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You know what, I'll cut straight to the point. Some of you may have recently seen an update on this book's title and blurb. And... Uhh... About that...

I haven't updated this story for so long. Months? Almost a year? And, to be honest, when I first started this book, I had no specific plot planned out. Plus, when I looked back at every chapter I've written, I must say that I was such a noobie and clueless of what exactly I've gotten myself into.

Okay, I'll explain this even clearer for you guys.

I am discontinuing TFGFC.

There, I said it.

I must sound like an evil and heartless author right now, huh?

But before you guys rain all of the hate on me for wasting your time, effort, and other stuff just to read this, please let me explain my point of view.

As a new author on Wattpad, I got very excited to start a story by writing a fanfic of my fave fandom (TMNT). And what I didn't expect was that I couldn't cope with the weekly updates I've been trying to commit myself with.

First, and obviously, I'm bad at posting updates on a weekly basis.

Second, I can't think or I didn't plot out a planned plot for this book which is why there is the first reason.

Third, the paragraphs in each chapter (for me, at least) are very inconsistent. They don't have a clear objective to gain and what makes it more unclear is the raw writing skills I had when I started.

Fourth, (for me, again) there are a ton of plot holes and scene inconsistencies. They don't make any sense.

And lastly, my brain and ideas are continuously changing.

Now let me just say that despite of the reason I said above, I am very, truly, heart wrenchingly sorry for everything I've put you guys through. I know that it's very unprofessional of me to do this to you all and that some of you may not want to follow my books or anything else I'll post.

BUT! There's a big but, people. (Not that one, ew!)

To serve as an apology and (hopefully) a good substitute, I've written a new book that is also in the TMNT fandom. It's also a Raphael 2012 x OC ship but the title, blurb, er... Almost everything has completely changed for the new book's sole purpose. I won't be posting it as soon as possible here, but as soon as I get halfway through the chapters (maybe 15 chapters done and edited) I will post the introduction and prologue for you guys. For now I will post subtle announcements and symbols for you guys to catch up on.

I'm not expecting to have the same number of views and readers as this book. And I am definitely not expecting that all of you will follow in the new book's journey. But all that I'm asking you guys is to give me a chance.

I'm not the best author out there, and deffo not the most professional one, but I an doing my best for you guys to maximize and enjoy your reading time with my stories.

Again, I am sorry. Sumimasen, minna. Gomenasai. Patawarin nyo po ako. And I'm sorry.

I hope at least one of you guys will still stick around after this.

Yours truly,

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