Chapter 2

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His eyes focused on the road ahead, Max Russell was at his game. There was no better place to be than on the track. The Jack Russell terrier couldn't help but smirk when he saw the leaders Ozone and the Captain in front of him. Everyone else was behind him. Soon, it would be him in the lead.

The lime green car swerved to the right, blocking off any paths Max could have. Worse, it made him swerve his car out of the way to avoid a potential collision. This led to him spinning out into the grass field in the middle of the racecourse. Shaken up just a tad bit, Max lifted his gaze in time to see the other forty two racers pass by. Dang it! He was in last!

Speeding away in a desperate attempt to catch up, Max gritted his teeth. It was quite obvious that Ozone had done that on purpose. Of course he would. That cat was always up to something bad. He was just like Max honestly, doing whatever it takes to win. If it wasn't for the dirty methods he used, the terrier would actually feel respect for the old timer. But he didn't and he had a good enough reason why when he got a good look at what lay before him on the track now.

Smoke and wrecked cars, everywhere.

Max growled. This was Ozone's handiwork, he could tell. The cat must've caused this huge crash in order to gain an upper hand. Either he was really desperate to win or he hated Max that much. Maybe he was even jealous or threatened by him? The Jack Russell Terrier chuckled at that thought. He was about to give Ozone a reason why he should be threatened.

"I don't believe this! Max Russell is actually trying to go through the carnage!" Pepe yelped, leaning forward on the desk. Equally panicked, Peanut screamed, "There's no way he can make it through that! Not in one piece!" The two announcers and the crowds watched anxiously as the light blue race car zipped through the wreckage. He avoided collisions with already damaged cars left and right and even used one as a ramp. Sailing through the smoke and into some fresh air, Max grinned as he saw his fans in the stands, cheering his name. Boy what a time to be alive.

A yellow pace car pulled out in front of Max. Knowing he had to slow down, the terrier made sure to do so. A quick glance out his window told him why he needed to. All the other racers were heading to the pits. Some were getting their cars fixed up and ready to go. Others looked like they were out of the race entirely. Less competition to deal with. Satisfied, Max could visualize his victory.

Eventually the able bodied racers were back on the course and the pace car moved away, allowing the race cars to restart. In the lead, Max had the gas pedal down on the floor. He was winning this. Cruising along at high speeds with everyone following him as the laps approached the track's four hundred, the only time the Jack Russell terrier took a stop at the pits was to fill up on gas. One of his crew members walked up to the car with his tools but Max quickly chased off with an order, "No! No tires, only gas!"

"You need tires!" another crew member shouted angrily, throwing his tools down in frustration. But the roar of the engine drowned him out as Max sped away, returning to the race as the lead car once more. The laps counted down with each one the terrier took, there were ten left. Then nine, eight, seven. They kept counting down. Soon Max found himself on his last lap with the other racers far behind. The finish line was coming up. A big smile on his face, Max howled, "Piston Cup here I come!"


"Russell has just lost a tire!" Peanut yelled, jumping out of his seat. The entire arena gasped in horror as sparks flew behind the light blue race car. His hair standing on end, Pepe yelped, "And he's only a hundred feet away from the finish line!"


"There goes another one!" Pepe shouted, falling over with fright. Pulling on his ears, Peanut yelled, "The other racers are coming down the track with the Captain and Ozone in the lead! Max is still trying to get to the finish line! Oh my gosh I can't watch!" The crowds were screaming and hollering with anticipation and horror. Keeping his attention on the road ahead, Max put everything he got into pressing that gas pedal down to the point it was one with the floor. He could hear the other cars coming. But by God, he was not gonna let them take away his victory. Closing his eyes, the terrier howled some sort of battle cry as he crossed the finish line with the Captain and Ozone on either side of him.

"It's too close to call! It's too close to call!" Pepe and Peanut were screaming. The crowds were going wild in the background noise. Peanut was practically bouncing off the walls while he and Pepe continued to scream in gibberish before at last they shouted in unison, "And we don't even know who won!"

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