LGBTQ+ and KPOP: worlds that meet.

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LGBTQ+ and KPOP: worlds that meet
by PhoenixStorm

In this article we'll talk about a topic that is being discussed recently in all the countries of the world, a theme that is close to the hearts of many people and which, however, also triggers some controversies.
I'll explain the LGBTQ + topic talking about the situation, thoughts and news that are emerging in the land of the morning calm, South Korea, also thanks to the music and to some artists that are not afraid to reveal their identity and fight for their love.

From personal experience, I can say that the Koreans are very curious and open-minded people: they are interested in what happens in the world; as soon as they see a foreigner they immediately want to know him/her and ask him/her questions or, if Koreans are too shy, they still stare at him/her insistently trying to understand who he/she is and where he/she comes from; they try gladly foreign foods; they adore the most famous fashion brands (especially the Italian ones) and always try to integrate themselves, they even adopt foreign names when they go to live in other countries, but if there's one thing that they still can't understand, that's the LGBTQ + world.

Korea is very attached to its history, its traditions, most of the people have a strong sense of justice and are incredibly kind. Koreans love their country and are proud of it, everyone wants to look perfect in front of others, but unfortunately any sexual orientation or gender identity different from the traditional ones is seen as a stain on reputation. Luckily things got better over the years and are still getting better, but it's still difficult being yourself in such a conservative country.

In Korea it's not illegal to be part of the LGBTQ + community, but there are no laws protecting its rights, and people tend to hide such aspects. Because of the discriminations that may arise in family, at work or anywhere else, it's not rare that many, for fear, are forced to hide their true nature, marrying people who they do not really love: arranged marriages still exist and they are often used as a beautiful facade to not arouse suspicion in others.

Even in the military field the argument is rather thorny: LGBTQ + soldiers who undertake the male mandatory leverage service are considered as individuals with "behavioral disability", and the discovery of any relationship between them constitutes dishonorable conduct and is therefore punished as such.

All this, however, did not prevent Koreans from forming a small community that claims the right to freely express their nature and to love their partners without hiding, supporting each other as if they are a family. They organize campaigns, projects and events such as the Prides (in which at the beginning only 200 people took part and today there are more than 50 thousand) to sensitize the population. There are also many LGBTQ+ clubs that have opened recently, some are really famous and classy, and are located almost all in the Itaewon district, the most international one, where everyone can be him/herself, find friends and comfort, meet his/her soulmate and, of course, having fun without worrying about the gossips.

An important role in attracting attention to the subject is due to the media world: magazines like Buddy, TV series and films that have become famous all over the world, have contributed, in fact, to attenuate the reticence of the public opinion. But it did not end here, some artists who became the standard-bearer of this world and examples of tenacity and courage, have finally found the strength to do their coming-out creating turmoil, but also receiving a lot of support from young Koreans, who are more open to new things (as also demonstrated through surveys to which the population has been subjected).

The most striking example is the actor Hong SeokCheon, the very first celebrity to declare himself as gay back in 2000. Following his statement he was criticized, insulted and even fired for admitting such a thing in a television program, but later he returned on the scenes, he fought, supporting the civil rights of the homosexuals and became spokesman for the people who had experienced his own injustices, becoming a model and one of the most important exponents of the country's LGBTQ + campaigns.

In 2002, it was time for Harisu, a transsexual model and actress who is said to have been the first or second person to legally have the sex change operation across the nation, as she too became an LGBTQ + world spokesperson in Korea.

Then, in 2013, it was the turn of Kim Jho Kwangsoo and Kim Seunghwan who had a beautiful marriage becoming the first homosexual couple married throughout the country: their marriage is not legal, because no national laws addressing the issue have been approved yet, but the goal is equally important.

And at the end we have Holland, a sweet-faced boy with the grit of a lion, who made his debut as a singer without the help of an agency with a song that speaks of the ups and downs of the love that proves someone who is forced to hide his nature. It talks about a boy who can't open up with anyone, who is discriminated, and who dreams of a place, Neverland (song title), where he can choose to be and love who he wants. He also advised those in his situation to not be afraid of people's judgment, to express themselves as they want and to "raise their voices" to support their rights, gaining the affection of fans and other supporters from the LGBTQ+ world.

Holland and the others who become idols and symbols of hope, are struggling to give a better future to those in their same condition, dreaming of future generations free from prejudice and in step with the times. Right in June, which is dedicated LGBTQ+ topic, we want to support all the people of sexual orientation and identity different from ours, we want to give them space and recognize the courage and strength of those who struggle every day of their lives to see recognized what is due to them.

Freedom is a right for everyone. Love is love, and it's never wrong. Always remember ... being yourself is important.


☆ Wikipedia LGBT in South Korea (

☆ Various articles about Holland from Allkpop: his debut and his coming-out (

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

In your opinion, can music really help people and countries to understand the LGBTQ + world?

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