Chapter 3

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Azur Lane HQ

Y/N: After that, I've gone to many universes, one of them being a world with a so-called "peacekeeping force" called A-Laws formed by Earth Sphere Federation along with an academy for "heroes" called Accord Academy which was actually just Union Academy with different name. A-Laws had a complete control of world information networks and they used them to hide their atrocities. Me alongside some of that universe's organizations such as Celestial Being, Katharon and later the ESF Coup d'état Faction fought against them to stop them once and for all. That universe's version of me works for Celestial Being who pilots a Gundam called Gundam 00 Raiser.

Bismarck Zwei: Gundam?

Y/N: Definitions of Gundam varies from one universe to another. They mostly an advanced, high performance type of mobile suits, mobile suit is some kind of piloted giant robot like Shurouga but not quite like Shurouga by the way, often constructed to be much more powerful than the standard production mobile suits. They are generally mobile suits, equipped with the latest experimental technology available at the time of their construction. The Gundams in that universe are powered by a special generator unit known as the GN Drive, allowing them to operate for an indefinite period of time. Here's the picture of his Gundam.

Bismarck Zwei: I see...

Y/N: Oh yeah, there's also Azur Lane in that world, very similar with ours except they don't have any commanders. They also fought against Accord.

Prinz Eugen: Interesting.

Y/N: And after fighting for so long there, we managed to finally end them once and for all. Me alongside with the people who defected from Accord and that universe's Azur Lane took down the Accord Academy first before I moved on to assist Celestial Being.

Accord Academy

Y/N was seen with people who defected from Accord (Glynda, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Team CFCY, Rias' Peerage (minus Issei), Sona's Peerage, Phenex Peerage (minus Riser), Aizawa, Midnight, Dekusquad, most of the class 1-A (minus Bakugo)) and the shipgirls. They were about to end Accord Academy.

Y/N: You don't have any of those A-Laws guys with you guys right now? Not that they will be any help but still.

Bakugo: Hmph, we don't need them to defeat those traitors, those whores, and also a weakling like you.

Y/N: A weakling, hmm? We'll see about that.

Issei: After we done with you, I will get my Harem back and also those Azur Lane babes.

Y/N: Hah! Your "Harem" left you because they realized who you really are and there's no way Azur Lane would want you after everything you've done to other women.

They then started attacking Y/N with Bakugo fired at him with his quirk.


Issei: Dragon Shot!

Y/N and the others simply dodged their attacks with no problem.

Y/N: *yawn* That's all you got? You bore me.

Bakugo: Why you!

He then countered their attacks with Luster Edge, killing some of them who weren't quick enough to dodge it.

Bakugo: You bastard!

Y/N: Says you.

He then summoned some black dragon-like creatures from Shurouga's body to crush them. The creatures succeeded crushed some of them who avoided the Luster Edge before he, the defectors and the shipgirls proceeded to finish the rest of them.


Y/N: After I took care of Accord Academy, I immediately went to space to assist Celestial Being.

Enterprise: Space?

Y/N: Yup! In universes that have Gundams in it, space combat with mobile suits actually quite common due to people started to live in space colonies. There are also universes without Gundams that have space colonies in them.


Y/N (Celestial Being)'s 00 Raiser is seen fighting Reborns Gundam that was piloted by Ribbons Almark.

They were evenly matched and currently engaged in a blade lock.

Until a ray of beam coming straight at Reborns Gundam which he dodged in time.

Ribbons: Hmph!

Y/N: Sorry I'm late.

Ribbons: Ah, so this is the irregular I keep hearing about. I am Ribbons Almark, the new God of this world and a Messiah for the mankind and I want to thank you for getting rid of Accord for me.

Y/N: You? A God? A Messiah? Don't make me laugh. Also, why are you thanking me for getting rid of Accord?

Ribbons: Hmph, how uncouth. Well, for your question, they were no longer useful for my plan so I planned to have them killed because their powers can be a threat to my grand plan but you already took care of that. So thank you for that.

Y/N (Celestial Being): Ribbons Almark! We will end your twisted plan here! Let's go!

Y/N: Right!

Both of them then charged at the Reborns Gundam with Reborns Gundam blocking 00 Raiser's attack with its GN Beam Saber while also deploying Small GN Fin Fangs at Shurouga and shooting it with GN Buster Rifle to keep Y/N busy.

Y/N: Tch, annoying little buggers.

He then destroy each of them before he summoned black dragon-like creatures at Reborns Gundam.

Ribbons: Tch!

Reborns Gundam dodged them and put some distance from 00 Raiser who now fired at him with GN Sword III Rifle Mode, GN Beam Machine Gun and GN Vulcan several times. One of the shoots managed to hit Reborns Gundam's GN Buster Rifle which made it explode much to Ribbons's anger.

Ribbons: Grrr...

Reborns Gundam now started to move away from them and transformed into Cannon Mode.

(A/N: without the GN Buster Rifle in its left arm)

After it transformed, it started to bombard them its cannons which they dodged and then they fired back at it. It dodged them and then transformed back into Gundam Mode and activated the Trans-Am System.

Ribbons: Trans-Am!

Which increase the performance of machines equipped with GN Drive or in Reborns' case GN Drive Taus three times their normal performance while also made them glowing red.

Y/N (Celestial Being) also activated 00 Raiser's Trans-Am System in return.

Y/N (Celestial Being): Trans-Am!

Both of the machines then started to fight at high speed while Shurouga summoning more dragon-like creatures from its body followed by several beams from its head to support 00 Raiser.

Reborns Gundam managed to avoid all of them and then deployed Large GN Fin Fangs at Shurouga to make it busy and Y/N (Celestial Being) took advantage of this by suddenly appeared in front of it and doing a series of slashing at it, Reborns blocked almost all of it except for the strikes on its right leg and then on its right hand.

Ribbons was not taking it well and he retaliates with cutting 00 Raiser's left arm. Y/N (Celestial Being) was not giving up and use the GN Sword III in 00 Raiser's right hand to slice the Reborns Gundam's left hand and then finish it off with a stab to the cockpit.

Ribbons: No! This can't be happening! I am a God! Humanity needs me!

Reborns Gundam then exploded in spite of Ribbons' desperate pleas.

(A/N: This is my first time writing Mecha VS Mecha fight. So, how was it?)


Y/N: After defeating Ribbons Almark and exposing A-Laws and Accord's atrocities and finally seeing A-Laws disbanded by a newly elected Federation President. I decided to leave that universe after I said my goodbyes to my allies and new friends I made there.

Y/N: Alright! That's all I can tell you for now.



Y/N: I want to see how much this place changed and after that I want to have some lunch.

Belfast: Master, I suggest you to not to your old room right now as we, the Royal Maids, are going to move your stuff back from the storage room back to where it belongs now that you are back. Before you ask, we never throw away your stuff after your death, the "commander" that was supposed to replace you did ask us to throw them away but we just put them in storage room instead. In the meantime, you can go another places in HQ.

Y/N: Okay, maybe I can help you move my stuff back?

Belfast: No, master, let the Royal Maids take care of this, you just came back from a VERY far place. (Looks at the Royal Maids in the area) Ladies! We got a job to do!

Royal Maids: Yes, ma'am!

Belfast: Now if you'll excuse me.

They then leave the place. The other shipgirls also started to leave to other places in HQ.

New Jersey: *kisses Y/N's cheek* Mwah~ See ya later, honey~

Kronshtadt: See you later, comrade.

Enterprise: Let's go to the cafeteria together, Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah.

Then they go to the cafeteria together.


Y/N: This place hasn't changed much, not that it's a bad thing.

Nevada: Oh hey, commander. What do you want to order?

Y/N: I'll have the usual, please.

Enterprise: I also have my usual, please.

Nevada: Coming right up.

While they are waiting for their meal, Y/N wants to ask Enterprise about something.

Y/N: So, Enty. Can I ask you something?

Enterprise: Sure, what is it?

Y/N: I want to know more about the commander that was supposed to replace me after my death, aside from trying to drug and rape you all, what else did he do?

Enterprise: *sigh* Well, he once asked me to walk with him around the HQ, I first thought he just wanted to know more about the HQ until later on when we were alone during our walk, he tried to seduce me and ask me to be his girlfriend, I refused because I already married with you and not interested with other men even though you died at the time, but he wasn't giving up and told me to just forget about you which of course made me really angry because I couldn't just forget about you after all you've done to us and then he started to say some nonsense about you actually not caring about us which made me even more pissed off and told him he don't know anything about you and I angrily told him again that I wasn't interested with other men to shut him up which finally made him gave up, or so I thought. Apparently, he also asked your other wives to be his girlfriends after that which of course get turned down. And you already know what he planned after several days after that.

Y/N: Man, he tried to drug and rape you girls because of that? Why didn't he just ask any shipgirls who are still single to be his girlfriend? What a scumbag.

Enterprise: I know, right?

Nevada: Here's your meals.

Y/N: Thanks, Nevada.

Enterprise: Thanks.

Nevada: No problem, dear.


After they were done with their lunch, they went their separate ways.

Enterprise: See you later, Y/N.

Y/N: Later.


After he went around the HQ and talked with several shipgirls, Belfast approached him.

Belfast: Master, we're done with your room. You can go there now.

Y/N: Nice, thanks a lot, Bel. *Kisses her lips* You deserve it.

Belfast: (blushes) Well, it was just a simple task.

Y/N: Do you want to come with me to my room?

Belfast: As much as I want to, I have other things to do, see you later, Master.

Y/N: See ya, Bel.

Belfast then leaves the place.

Y/N's quarters

Y/N: Aahhh, I miss this place, looks like the Royal Maids put my things exactly where I last saw them. Welp, time to hit the sack.

Y/N then fall asleep in the bed of his room not realizing that a certain kitsune sneaks in and lay herself beside him and then places her head in his chest.

Y/N's eyes opens for a bit and notices that Akagi is sleeping beside him and he then decides to hug her much to her joy and go back to sleep.

(A/N: the name Accord Academy was inspired by A Fusion Rider's Crossover Life by ShinzaGodWarrior and Fusion Riders: Unity Taisen by KamenRenFuji)

(A/N: Anyway, here's some bnuuy images and other images)

(A/N: Cute)

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