CHAPTER 13: "Gradually Healing Pain"

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Enjoy minna! ~Waashi ^ω^




[Third Person's PoV]

Pain surges through Alexa's body as a worried red-clad turtle escorts her to his brother's laboratory for medical attention. Raphael has made another embarrassing and frustrating mistake; harming a girl without any training. He has to at least make it up to her, again.

The four brothers arrived in the lab, with Donnie to lead. Michelangelo gives way as he clears the tables, with flying papers in the air and breaking beakers in the process.



"Agh! Mikey, stop breaking my stuff!", he ordered while receiving pouches of bandages, medical fluids, and solvents from Leonardo.

Refusing from scratching the back of his neck, he replies,"Ehehe... Sorry D...", jiberishly apologizing.

"Mikey, now is not the time for messing around! Do you wanna be like Alexa and be in her situation?!", Raphael barks at his younger brother, anger with a hint of worry dominating his glare.

His younger brother retreats from Raph's reach, but Leo breaks in between,"Raph, calm down. Alexa will be alright.", soothing his brother's flaring nerves.

"Grr....", he silently growls.

Donnie grabs all the equipment he needs and sets them on a movable desk. Preparing each one, he says,"Alright Raph, you can set her down the table. Eh-B-but! Gently...", hesitantly with caution.

Raph does what he orders and lays her on the cold surface of the desk, but he doesn't dare to leave her side. He's afraid that if he did, something bad could possibly happen.

"Okay, let's see what we have here...", the intellectual turtle utters and inspects her injuries.

He gets a bit distracted by the hot head's presence, yet does not wish to do so and continues his job. Raphael notices this and stands back, but not too far away from the girl. He inspects her for a few more minutes and a frown becomes visible on his expression.


"Donnie, what do you mean, 'Uh-oh'? What's the 'Uh-oh' all about?!", Raphael queries him, glaring with full force.

He slowly rises his head and faces his brother,"Well... She has a.. few minor... injuries...", trailing off with his fingers tapping against each other.

"Grea-", Leo exclaims but is cut off by his hot headed kinsman.

"Wait! What sort of 'minor injuries' are we talking about here?", he heightens his tone.

Donnie clears his throat before relaying to his brethren, returning his gaze upon the maiden,"Um.. She has a small fracture in her left arm, a few cracks in her rib cage, maybe a small internal cut caused by her ribs and resulting her having internal bleeding, and she's got a sprain in her right foot. Right now; she's barely unconscious and she'll soon fall asleep but she still might be able to sense some pain while we attend her damages. If you'd ask me; it's actually no big deal! I can fix this in-", and points out her injuries while he explains but pauses as Raphael barges in his monologue.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, genius! Can we just get to the part where you fix her up or am I gonna have to do this myself?!", roughly threatening his intelligent brother.

He hesitates but continues,"Uhh... Of course! Alright, Leo, I'm gonna need you to give me; some alcohol, a concentrated disinfectant and some cotton. Mikey, while Leo does that; you have to fix up that small but a bit messed up room at the end of the hallway. Don't worry, you won't get lost, it's basically next to Raph's room. Raph, you're gonna help me with Alexa's positions so that I can apply the medications.", and off they all go, taking on each of their tasks and doing their bests to help the poor injured fangirl.

Michelangelo dashed through the lair and reached his destination. The room was a bit dusty and had a few pizza boxes intact, the mattress was still in good shape and some blankets and pillows laid on top, and the rest of the space needed a few sweeps to get clean. He grabbed a duster with a long handle, a broom, a dustpan and a mini garbage bag as he got on his way.

Leonardo helped assessing the chemical bottles as he quickly but surely passes them to Donatello, which applies the said concoctions intact with Alexandra's delicate skin.

Whenever he would need to apply more medicine on a different area, Raphael would carry her in bridal style, fireman's carry or just plainly lift a limb for his brother to finish the task at hand. Sometimes, her head would land on his plastron or on the back of his shell, gently being supported by his three-fingered hand. And whenever he would do so, her mouth involuntarily smiles or smirks at his actions, showing off a sign of comfort.


2 hours later...


All is done, the medications were applied and the bandages and gauges are wrapped over her damages. Her faint but sure breathes are the only signs given that she is still alive. All of the turtles, except for Raphael, have left the lab and headed out to the kitchen or living room for entertainment.

His emerald-green eyes bore over her fragile form, watching her every movements and reactions. He hasn't even dared to leave the room for a single moment, not even for pizza, and not the kind of pizza that Mikey makes.(Ugh! What horror hides within his pizzas!!! 😨😶😷😖)

There would usually be absolutely no changes, yet this time her eyes begin to twitch, as if they plan to open. He catches his breathe and calls out to his brothers.

"Guys! Alexa's waking up!", he yells but not too loud to alarm her, sitting on a high chair next to her resting body with his arm over her shoulders.

The three terrapins rushed in the laboratory, barely squeezing themselves through the door. Donatello checks her on his stethoscope and thermometer, recording data with her reactions.

The bloodred-haired girl opens her eyelids while fluttering her eyelashes in the process. She opens her right eye first, wincing a bit in pain but she swiftly gets a hang on and opens her left eye. With her dark onyx orbs wide open, she firstly sees a green arm attached to her. She follows where it came from and sees a relaxed smile behind a crimson mask.

[Alexa's PoV]

Everything around me is darkness and the void. There is absolutely no light or no nothing to help me see.

Great! Please don't tell me this is what my inner sees whenever my eyes are closed..

'Actually, yes, yes indeed.'

Aw geez, I kinda feel terrible, now that I think about it...

'Nah, don't be. I'm sure I can understand.'

Aww, thanks inner...

'Your welcome, outer...'

Now that that's all settled, how do I get out of here?!

Suddenly, a warm object or thing came in contact with my left shoulder. The warmth and comfort it gives off, it's kind of familiar. I couldn't see what it was or what it looks like, so I tried to pull myself together and shut my eyes closed. Then, slowly, I opened my right eye, welcoming a surge of pain, forcing me to wince at it but immediately recover.

In the process, I could hear Rafaeru-kun's voice, calling out for his brothers.

"Guys! Alexa's waking up!", he yells but not too loud to try and alert me.

I try to open my left eye and surprisingly, my eyes catch attention on a bandage-wrapped green arm over my shoulder. I followed where it could've came from and saw Rafaeru-kun connected to it.

I instantly blushed at the sight of his relaxed and pleasing smile, and shell-shocked (See what I did there? 😏😎) at the spectacle that he was sitting right next to my right!

In shock and confusion, I was able to spat out,"Ra-Rafaeru-kun?!...", but I whispered the last syllable because of a sudden wave of ache. Grunting to the pain, he was alarmed and hovered his hand in protection.

"Woah, woah! Easy, Alexa...", he coaxes and looks at me with anxiety.

I took a quick view of the room; Dōnii-san was checking his computer, Maike-san was stuffing his mouth with a few slices of pepperoni pizza, and Ryo-san was leaning against the wall.

"Yow, duet! Ur awek!" (Yo, dudette! You're awake!) -Maike-san.

"Hey, Alexa." -Ryo-san.

I turned my attention back to Rafaeru-kun, with a questioning look in my expression.

"Koko wa doko? Nani ga okotta?" (Where am I? What happened?), I asked them.

Dōnii-san took a step forward and said,"You're in my lab. After you spat out blood, Raph carried you here and helped me with your medications. You were unconscious for more than 2 hours, but Raph never left your side..."

"Nut ivin fur pizzzer! En duh gud kin!" (Not even for pizza! And the good kind!) -Maike-san.

"Uhh... Yeah...", Dōnii-san quietly says.

"Right now, you've got a few minor injuries. I made a cast around your arm and chest since it had small fractures, and you've got a long cane to help you out in walking because of your sprain.", he finishes explaining.

"Minor... injuries?", I repeated while I tried to get up, but it was a big mistake.

My chest began to squeeze tightly and caused me pain. I rose my right hand and clutched it over my chest. Rafaeru-kun laid his warm hand over mine and carefully laid me back on the table.

"B-but what about our training?!...", I whined and complained to them.

Ryo-san leans away from the wall and says,"I'm afraid we won't continue... You're not in your best condition.. You need to rest..", calmly and patiently.


Well, by the looks of it, we won't...


"Sadly, you can't. It'll take you an entire day or two to heal up your sprain, but it'll take you a week to heal your arm and ribcage.", Dōnii-san states, making me temporarily loose hope to help them out.

"Aww... And just when I was getting used to it...", I whined once more and placed my right arm over my chest, hoping it looks like I'm crossing my arms-er arm...

Rafaeru-kun suddenly gets upset, and said,"Yeah... I-I'm sorry Arikza... I-I didn't mean to do... um... 'that' earlier... You know, I was just caught up in an adrenaline rush and stuff... I'm pretty sure Sensei is gonna ask me to go to the Hashi for what I did...", in a decreasing tone.

"You do not have to worry about that...", Master Splinter's voice coming in the room.

I tried to get up, and spoke,"Ah! S-sensei!!", and immediately retreated back to my resting form, with Rafaeru-kun assisting me.

"Sensei?", Ryo-san repeats.

"Raphael would not need to worry about the Hashi, I have decided to have forgiven such a mistake and let him assist Alexandra first..", Sensei adds.

Giving off a sigh of relief, Rafaeru-kun speaks,"Phew! Thanks, Sensei...", in a relaxed tone.

From his sons, Master Splinter transfers his gaze upon me,"You did very well, Alexandra. More than what I expected. If you were to ask me, you are a natural in dodging attacks and concentrating your anger into offense.", he said, grooming his long beard.

"Ehehe.. Arigato ne, Sensei..."

"For now...", he trailed off."You must rest and take time for yourself to heal. You do not need to force yourself to unnecessary limits."

Immediately, I felt hesitation running through my veins. I wanted to train and get stronger and ready as soon as I can! But right now, I feel like weak sauce and a useless slut... I want to help them out during the episodes that they would struggle a lot, specifically speaking to Rafaeru-kun. I know that I've almost gained their trust by now and that they just want to help me out, but I'd still want them to stay out of messing my plans.

"W-wait!", I called out to him, with my back still set on the flat surface.

Sensei abruptly stopped in his footsteps and became silent. Everyone else also remained silent.

I continued,"C-can't we just go back to the Dojo an-", suddenly stopped by a wave of a sting in my chest after attempting to get up. Guilt spread all over my body, thinking that I shouldn't have done that.

"Agghh!!", I yelped in pain, clutching my red shirt and twisting it profusely.

Rafaeru-kun took a grip on my shoulders and held me in his arms, displaying it as a symbol of his deep concerns and thoughts. I fixed my black orbs against his electric green ones, signaling him to go ahead and help me down. Once he does, Master Splinter gets back to our conversation and relays,"Likewise to what Leonardo has said, you must have yourself to relax. We can all continue your training some other time.", crossing his arms over his kimono.

"Agh!! Come on!! Mataku ne dayo!!" (Damn it!!), I sighed in defeat, endeavored to raise both my arms as a sign of surrendering.

"Well, I am off to my room to meditate, so if anyone will need me you'd know where I am.", Sensei remarks and exits the site, leaving me and his sons.

"Oh! By the way, Alexa...", Mikey spoke,"There's a bedroom ready for you to sleep in down the hall. Donnie told me to get it clean so that you could stay there.", flashing a bright smile with a bit of cheese and pepperoni visible between his teeth.

"Aww... Arigatogouzaimasu, Maike-san!", I cheerfully replied, bluntly pausing. "But how do I get there with my sprain?", I curiously queried him, looking over my twister foot.

"Oh yeah...", he adds. "And how are you gonna get up with all of your bandages and stuff?", stacking over the first problem and making the situation worse.

Dōnii-san scratched the back of his head and said,"Uh.. Maybe I wasn't able to think this through...", along with an apologetic sound.

"Don't you have a mobile or movable bed with wheels or something?", Ryo-san interrogates him.


In a heartbeat, Rafaeru-kun takes hold of my uninjured arm,"I can carry her there. That wouldn't be so bad, right Don?", clarifying the scenario with his brother.

"Hmm... It's not a bad idea... Although you have to carry her carefully and gently while getting there.", he remarks, leaving a reminder.

"Gladly...", he cusses under his breathe and brings his muscular biceps under me, swooping me off my feet-scratch that-my back.

After getting his grip, he pulls me closer against his plastron, flaring a dark red blush out of my cheeks.

"Eh? Ra-Rafaeru-kun?!", I blurted out. All he did was smirk back at me and said,"Hold on to me tight, okay?", gripping on my knees and arms.

Unconsciously, I was able to wrap both of my arms around his neck that's underneath his masculine chin and rest my head on his built shoulder. At least that's what I think...


He holds me close and tight-as if I would fall from the sky that reaches 20,000 ft high, let alone 3-4 ft off the ground-and once he does, he goes off walking me to my room in bridal style, making me more blushed than I already am.

When we got there; a room with wide walls, a mattress and bed frame leaned against one of the sides of the room, beddings and pillows, and a clean floor welcomed our entrance. Nearing the bed; he laid me down, perfectly safe and sound and not a moment too soon.

"Arigato, Rafaeru-kun...", I thanked him once he set me on my bed.

He smiled and said,"Don't mention it...", the smile never leaving his expression.

"I'm just glad that you're safe now.", he added, caressing his hand through my hair strands.

I smiled back,"I know...", giving off a happy and thankful feeling.

"By the way," he started. "How were you able to fight like that? You dodged Mikey's attacks and took a blow back there! You didn't even seem to look beat, well... before I...", trailing off.

I cleared my throat and replied,"Oh, well... Back in my dimension, there's this girl that likes-no-loves to bully me, take advantage of me and other students. Her name's Veronica Jackson.", fiddling with an extra pillow beside me.

He sits down on my right, remarking,"Well she sounds like a rotten person...", noting sarcasm in his tone.

I nodded and hummed to his statement,"But I guess she's fond of doing that to me, since no one notices me or maybe it's also because I don't have any friends around me. She would order me to do her bidding; answering her homework, doing her projects, carry her stuff, and a lot of other things. If I would disagree or disobey her, she would call her boys-Blake and Drake Smith-to beat me to a pulp or just punch me repetitively. I guess because they've been doing that to me for a few years, my body's become used to receiving hard hits and bruises.", I finished, wiping off the faded bruise on my cheek.

"That's terrible.. At least Sensei goes easy on us whenever we're training hand to hand combat...", he comments about my explanation.

I rolled my eyes and turned them to his direction,"Easy, huh? Well what happened to me?", sarcastically remarking the question.

"Yeah... I'm still really sorry... I don't deserve-"

"Rafaeru-kun, Yamenaide! Onegai..." (Please stop! Please...) , I expressed to him. He's loosing his self-confidence and downing himself again, like what he always did on season two. Even with his understanding brothers, he still can't avoid meeting inencouragement along the way.


"Don't you ever say that... I forgive you, even if you literally hurt me on the inside and outside. I know about your anger issues, and it's okay. If anyone does know best, it has to be you, Spike and the viewers.", I spoke to him, tugging his hand to come closer to me and laid my palms over it.

"I forgive you..."

[Raph's PoV]

Those three simple but deep words echoed throughout my mind. Three words, four syllables, and eleven letters.

"I forgive you..."

It seemed so simple for her to say, even though I was too rough against her. 'Is this what it feels to have someone who completely understands you?', I thought to myself.

"Arigatogouzaimasu, Arikza-chan...", I thanked her.

"Now," I added. "Maybe you should get some rest...", ruffling her red hair.

She opened her eyes and said,"What?! But I'm not sleepy yet! I just woke up a few hours ago! And it's almost lunch time...", whining at my statement.

"C'mon! You need some rest if you want to get back in the Dojo. Donnie recommends it, too.", I stated 'as-a-matter-of-fact'.

She grunts and replies,"Ugh! Alright! But only if you sing me to sleep... Try any song; English, Slang, even Japanese or any of the mix could work...", giving off her condition.

A song?! Can I even sing?!

I know a lot of songs, but I'm not pretty sure of my singing voice. It's quite hoarse sometimes. Hmm.. Now which song to sing?...



"Alright, I think I've got one!", I told her, snapping my fingers.

She grins a wide smile,"Great! Onegai, Uta kimi no koe..." (Please, Sing with your voice...) she playfully begged like a child.

I took in a deep breathe and began; (A/n: *Play "Yakusoku by Suzuko Mimori and Kana Hanazawa". This is a Japanese song that was played in a depressing yet promising theme)

I finished singing, taking off the last note. I turned my head towards Alexa, but she's already fallen asleep, faster than Mikey could eat 20 boxes of peppermint pizza. Her palms still held on my right arm, holding them like a piece of treasure in her grasp.

I gradually tried to pull my hand away from her, yet she holds them tighter, uttering words under her mouth.

"Uh.. Rafaeru-kun... Doko ni imasu ka?" (Where are you?) , she whispers and squints her brows.

Before I could reply, I peeked through the door if anyone was there. Luckily, there wasn't.

I lowered my head just above her forehead and moved it behind her ear, saying,"I'm right here, Alexa... I'm here...", then stopped at her forehead.

Hesitantly, I pecked her forehead and brushed off some of her hair over her face. To me, Alexa's like my little sister. Sure she blushes and worries a lot whenever I'm around, but I think that it's just her gesture of being a cute sister. Like an older brother, I would always worry if she wasn't fine. So right now, she's my main priority-uh at least until she's back in her dimension.

Her face lits up and gives off a comforted smile. She hums a bit and then dozes off to sleep, again, with her grasp a bit loose this time. I took the opportunity and slipped out my hand, tip-toeing out of the room and carefully closing the door.









(A/n: Huhuhu 😢😢😭😭 Rafaeru-kun thinks of Alexa as a sister!! Waaahhhh! Ops! Sorry if there's no WEAPONS YET in this chappy... 😁😁 Merry Late Christmas and an Advance Happy New Year to all!! 😊😙😃😀 Thanks for the reads, votes, comments and shares! Always open for suggestions and critiques!)


(P.S.: The Japanese song above is named "Yakusoku" or Promise in English. The song is from the anime adaptation of "Washio Sumi Is A Hero". I'm pretty sure there's a song like that on YouTube or any other sites but I'm not sure if there's a male versh... Dunno yet, I'll try and look it up though!)


Arigato minna ~Waashi^ω^




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