The Games Begin

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Kari's POV

I walk away from Maddy and search the crowd for Legolas, Jack, and Will. I don't have much time to find them and ask them if they'd want to be allies.

Fortunately for me those three tend to stand out in a crowd. I reach Legolas first and he seems surprised to see me.

Before he even gets a chance to say anything I'm already talking.
"Do you want to be allies with me, Maddy, and Barry?"
Was that even the right way to ask? Did anyone over hear?

Oh my gosh so much pressure!
Legolas stares at me for a moment and is about to amswer when he's interrupted once again.

"We'd love to be allies!"
Jack says dragging a reluctant Will behind him.
"We don't need allies Jack! We'll be fine on our own."
"Did you not hear her? They have Fasty on their team and Legless."

Legolas muttered under his breath.
Will sighed and turned to me.
"We'll meet you in the arena. Whatever you do don't go to the cornucopia. Just run."

Jack and Will leave and I'm left standing with Legolas. Feeling a bit uncomfortable I glance at him.
"So, I guess you're in?"
Legolas sighs (almost exactly like Will did) and nods.
"I will meet the rest of you in the arena."

I nearly clap my hands together in glee but settle for walking over to my platform. I wish that I was standing near Maddy, but I'm between Four and Steve.

I'm actually super excited to be standing next to the Captain America. I wish that we weren't going into a fight to the death.

He looks over at me and gives me a sympathetic smile.
"Be careful out there."
He says.
"Uh thanks. You too."
Steve looks away from me as our platforms begin to lower down into the arena.

For a moment all I can see is black. Then my eyes are pierced with light as I come into the arena. It's a forest. Why is it always usually a forest?

Something strange about the arena is that there's huge mountains where I assume the edge of the arena is. That's odd. There's usually never mountains lile that.

My platform stops moving and I stand still waiting for the horn to sound that will begin the games. The cornucopia is straight ahead and I remember what Will said.

Don't go near the cornucopia, just run.

Just run.
They'll take care of getting weapons and such.

The horn blows. Everyone takes off running.
I start running.

Head for the trees, avoid the middle, just-
Oh look a bow!

I run straight for it and then stop.
What in the name of what am I doing?!
All around me everyone is grabbing weapons and either running or fighting.

For a moment I'm rooted to my spot until I feel someone grab me. Then everything becomes a blur and one moment I'm standing by the cornucopia, and the next I'm in the middle of a bunch of trees.

There's a gust of wind and Maddy apears. Her hair is a tangled mess and she shakes her head.
"Maddy? What was-"
More wind, Legolas appears with his hair a mess and two bows and quivers in his hands.

He got two bows?!
More wind, Jack appears. In a blur Will and Barry arrive.
Oh yeah, Barry is the Flash.
That explains it.

"I have a brilliant idea."
Jack says as he stumbles around trying to regain his senses.
"Let's never do that again."

Barry shrugs and starts throwing several backpacks on the ground in front of him.
"At least I got us all here. With enough supplies to last us for days."

Barry managed to grab a backpack for each of us. I'm about to grab one for myself when Legolas walks over and holds out a beautiful bow and quiver.

"I got you these."
He says handing them to me.
I take them carefully. I'm on high alert.
Maddy comes over, holding a gun and backpack. She looks slightly stunned at seeing Legolas giving me the bow.

"I was going to give you these,"
She says showing me a horrible looking bow and quiver of arrows, "but it looks like you're all set."
Maddy elbows me and I scowl.

Turning back to thank Legolas I see that he's gone and Jack is standing in his place, his hands in a gun pose. He grins at me and salutes before walking off.

"I think someone likes you."
Maddy sings as we walk forward.
"If you mean Jack I'm not interested. And if you mean Legolas I'd rather him as an older brother. He's like, thousands of years older than me!"
I protest.

Maddy just smirks.
"Uh-huh. Whatever you say
She says rolling her r's, which I can't do by the way, but now's not the time to think about that.
I stop suddenly.

Maddy bumps into me.
I raise my eyebrow before looking at the tree I stopped in front of. I start climbing.
"What are you doing?"
Maddy asks.
"Better vantage point."
I tell her sitting high above her.
"You look like an ant."

"I'm coming."
She sighs.
I freeze and watch as Tony and Steve fight someone not ten feet away from us. We would have definitely bumped into them if I didn't climb up the tree.

My ADD is helping.
I hiss.
"Can you see who they're fighting?"
"Is that.... Bruce Wayne?"
She asks squinting.

"It is!"
I say shielding my eyes.
"Two against one, so unfair."
"But then again- never mind."
Maddy says looking at the grouns below us.
"I wonder where Barry is, and Will."

"Will's here!"
Jack calls from below. I jump and would have fallen if Maddy hadn't grabbed me.
"What, you think I can't see you?"
Jack smirks.
"Because I can."

"Shut up."
I say glaring down at him.
"Sorry, sorry."
He holds up his hands.
"Come on Will, you've got nothing to fear."
Will walks out from behind a huge tree.

"I wasn't hiding."
He says indignantly.
"I was looking for berries."
"Whatever you say."
Jack shrugs.

"Hey Maddy, did we get any sponsors?"
I ask suddenly.
"I don't know."
She shrugs.
"I'm coming up!"
Jack calls.
"Shut up!"
I roll my eyes.
"Do you want to attract attention?"
"I can't help it."
He grins but speaks quieter.

Jack scampers up the tree and sits next to Maddy. Will follows.
"Maddy do tou think-"
I start to say but I'm interrupted by a loud boom.
We all stiffen as a canon goes off.

The first tribute has been killed. I look at the spot where Steve and Tony had been fighting Bruce. There's no sign of any of them.

"I think it's safe to say that we both know who died."
Maddy says to me grimly.
I can't think of anything to say. It hasn't even been fifteen minutes and already someone's been killed.

Maddy starts climbing back down the tree and Will follows.
"What did she mean?"
Jack asks me.
"Who died?"
"I think... Bruce Wayne."
I didn't even talk to Bruce once. But the thought of him being killed so early on in the games makes me sick to my stomach.

How much longer do we have before another canon goes off?
I start down the tree and Jack follows. I jump onto the ground, still a bit shaken by the recent death.

In true Jack fashion the pirate falls off the last branch and crashes onto the ground. I barely take notice as I pick up the backpack, bow, and quiver that Legolas had given me.

Maddy is standing with Barry and Will. Listening as they decide what we should do next. I see Legolas standing a few feet away from us. He sends us a quick glance every now and then but he refuses to come any closer.

I wonder how we're supposed to survive this. There can only be one winner, everyone seems to have allies one way or another, and what would stop any of our "allies" from backstabbing us?

I mean litterally take a knife and stab us in the back. Who wouldn't? I glance warily at Jack, Will, Barry, and Legolas. At any moment they can decide to turn. Me and Maddy wouldn't. Jack and Will wouldn't.

Or would they?
Argh this is all so frustrating!
Why did we have to be reaped? Why do we have to have these games in the first place?!

Maddy looks at me and smiles reassuringly. She believes that we're going to survive, but I'm not so sure.

In something as crazy and ruthless as the Hunger Games, how can we be sure of anything?

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