Death Eaters Interupt Eating

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We were on the boat eating some really good burgers and salads when all of a sudden I felt a shiver run up my spine. I saw the others shake a little too. Just a minute ago it was fairly warm, so why do I now have goose bumps? I excused myself to go grab my jacket from the room. I walked into the room and reached for my black leather jacket when I heard a shriek.

"Dementors and Death eaters!" Harry called out. Death eaters? What in the world are Death Eaters? Why are Death Eaters interrupting lunch? Did they want to eat the lunch, or are we their lunch? I grabbed my quiver and bow while contemplating these very deep questions and dashed out to the deck. Harry was yelling out words as magic poofs shot out from his wand toward the Dementors. Percy was waving his sword at one of the people with the black hoods and mysterious tattoos on their forearms that I assumed were Death Eater marks or something. Sophie had equipped a machine onto her arm and was punching another hooded figure. I armed my bow, aimed, and fired at the closest Dementor, hitting it in its slim chest. It let out a nasty screech as it fell limply into the ocean.

I did a quick count and found five more Dementors and three "Death Eaters", including the ones we all were fighting. I notched another arrow and knocked another monster out of the sky at the same time as Harry. Three more Dementors to go and two more Death Eaters. Harry took out two at once with a spell called "Expecto Patronom", but when he turned his wand's blue animal toward the last creature, his wand was thrown out of his hand by one of the Death Eaters. I turned around and shot the man in the leg, causing him to crumble and let out a small grunt as he pulled it out of his muscular calf. A strong flow of blood gushed out of the puncture as he cast a spell that took him away in a black trail.

Harry took down a Death Eater and helped Percy with the last one, but Sophie was having trouble with the last Dementor.

I knocked an arrow and shot it right at Sophie's attacker. The Dementor dodged it and came really close to me. I fell backward, trying to escape the monster's cold and soul-sucking breath, but I could feel it starting to suck all of the happiness from me. I felt weak and helpless. Cold and empty. I was about to stop fighting back against it when Sophie sucker punched it away, causing it to retreat. I slowly sat up, feeling slightly dizzy, but much better than before.

"Have some chocolate" Harry offered after the last Death Eater was taken care of. "It'll help" I gratefully devoured the chocolate. We were all settled down now, and ready to go back to eating, except Sophie.

" Who's steering the boat!?" Sophie asked in a panic. Uh oh. I dashed to the steering wheel as Sophie looked for the yellow ball of light. "It's to our left! Turn the boat left!" Sophie yelled at me. I jerked the steering wheel left as hard as I could, expecting it to be hard to move, but it wasn't. We were violently thrown to the left of the boat.

"Help!" Harry yelled. I looked over to see Harry dangling from the side of the boat, his grip loosening due to the wetness of the boat's side. Percy and Sophie ran over to help while I slowly steered the ship back toward the Seek Spells light.

"I'll hold the water back from him and you use your mind tricks to bring him back onto the boat." Percy instructed. Sophie nodded. Soon Harry was back in the boat, thank goodness. "It was all me, dude. No need to thank me." Percy said in a joking tone. Sophie rolled her eyes as the two boys laughed. Harry took over the steering wheel and began to put us back onto course while the rest of us went back to our Burgers.

"You know what'd go great with these burgers?" Percy asked us. We all shrugged. "Some Dam French fries!" He yelled. I gave him a quizzical look.  "Oh, right. Um, just an inside joke with my friends. Sorry." He said in a depressing voice. Sophie put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's going to be fine Percy. Looking at the map, there's only a week or so until we're in Canada!Then all we have to do is defeat some villains that we've already beaten before. Easy, right?" Harry called from the steering wheel. We all nodded. "I mean, it's not like we haven't whooped villains butts before, right?" Harry exclaimed, making us smile.

"So far we've met evil flying she-demons from my weird mythology realm, and evil wizards and demented things from Harry's magical world. What about little elven things and, um, whatever creatures that come from Sophie's world and Katniss' world?" Percy asked.

"Since we're overseas I'm not really sure what could attack us here, and also, it wouldn't be 'little Sophie said.

"I'm surprised that there hasn't been any mutts sent after us. Mutts are mutated animals made specifically for the Hunger Games. The Gamemaker and their workers would send them into the Hunger Games arena to kill off contestants. They aren't pretty." I explained. The others shuddered. We talked about our worlds and adventures until it was dark out.

"Goodnight guys!" Percy called to Sophie, Harry and I. He was staying up tonight to steer the ship since Harry did that last night.

"'Night Percy!" I called back as Sophie and I headed into our room. I crawled into my bed and slowly drifted off to sleep, the rock of the boat lulling me into a sleepy trance.

So, comment if you think that that took me WAY longer than it should have! Just kidding, don't do that. Thanks to all of the new and old readers that helped me stay motivated to actually stop watching Netflix and write a paragraph or two once a week! I'm going to my cottage this week, so I'll have lots of time to write, promise! There should be at least one chapter posted by the 4th of August! Vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter!

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