FanFair | Introduction

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Welcome to the FanFair, Greenies!

What do orders of fans do when they gather in the same place? They start talking endlessly about their Fandoms! And here we do exactly that —minus the endlessly; you know, Halfbloods' ADHD and all of that.

Fandom is the community inspired by any entertainment source, be it a book, a TV show, a movie, a videogame, or a real person. It is connecting with like-minded people and sharing one's passion for something that can strike you right in the feels. It is where you allow yourself to be a "little" crazy, knowing you are in good company.

It's family.

The FanFair is a place that gives you the chance to be heard and inspire. Each article will be written by a member of the community and will cover a wide range of topics —To infinity and beyond! — from personal experiences to in-depth nerdy essays about fanlore and whatnot.

You are more than welcome to share your personal takes on a certain topic or fandom - even just a review of last week's episode of Stranger Things! Anything at all, but remember! It must be Fandom-related. To have your article featured, please, fill out the form below: 

Submission form

While we are at it, let us see what The Librarian of Unseen University thinks of it!

Brace yourself, Fandom Talks are coming!

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