The Future of WoW

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Hello WoW members! Sunbeam (Tsunami_Holmes) here.
After much debate, I have decided to continue WoW at the request of leadership from StormtheHybrid. She will be taking over the account as leader and I will be (sadly) stepping down.

Thank you all who have stuck with me during my time, I enjoyed being the head of council and being able to have you all with me. I have found myself with very little time recently, with high school and acting. I wish I had the time and strength to go on as your leader, but I trust that Storm will be able to lead you well! Please give her the respect you gave me.

I wish this account the best of luck, I know it will become alive again if people want it to.

With that, I hand the leadership of Wings of Watty to StormtheHybrid.

Please pm her for the new password.

I love you all,

- Sunbeam, signing off for the last time.

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