Chapter 46

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We walk back into the pack house. Sanne and Arianne are outside and Adam and John are ... Somewhere, at least not in the house, so the whole house is empty. Elijah sits on the couch and I sit next to him. He looks into the living room. "We really have to change something here when the baby comes." I take a good look at the room. There is a small table next to the couch with corners, so dangerous, the TV, the chair, the dresser, all with corners or anything else that could be dangerous. So much to do ..... And then this is just one more room. We walk through all the rooms in the house, and I can tell you that there are many. Elijah looks at me. "We have to start redecorating the house really soon" "yes" I answer. There is still a lot to do.

A few days later......

While eating my sandwich I mind linking to Elijah. "Today is the hospital appointment, 12 o'clock." He nods almost invisibly. "That's right." I smile at him, and he smiles back. Sanne leans over the table and whispers "Mindlinking during dinner is not polite" I stick my tongue out to her and she sits back down. I focus on the conversation again. Adam and John are arguing over a TV show, and Elijah, Arianne, Sanne and I are listening. The cook comes to collect the plates and I decide to end the discussion. "It's your opinion if you like or dislike the TV show. So stop arguing." John and Adam stop talking and look at me. "That's true." Adam says. John nods in agreement. Good, thats one problem that is solved.

At the hospital....
I walk into the room. The whole room is white with a bed in the middle. Next to the bed is a device with a screen, probably the one who will take the picture. I lie down and take Elijah's hand. The nurse lifts my T-shirt slightly so that she can put a cool gel on my stomach. Then she picks up a small device that is connected to the large device.
(Wow, what a good description😂😂😂😂😂) "I'm going to put this device on your stomach with this device," she points to the thing in her hand, and then you'll see on the screen what the device is catching. She points to the large device with the screen. I nod and she puts the thing in her hand on my stomach. The screen falters for a moment but then shows it. Our baby. He / she is completely curled up. The nurse looks at the screen for a moment. "I can't tell now whether it's a boy or a girl. But maybe next month, at the monthly check to see if everything is going well." She removes the device from my stomach. "I'll just go get the picture." I sit up and take my T-shirt down. A few seconds later she comes back with an paper sized picture. She gives it to me. The A4 is an exact copy of what we just saw on the screen. Elijah takes the paper and looks at it with a smile. Then he looks at me. "We're having a baby, can you believe it?" I smile at him in response. I sit up again and thank the woman. We walk to the pack house. Everyone is back from where they were and sitting in the living room. When we enter they greet us and continue what they were doing. Elijah sits down and I sit next to him (again) "Where were you?" Sanne asks. I look at Elijah. He nods and smiles. I clear my throat. "We were at the hospital." Everyone is looking at us now. "What, why?" John asks. This time Elijah says it. "We went to the hospital for a scan. Amy is pregnant."

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