Dead Walking Among Us...

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Hi! I hope you all enjoy this Season 4-Season 15 Book of my Castiel Love Story. There's going to be lot's of twists and turns in this. So, I hope you all enjoy!!!


'''KilL, him, boys.'' Lilith smirked, opening the door. I could hear the hellhounds bark, as they came in, as Lilith had me and Sam up against the wall, making us witness our own brother's death. I watched in horror as the hellhounds grabbed Dean by his ankle, and tossed him off the table.

''Stop! Dean!'' I let out a high-pitched scream, as the hellhounds began to rip my brother open right before my eyes, like he was their favorite chew toy in the playpen

''No! Please Stop it!'' Sam screamed. As I managed to right hook Lilith in her jaw, smirking as blood poured from her mouth.

''Call them off! you disgusting bitch!'' I yelled, spit flying from my mouth. I felt my heart stop and my legs go numb, as I noticed Dean's energy to keep fighting suddenly stopped. As he began to slowly stop struggling, letting the Hellhounds eat him up. ''T-Take me Instead!''

''E-Elena...No.'' Dean managed a weak protest, as I stared daggers at the Demon.

Lilith glanced at me as soon as the words left my mouth, like she was thinking my offer over, before she bit her lip and shook her head. ''Boy's proceed.''

''No! Dean!'' Sam and I cried. And I could hear Lilith chuckling, as she looked at me. Her white eyes burning my very soul.

''Yes,'' Lilith chuckled darkly. As Dean fought to get away from the hellhound, which now hovered over him, it's teeth snapping. ''Finish...him.''

''No!'' I cried, as I saw Dean take his finale breath, as the hellhound finished him off. Before I glared at Lilith who was laughing away. ''You disgusting little bitch!''

Lilith smirked happily, giving me a fake puppy look. ''Such harsh words.'' She hissed, her eyes shooting daggers into my very soul. ''For the loss of just another worthless hunter? eh?''

''Y-You just killed our brother.'' Sam managed, shock heavy in his voice, as it was in mine. As Lilith's grip on us finally faded, causing us to painfully land on our shaking legs.

''Brother-Hunter-Brother, see no difference there.'' Lilith said, raising her hand's in mock defense. As me and Sam embraced one another, glancing over at our dead brother.

''Beware this Lilith,'' I growled, my voice a dangerous drop lower, as I stood in front of Sam to offer some sort of protection. ''When I find you. Oh, and I will find you, when I finally hunt you down... I will kill you.''

I watched in seething anger, as Lilith just shook her head, before dusting off some of Dean's blood from her jacket. ''Oh, that would be nice. But little problem how would you kill me if you are already dead?'' She asked.

I felt my eyebrow's furrow in complete confusion. Before Lilith raised her hand once more, this time flinging me across the room next to Dean my head hitting against the broken table, landing just beside my brother, his lifeless eyes meeting mine. .

''Elena!'' I heard Sam scream in horror, as my vision swan with black spots. ''Are you alright?''

I managed a weak nod, before slowly trying to get to my feet, ignoring the pain as I felt that one of the shards of glass nicked me in my side. Before I could hear Lilith's voice again.

''Not for long...'' Lilith smirked, as I managed to get a clear vision of her, before it quickly faded, as she raised her hand once more.

''Leave. My. Sister. Out . Of. This.'' Sam hissed through clenched teeth, as Lilith used more of her power on me, making me fall once more and Sam to reach down and grab the Demon knife. Only for Lilith to swat it away with her other hand. ''Elena!''

I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears, as Lilith slowly walked over to me. A silver dagger slipping from out of her jacket sleeve, as she towered over me to finish the job..

''Go ahead! Do It!'' I demanded, looking up at her through fresh tears, as Sam gave me a horrified expression that pierced my heart. ''Just fucking do it!''

Lilith smirked slowly. ''If you insist, Winchester.'' her smile reaching her eyes, as she raised the dagger before bringing it down.

I closed my eyes tightly waiting for the pain, any, only to feel nothing. Opening my eyes I gasped in horror and shock as sudden blinding bright light filled the entire room. I watched in mild confusion as Sam just continued to watch me and Lilith, as if he couldn't see the Blinding light at all.

''H-how are you doing that?'' Lilith hissed, as I slowly got up, as I suddenly felt a gentle push, push me back onto my feet, as it were air.

''I-I don't know?'' I managed to reply, as I looked down at my hands, but nothing was there. Slowly I tried to turn around to try to take a peek, of the source of light, but found that...I couldn't. Before facing a terrified looking Lilith.

I watched in deep satisfaction as Lilith quickly nodded, fear and shock evident on her features, for some unknown reason. Before she instantly vanished from the women's body and Ruby's vessel.

Suddenly the peaceful moment was gone, as I felt the warmth of the light leave, as well as the blinding light in the room. Before I glanced over at Sam, who quickly staggered towards his face filled with shock as he took in my appearance.

''Y-You're okay,'' Sam hugged me, his voice a low whisper, as he cried into my neck, as I did the same in his.

''You too, moose.'' I managed a small joke. Before we looked at Dean's body, and held each other more tightly, knowing we were the last and only Winchester's left. The last parts of our family was gone. Taken away by the Devil himself.

''I'm so sorry, Sammy.'' I whimpered, holding him more tightly, as he did the same as if he was afraid he'd lose me too.

''Me too, Elena, me too.'' He whispered, nuzzling my neck.


My stomach turned, as I could smell the hamburger's grease fill the kitchen, as Bobby cooked them. Shaking my head, I continued to stare at the closed laptop once more, my arm's crossed, as well as my legs, as I leaned back into my chair.

''Are you gonna just sit there all day?'' Bobby asked, turning to give me a look, as he set a good looking bacon burger down onto a single paper plate. ''Or are you going to go out and find you're brother?''

I mentally froze at that. Things weren't the same without Dean around anymore, ever since that night, Me and Sam had gone our separate ways. Sam went out to find answer's or at least a way to bring back our brother...but that was 12 months ago.

''I don't think he wants me to find him.'' I replied, keeping my gaze on the lap top, as Bobby brought my meal to me. My stomach turning, and my mouth watering at the smell. ''Thanks, you're burger's are better than Sam's.''

Bobby gave me a small smirk. As he flopped down beside me, as I took a Big bite from my burger, instantly moaning in the delicious taste.

''Why do you think that?'' Bobby asked, causing me to pause in mid chew, giving a raised brow. ''That you're brother doesn't want to be found?''

Swallowing I sighed. ''Well, first of all his original contacts are no longer in service. And, oh yeah, he's nowhere on the map, Bobby. It's like he's disappeared from existence.''

Bobby sighed deeply, as he looked at me through his ball cap. As I took another vicious chew of my burger, trying to take my mind of the past 12 months. But by the look on Bobby's face he looked like he was having none of it.

''I'm worried about, Sam.'' Bobby admitted, and I rose a brow. ''This desperate way to find a source of something to bring Dean back, is driving him down this dark path of revenge.''

I nodded in agreement. ''I know, Bobby.'' I replied, though a mouthful of food. ''He-We haven't been the same since Dean died, and I understand why he's doing this. After that night I wanted nothing more than to find Lilith and make her pay for what she did to, Dean, or find a way to bring him back. But that's when I realized...that Dean wouldn't want me to give up anything, that he would want me to remember him as the mighty Stubborn Winchester, who died trying to save the world.''

Bobby fell silent after that. I guess my words shocked him, I never did tell Bobby and Sam I tried to make a bunch of Deal's with Demons to get my brother back. If they knew they would have rung my neck. But after telling Bobby, seemed to take a lot of my shoulders.

''Elena I-'' He began, but was interrupted by my cell phone going off. ''You going to answer that, our just sit there like a deer in the headlights.''

I snapped out of my trance. And took out my phone from my pocket, to see the caller. I furrowed my eyes, as theUnknown Caller, Intrigued I placed the phone to my ear, allowing the person to talk. Maybe something about another case.

''Hello?'' I asked softly, waiting patiently for an answer, as Bobby stared at me seemingly interested as well.

''Elena? It's Me.''

My breath caught in my throat, and my heart stopped beating for a slight moment. As I heard who was on the other end of the phone...Dean.

But I mentally shook my head, knowing this could as well be another trap once again. As I glanced at Bobby, who had an eyebrow raised.

''Who's "me"? '' I growled, not noticing Bobby's confused expression, as I heard the imposter lie once more.

''You're brother, Dean Win-'' I quickly hung up, slamming my phone face down onto the table, causing Bobby to slightly jump in surprise.

''What was that about?'' Bobby asked slowly, as he studied my haunted expression. ''Who called you? Sam?''

I shook my head slowly, trying to regain my normal breathing pace. Before looking straight into his eyes and saying the only thing I could. ''D-Dean.''

Bobby's eyes narrowed dangerously. ''Don't trust ''him'' Elena.'' He warned, angry like I was that this imposter was pretending to be my brother. But I couldn't fight this feeling that it really was Dean. But how can a buried dead Body crawl from it's grave?

''Bobby-'' I started, but stopped as my phone buzzed once more. ''I'll get -hey!'' I exclaimed, as Bobby took my phone before I could reach for it. Before placing it angrily onto his ear, his eyes distant.

''I'll put it on speaker,'' Bobby whispered, before answering the call, as I just sat back. ''Who is this? And if this is a way-''

''Bobby, listen to me!'' I heard Dean's voice plead, causing Bobby to curl his lip into an angry snarl. As I continued to listen. ''I need to speak with my sister.''

''This ain't funny. Call my daughter again, I'll kill ya.'' Bobby growled, before he hung up once more, slamming it onto the table as well. Before he glanced my way, his face softening a bit, as I stared right back at him. ''It's not him, Elena. It's not you're brother.''

With a small nod, I gave him a weak smile. ''I know...'' I trailed off, before I quickly stood up, causing Bobby to raise a brow . ''I-I'm just going to go take a hot shower.''

''Okay...'' Bobby sighed sadly, knowing that this hurt me more than it hurt him. To hear from my dead brother struck my nerves. I just hopped deep down it really was Dean.

Wrapping the towel over my wet brown hair, stepped out of the bathroom. And grabbed a single hair-band, before dropping the towel onto my bed. As I tied my slightly dry hair up into a pony-tail.

Before I grabbed my duffel bag of Salt, Gun's, and knives. As I recalled a mysterious murder in a few town's over from Bobby's place. As I began to pack the clothes I needed from my dresser, I froze as I saw the photo of me, Sam and Dean with Bobby...Just before Dean died.

I could feel tears rise up in my eyes, but I chocked back a sob. And continued onward out of my bedroom, and to where Bobby was supposed to be waiting for me to go on the mission. But as I reached the living room it was empty.

''Bobby?!'' I called, waiting patiently next to the sofa. ''You ready?''

''Yeah! Give me a minute.'' Bobby replied back, from down the hallway where his room was, always next to mine. ''I'll be right down.''

With a small sigh, I leaned against the sofa, and began to chip at my nails. When a sudden loud pound on the front door, startled me for just a split second. Placing my bag down, I walked hesitantly to the front door.

''Who is it?!'' Bobby asked from down the hall, as I put my hand onto the doorknob. Slowly turning it.

''About to find out!'' I replied back, before I slowly opened the door. Only to freeze in place as I saw who was right on the other side. ''Dean?'' I whispered.

He gave me a small smirk, as he looked past me into the house. ''I guess a surprise is in order, hu?'' He chuckled, as I just stared at him, swallowing the large lump in my throat.

''I, I don't... '' I gasped, as Dean gave me a small innocent smile. ''Y-you we watched you die. I, I don't understand, you shouldn't be here, Dean''

Dean frowned, but gave me a small wink. ''Yeah, me neither.'' He replied back, before he pushed his past me and into the apartment. ''But here I am.''

Slowly I felt for my hidden knife in my jacket, and slowly drawled it out, looking at ''Dean'' up and down. Suddenly he turned to face me, but I didn't hesitate and slashed at him. Making him give off a pained and surprised grunt, as he gently but firmly grabbed both my wrists.

''Elena!'' Dean tried to protest, as he held me tightly. ''It's me, Sis, it's you're-''

Whatever he was about to say next was caught off. As Bobby appeared behind him and backhanded him in the face, as I kneed him in the nuts. I watched as ''Dean'' slowly crumpled to the ground holding his groin in pain.

''Bobby, the guns.'' I pointed at the bag, Bobby nodded and opened it up. As I glared down at my imposter-brother. ''Last time, who are you?'' I growled.

'Dean' slowly rose his head, and gave me a look. Just as Bobby returned with the guns, tossing me my double barrel, which quickly leveled with Dean's head.

''Elena, Bobby, Guy's! It's me!'' He tried to protest once more, causing me and Bobby's eyes to narrow.

''My ass!'' Bobby yelled. Just before ''Dean'' suddenly grabbed a chair and made it separate us from him. As he held out his hand's in defense.

''Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! Your name is Robert Steven Singer. You became a hunter after your wife got possessed, and... you're about the closest thing I have to a father. Bobby. It's me.'' He whispered desperately before looking at me. ''And you, are Elena Mary Winchester. You're my baby sister, and you and Sam are the closest thing I have to family, besides Bobby. I used to call you...Ella.''

At those words, my heart stopped, and the grip on my gun loosened, until it landed on the floor. Bobby doing the same. As Dean hesitantly moved the chair between us away. His gaze burning into mine. As I stifled a sob of joy. Only one person called me, Ella, and that was Dean.

Slowly I approached him, gently laying a gentle hand onto his shoulder. Trying to see if he was real and alive. And to my joy he was.

''D-Dean?'' I whimpered, Dean smirked and wrapped his arms around me bringing me into a fierce strong hug. As Bobby, approached us, wrapping his arms around both us. As Dean nuzzled my neck. ''Y-You're alive.''

''I know,'' Dean smiled, running his hand up and down my back. ''I know.''

Slowly we all pull apart. As me and Bobby exchanged joyful glances.

''It's... It's good to see you, boy.'' Bobby stuttered, as Dean fixed his clothes back in place. ''What do you remember?''

I watched as Dean's smile slowly turn into a frown. '' I remember I was a Hellhound's chew toy, and then... lights out. Then I come to six feet under, that was it. Sam's number's not working. He's, uh... he's not...''

''No, he's alive. As far as we know.'' I shrugged, causing Dean to visibly tense.

''Wait, what do you mean, as far as you know?'' He asked, his eyes narrowing, looking between me and Bobby. ''What's been going on?''

Slowly I started to explain. ''Ever since you died. Sam and me have gone our separate ways, Dean. He's trying to get revenge for you're death. Me and Bobby haven't talked to him in months.''

Dean gave me a look. ''You're kidding, you two just let him go off by himself?!'' He demanded, his eyes angry.

Holding my hand's up in defense, I slowly started to retreat out of the room. As Bobby nodded for me to go. As Dean's eyes bored at me.

''I-I'll talk to you two later.'' I stuttered, before turning around to go to my bedroom, and think everything that just happened over. ''Nice seeing you again, Dean.''

How the hell was this even possible? I watched my own brother die before my eyes. I sighed, as those thought's clouded my mind, as stared up at my ceiling, resting my head on my arms, as I laid on my bed.

''Maybe I just need some rest.'' I whispered to myself, not caring about case me and Bobby were about to do, he and Dean or some other hunter could handle it.

Closing my eyes, slowly allowing the darkness to consume me, as I started to fall into a restless sleep. Resting my head onto my pillow, as I tried to pull the cover's over my freezing body.

''Carry On My Wayward Son!''

My eyes snapped open, as my old alarm clock started to play Kansas. Confused I slowly sat up, rubbing my tiered eyes, as I looked at my clock. Did Bobby put batteries in it?

''For there'll be peace when you are done.''

Grabbing my clock, I turned it upside down to see if there were batteries. Only to freeze, when I saw there were none. Confused and aware, I stood straight up, shooting out of my bed, just as the light's in my room started to flicker on and off. Demons?

Grabbing my nearest salt gun, I raised it and waited for anything to come at me. But to my surprise nothing came, but the light's still flickered.

''Hello?'' I called, my gun still raised. ''Who's there? Show yourself!''

''Lay your weary head to rest.''

Quickly I pointed my gun at the clock, as it continued to stop in the song and then start again. I was about to pull the trigger on my gun, when a sudden ringing noise filled my ears.

''Shit!'' I yelped in pain, holding my head. As the loud ringing continued. But as I dropped my gun, I was surprised when I started to hear a voice instead of the obnoxious ringing, that made my ear's bleed. ''Who's there!'' I tried again.

Still. Not Answer.

Groaning in annoyance I rolled my eyes. ''Speak! Before I blow you're fucking brains out!'' I warned, reaching down to pick up my gun. Only for a sudden voice to stop me.

''That isn't necessary, Elena Winchester.'' I heard the voice whisper, in a soothing, calming tone, causing me to freeze. How was this possible? And were Dean and Bobby not even aware of the strange white light or the voice in my room?''Because they cannot understand me like you do, Elena.''

''W-Who are you?'' I replied in a shaky voice, only to feel something warm and gentle like wind touch my head, bringing me into a type of peaceful trance. ''How do you know my name?''

''You do not need to fear me, my charge. I promise no harm shall come to you.'' The voice spoke once more, it's tone soft and still commanding. ''But we need to talk.''

Charge? His Charge? What the hell?

Shaking my head, I glared up at the white light. ''No,'' I replied back, my voice a low growl. ''Not until you give me a name? Or who you are.''

Suddenly the room grew very quiet, until I heard the voice speak once more. It's tone more softer than demanding.

''I go by many names.'' the voice whispered, slightly making me less tense. ''But some know me as a warrior, and you're brother need's to be stopped.''

''W-Who? Sam?'' I whispered, as I walked over to my bed, taking a seat. Hoping I haven't lost my mind and just imagining this whole thing.

''I can assure you, Elena. This is very real.'' The voice spoke once more, and that's when I realized, it could read my thoughts, what creature had the ability to do that? ''Sam Winchester has to be stopped, Elena. You must warn You're brother. That if he doesn't stop, I will not hesitate to strike him down.''

''Strike him down?'' I repeated, confusion completely taking over my mind. ''Whoa, just who the hell do you think you are? And better yet, I would like to know you're name? And why you are here.''

The room grew silent once more. Before the voice spoke again.

''You're brother is me and my brother's concern not yours'' The voice said softly. ''But-''

''Tell me you're name!'' I screamed one finale time. Fed up with all this crap about Sam, again there was silence until he spoke one last time.

''My name is...Castiel.''

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