be here with you my love" Louise says.

I pat her head "Good" I say.

Guiche was yelling at us "Don't just sit there chatting idly! Get over here and save me!"

{Time Skip}

As the sun started to fall in the sky while we were on the shore of the overflowed lake. Me and Guiche were standing by Montmorency as she pulled her familiar out of a bag. She then begins to talk to her frog.

"Alright Robin, I want to contact one of my old friends" Montmorency says.

Montmorency then pricks herself with a needle and lets a drop of blood fall onto Robin's head "This drop of blood should identify me. Tell the old water spirit that someone who had bound a contract with it would like to talk to it" The frog nods before jumping into the lake while making a annoying noise and a small plop once it hit the water "If she can find it, Robin will bring it to us"

"Will the water spirit come?" I question.

"Who knows..." Guiche says.

We then turn around to where Louise was standing and we see her leaning against a tree sleeping. I would admit that she sleeps cutely but right now wasn't the time for her to be sleeping.

"The person we need awake is now sleeping" I state "Might as well let her be"

We stood by the shore waiting for the water spirit. I was leaning against the same tree Louise was sleeping against as I talked with Montmorency and Guiche, I occasionally looked Louise's way to make sure she was safe.

" In the past I came here with my father and bound a contract with the water spirit. If the spirit remembers, I'm sure it will come" Montmorency says.

"And after that we collect a tear" Guiche says.

"So how are we going to make it give us a tiny portion of itself?" I question.

"How do you know that?" Montmorency says.

"I've told you before, I'm well informed when it come to magic" I state.

"Well, it depends on what the water spirit wants, But if we make the spirit upset, we can forget the tear. Our lives will be in danger"

"I'm sorry Montmorency but I'm not going to leave Louise like that" I say.

"I was just stating" Montmorency tells me.

Then a huge fountain of water shoots out of the lake "It's here"

We all look in amazement at the almost clear spout of water that continually shot out from the lake.

"I am Montmorency Margarita la Fere de Montmorency, A water user of a family that has had a long lasting pact with you. If you remember anything about my blood, please answer in a way that we can recognize"

The fountain of water then stops and starts to take a humanoid shape before turning into a large water figure that took shape as a woman "I remember, Lonesome one, I remember the fluid that runs through your body" The spirit says.

"I'm glad, O water spirit, I have a favor to ask" Montmorency says.

"A favor?"

"I would like a small piece of you" Montmorency says.

"I decline, Lonesome one"

I move Montmorency to the side and I say "Why is that? Please water spirit, we need this tear" I then get on my knees "I'll do whatever you tell me to just for a tiny bit of you. That is a solemn vow that I will keep"

"You would do anything, you say?"

"Yes, anything you ask of me"

"We are occupied with increasing water and have no time to drive off attackers" The spirit says.

"Attackers?" I question.

"Some of your kind are attacking us, I'd like you to get rid of them"

"Attacking the water spirit, Who would do such a reckless and fearless thing?" Guiche questions.

"Alright" I answer shocking Guiche and Montmorency "If we defeat these attackers, you will give us a piece of your body, right?"

"Oh god that sounds so wrong when I think about what I just said"

"I shall give it to you"

"I don't want to be involved in a fight" Montmorency shouts at me.

"Then you want to be locked up?" I ask her while giving her a cold look.

She then gets scared "Alright, do as you like"

"We will wait to see if the attackers come by tonight" I say.

"If you wish" The water spirit says then disappears into the water.

{Time Skip}

The sun had finally fully fallen out of the sky, covering everything in darkness except for the dim moonlight that glowed over us. We were inside the forest waiting to see if the attackers would come.

"Attacking the spirit that is at the bottom of the lake, That's quite a mage we're up against" Montmorency says.

"Wouldn't you have to have a user of air in order to get to the bottom of the lake?, Like creating a sphere of air and walk along the lake bottom?" I say.

"Yes, that's exactly how someone would have to do it" Guiche says.

Louise then pulls me behind the tree we were standing by "You're only talking to Montmorency, you love her more than you love me, don't you?"

"How in the heck did you conclude that? We're just talking about something important so we can turn you back to normal" I tell Louise.

"Turning what part of me back to normal? I'm totally normal right now. I just love you (Y/n)" Louise says.

"I understand that Louise, can you stay quiet for a bit?" I ask.

"Yes, I'll stay as quiet as can be"

"For that to happen to Louise, it really works well" I hear Montmorency say.

"Stop acting so proud" I tell Montmorency coldly.

"Someone's here" Guiche says as he looks out behind a tree.

I turn to Louise and say "Be a good girl and stay here for a while okay, I'll be back"

I then start walking towards the 2 figures that Guiche saw at the shore casting a spell. I draw Derflinger from his sheath, I then step out of the woods behind the hooded figures.

"Hey, you two, what do you think your doing?" I say.

I didn't get a proper response and only got a fireball flown at me. I slice the fireball in half with Derflinger making it dissipate. The other magic user then throws icicles at me and I dodged it. Then the fire user throws more fire at me, I sliced at that fireball right after that I didn't see a wind attack right after that. I was then thrown to the ground.

"Damn, I was never good when it came to magic type attacks" I grunt as I rubbed my head.

Louise then ran in front of the 2 figures with her wand in hand "Don't be mean to (Y/n)" She says before waving her wand and creating a explosion.

After the explosion and the dust cleared the hoods of the figures were undone revealing the 2 people. I saw that it was Tabitha and Kirche.

"Did someone say (Y/n)?" Kirche says then turns to me "Oh, now that I'm looking closely I can see that it's (Y/n)"

"Are you blind or were your bangs in the way?" I ask them.

They then turn around "Guiche, Montmorency, Louise too ? What are you all doing here?" Kirche asks.

"A long goddamn story I would say" I say.

Part 2

After talking with Kirche and Tabitha about both of our situations, it was decided to that we would ask exactly why the water spirit is raising the water level, Something we should of probably asked in the first place. Montmorency was doing her thing again to call upon the water spirit while we stood by and Louise fell asleep again. Then after a moment the same fountain of water formed and the same figure appeared.

"Why are you overflowing the lake with water? It is causing everyone trouble" I ask the spirit.

"Because one of your folk abducted the treasure we were guarding"

"A treasure?" Montmorency questions.

"We can only exist in water. Therefore, we will fill this entire world with water, we will someday have the treasure back in our hands"

"Fill the entire world with water? Quite a long term plan, no matter if your immortal or not. Though if you desire to have that treasure back to you" I say "So tell me, WHat's the name of the treasure you were guarding?"

"Andvari's Ring, a ring that spent much time with us"

"Andvari's ring...I think I've heard of it" Montmorency says "I think it's a magic ring that grants artificial life"

"What kind of person stole the ring?" Kirche asks.

"One of the individuals was called Cromwell, that is all we know"

"Cromwell, Alright you got a deal, I will do whatever I have too, to find this Cromwell and bring back your ring. That is a promise that I'll keep" I say.

"You should give it up (Y/n), The spirit isn't just going to believe a random person who just showed up, let alone some guy like you who isn't a mage" Guiche says.

"I believe" The spirit says shocking everyone, then a small bottle flew over to us and Guiche caught it.

"You believe him, why?" Guiche questions.

"Gandalfr made an oath to me in the distant past and he kept that oath. If it comes from Gandalfr, it's worth believing"

Everyone then started to question about what or who Gandalfr was.

"In any case I will make sure to keep the promise I made, I will return the ring back to you someday. Now if you would, can you return the water level back to normal"I say.

"I promised to do so" The spirit says then disappears.

Tabitha then walks up beside me " I owe you"

I turn around and I saw that Louise was still sleeping against the tree. I smile to myself as she cutely snored and talked to herself.

"I guess it was great while it lasted, but I can't let Louise stay like that"


Hello everyone, this is the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I have a small little teaser for some plot that will go on throughout the entirety of the book. I hope you like it and comment if you wish.

"I shall become a being of absolute power"

"The one that burns everything in its path"

"No matter the reason, whether it is selfish or selfless"

"The one that yearns for love"

"I shall become the Dragon of Immortal Fire!"

And that's it. If you want to comment go ahead. Until next time bye.

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