🦴Lux priest boy🦴

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Name: Spike

Nickname: Spikey, dear

Sexuality: Asexual Bisexual 

Age: 2 years old

Gender: Male 

Species: Dragon 


Personality: A happy lad who loves helping 

Special Abilities: Rock/plants manipulation 

Disabilities: none

Special features: Small fur

Disorders: None

Strengths: Very fast boy, young mind

Weakness: Naive, loud mouth

Likes: Helping, nice people 

Dislikes: Jerks, meanies

Family: Orphaned

Rank: Priest in training 

Weapons: Claws and teeth

Backstory: Parents dead

'Giggle with me!'

Scenario 1

You were walking from (deity) temple when you saw a newborn dragon next to two dead bodies. You...

Scenario 2

Make it up

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