Pit stop

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"So, who brought the food, because I didn't." I asked as my stomach made a grumbling sound. Katniss looked at Sophie, who mumbled an apology and looked hopefully at Harry.

"Don't look at me!" Harry said. We all groaned. "Well, where is the closest pier?" Katniss took out a map and said that there was a small old town that we would reach in around ten minutes. She showed Harry where to go and he turned the boat in the proper direction. Who would have thought that four expert heroes that have been on countless missions all over the place would forget to bring food and drinks? It's pretty stupid of us if I do say so myself.

Once we reached land we decided that Sophie and I would go buy the food, but I would give Katniss my sword incase some more monsters attacked. Sophie and I walked straight down a road, then turned left at the first intersection. This town looked deserted. We came across a mini mart called D-Eater's mini mart, and since it was open, we went in.

I took out some money that I'd gotten from an ATM back at the other pier and counted it. Combined with the $20 Harry had we had $70 to spend on useless junk food and sugary soda. AWESOME! Sophie grabbed a pack of twelve water bottles and said it was $15. I got five sandwiches, four chip bags and eight gummy worm packets that costed $40 altogether, which meant we had $15 left. I'm awesome at math! We spent the last of it on three large bottles of ginger ale incase someone got sick.

The person at the cash register had this weird tattoo on his arm that looked like a snake with a skull, but I ignored it. When he looked at me he said one moment, looked down, and then jumped at us! Sophie screamed in surprise as I shot water in his face. He stumbled back, and Sophie kicked him in the stomach. He doubled over and I tossed him behind the cash register, then we ran away without paying. I mean, he just attacked us! The least he can do is give us some free food.

We rounded a corner and realized that he wasn't chasing us, so we walked the rest of the way. When we got back Harry and Katniss were standing with their weapons in hand. There were more people on the ground with the strange tattoos.

"Hey guys" Harry said when he realized it was us. " We got attacked by these knuckle heads. They're called death eaters. They are my enemy's servants." He explained.

"We ran into some too at the store. Percy and I still have the money, since the cloaked person was knocked out behind the counter." Sophie said. They nodded and we boarded the boat again. Harry took his spot at the wheel while I stood at the bow and the girls went to put the food in a cupboard. I looked out into the ocean and went into a deep thought.

Water always reminded me of my favourite times. Like my first game of capture the flag where I got claimed by my dad, Poseidon. Or my first kiss with Annabeth. And the Argo II. I just wish that I had a better way of getting to them, a faster way, like if I had Frank's power to shape shift then I'd be able to fly or run to them. Or If I could just fly on Festus's back like Leo. I don't want to be too late, or else they might be gone.

"Hey, are you ok Percy?" Asked Sophie. I nodded weakly.

"Just thinking about my friends." I replied. She nodded, awkwardly putting her hand on my shoulder.

"We all are. We just have to remember that we are going to rescue them, and then beat the enemy. Once we get a better understanding of how to beat them, we will destroy their base, and then free our friends, and finally, we will end these battles once and for all. Just try to stay positive,because there is no reason to worry." She said, smiling at the end of her sentence. Her words sounded so determined, and so encouraging. It made me smile a little, and for a brief moment I forgot about all of my negative thoughts.

"Thanks Sophie. That made me feel a bit better." I said, and then went on to concentrating on making the current go our way. We are going to get there in time, and we will defeat all of the evil!

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