Finally We're Here!

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Once we were all rested we set back out on the highway. The light was now inside the car on the windshield. It'd turn left or right every once and a while, but other than that it stayed where it was. By mid-afternoon driving was getting boring, and there's only so long that I Spy can keep you entertained. I peered out the window to see a very tall building out in the middle of nowhere. It was off in the distance, but it looked really out of place. It was the shape of a barn, yet it had shiny material for walls.

"What the Hades is that?" I asked.

"Uh, maybe a barn or something?" Katniss replied.

"A shiny mirror barn? I don't think that's a thing." Harry said. "Unless Canadians have weird designs and stuff."

"I think that might be our stop." Sophie exclaimed. I gave her a quizzical look. "One of the members of the Neverseen is named Vespera. She's a flasher, which means she can control light. She's especially good with elusions, and last time I encountered her she used mirrors." She explained. I nodded and sped up the car.

Once we parked on the side of the road in front of the building we began to plan.

"So, how about this? I'll take down any guards with Percy while Sophie uses her mind tracing powers to find the others with Katniss. Then Sophie'll send a telepathic transmission to Percy and I where to meet up. Once we meet up where our friends are we'll break em out and then escape. Anyone got an idea of how we're going to escape?" Harry asks us.

"I could break a wall with water, or you could explode one with magic." I suggested. He nodded.

"Then since my friends will be there they can help lift us all up and I can teleport us to the Lost Cities!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Let's do this." I said.

"RAWRRRRRRR!" We looked ahead to see a pack of possibly mutated animals charging right toward us. I took out my sword and got into a battle-ready stance. Katniss began firing her arrow and Harry started to blow them up with some really cool magic wand-waving. Sophie wasn't doing much. She had her fists up and everything, but her face kind of had a look as if to say 'you guys fight and I'll wait because I don't have a weapon. Just a super enhanced brain.'

The pack of whatever was still moving forward, despite the large heaps of them dead, so I surged into battle. I chopped, slashed and hacked my way through them, only earning one or two small scratches. The only problem was there were still almost fifty left! I retreated back to where the others stood farther away since they were all long-ranged fighters.

"I've got an idea, but it won't be fun for you three." Sophie said. We nodded for her to keep talking as Harry fired another spell. "I can inflict on them, but it'll also probably hurt you all. "

"Would it help if we moved away?" Katniss asked.

"Maybe? I'm not really sure." Sophie replied.

"Go for it! It'll take us too long to get rid of them all like this." Harry said. Sophie began to walk toward the creatures while we walked away.Then she took a deep breath and,

"Aarg!" I groaned grabbing my head and falling down to one knee. Everything went numb in my head for a moment, but then pain came and destroyed any trace of peace and quiet. My head throbbed, and I began to feel light headed, but thankfully she stopped. I slowly and shakily stood up on my two feet and gave her a weak thumbs up when I saw a bunch of creature guts behind her.

"Is everyone ok?" Sophie asked. I gave her another thumbs up and then I looked back to see Harry nodding and Katniss smiling a little.

"That was bloody amazing!" Harry exclaimed. "Aside from the intense pain for us that was wicked Sophie!"

"Thanks, uh, kind of, but let's get going now." She replied sceptically, obviously weary of her wrong power.

We carefully stepped through the heaps of dead mutts and made it to the shiny building. Inside of the large foreboding doors was a long hallway with way too many doors. There were signs or symbols on some of them, as if the villains couldn't even remember which door led to where. As we finally reached the end of the daunting hall the end door read
Cages for Prisoners. I almost laughed because of how easy it seemed, but it could've been a trick so I didn't get too excited, though we all yearned to see our friends and family.

Katniss reached to open the door, but what was behind the door surprised us all.

So, how was that? I'm SO SORRY that I'm a slow updater, and I Know that you're all very used to reading that on Wattpad, whether you're writing it in your own books, or you're reading it in other books, but I do mean it! My only excuse is that I have a life. I know, surprising, right? Who writes books and has a life? I do!

Speaking of writing books, I have MORE THAN ONE BOOK! Another shocker, right? I really encourage you all to read my other books, specifically A School Away, and The Life of Pablo and Dexter: The Rocket of Death.
Also, check out one of my biggest supporters and best friend LuckyBugBooks! She writes even better than I do, and that's saying something ;). She has fanfictions in HTTYD and Upside Down Magic, and she writes original books too! Even poetry, if you can believe it! Now then, enough about books, I'm sure everyone here has lives to get back too, just like me, and if not, then maybe you've got books to read! Bye!

P.S. Hopefully the next chapter will be up in two weeks? IDRK but that's my goal! Remind me in the comments to update and it might get me going ;)

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