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What a fucking night this is, dammit... I can't stand chicks anymore.

Can you stand yourself?

Shut the fuck up! You dare to speak. What am I doing? I'm an asshole. Am I talking to myself? And that chick Claudine turned me off. Good slut, sure. But shit.

You'd like a blowjob from Reva now, admit it.

Fuck you, subconscious! Yeah, I would. Whatever shit I want, I have it with whoever I fucking want I get horny with. It's my right. Fuck! Screw me; she saw the other bitch come out of here.

The funny thing is that I was waiting for her to start yelling as chicks do, and I'm fucking mad badly. Reva just said what she had to say and disappeared.

She didn't stop liking me, did she?

Maybe I still have a chance. I mean, stupid fucking hopes, but ok. I like her; I've never turned off her. It's true. It's fucking true.

I'm calling Stephan to come into the office.

"Yes, sir," the asshole says typically.

"Call Reva Lennox for me," I command.

The prick's gone bad!

"What are you looking at me for? Am I more beautiful?" I say more aggressively.

"Mr. Green, I want to tell you-"

"Cut the crap, Stephan. Don't say 'Mr. Green' and all that, and just talk," I say to the fool because I hate it when he takes that look. He knows we're intimate with each other.

"Yes, all right," the hen says.

"Do what I told you first and then tell me whatever shit you want," I say.

I have to find Reva.

"Why do you want to talk to Reva?" the trace asks.

What? Whatever the fuck I want! What's your problem? Why am I saying it in my gut like an asshole and not spitting it in his face?

"Why should I fucking answer you, Stephan?" I'm getting mad at the asshole. What does he care anyway?

"She's not yours, Dorian," the prick says to me and goes away.

I grab his hand and stick him against the wall. I'm getting close enough to him so that we're face to face.

"Don't you fucking dare talk back to me again," I whisper, looking him in the eye.

He got the message that I'm not kidding. He knows I never warn. I threaten directly.

"Don't forget to pick your fucking feelings out of this field because it's mine," I smile at him fiendishly, but I mean every word I said.

I'm out of his sight before I change the form on his face, and it takes him a month to see the light of day.

What the fuck, damn it, does he like Reva? The moment he knows I'm touching there, he should be scared shitless.

I unlock the Lexus and go in with nerves. I walk out of the parking lot like a hunted man making the tires screech in my wake.

I'm parking outside her house and scanning the area. Her car's here. Good. I go out, lock the car, and approach her door.

I didn't call her first because I didn't know if she would answer, and if she didn't, I'd get mad. I came directly without her waiting for me to surprise her.

And I know very well how to do that.

At the third knock on the door, she opens to me hesitatingly. Here we go!

I force open the door, and the sound of knocking on the wall makes Reva turn white with fear. I quickly close it behind me and grab Reva so violently that I don't let her breathe. I kiss her without stopping. All you can hear is our groans.

The moment it was settled that I should go sinking in my pain, fate resolved to gratify the loss of Dorian. I fall again into the trap of having my heart flutter for him, and I fancy it so badly.

How can I stop him now that he's eating me up with his kisses?

He came at the moment when his knife would cut me slowly and painfully for his absence. And now I'm fighting with myself.

Should I stay or should I go?

This battle looks like superhuman effort, the moment one unwanted thought comes after another and you with an invisible counterattack sword drive them away equally one by one.

The logic continues to cry out to stop, and the shattered emotions stubbornly beg me to go on.

Guess who won...

Yes, you guessed right. Emotions receive their healing.

I haven't let her breathe. I besiege her with kisses. It's like I'm giving her life back, but I'm also reborn.

What the fuck am I saying? From what am I reborn? Fuck me up! But I love to see her surrender to me unconditionally.

I pull her blouse and throw it down. I take down her form and force her to the couch. I pull her underwear just as hard. She looks at me longingly, but also with a trace of disappointment. She knows she can't resist me. Unfortunately for her, I also know it.

How asshole am I now?

I can't resist her either, or I wouldn't be running around like a jackass in the middle of the night to fucking see her.

I take off my clothes so fast and she barely has time to see my body. I run into her. I stare a little into her beautiful face while I warm it with my breath. I feel her heart beating so fast, I'd bet if I asked her to give it to me, she'd do it to redeem herself.

It sucks to do that, but that's Reva. I consider her unlucky that she fell into my hands. Because I just satisfy what I miss and when I miss it. I don't hate her, of course, but I promised myself that after Bridget, I would never again let anyone occupy my mind more than I ought.

Let alone my heart...

I force open her legs and get into her to the finish. She lifts her bow-shaped body and tilts back her head. I win her first whines, and I take advantage of it.

I slowly get out of her and fill her up again to the finish. I encircled her with my arms, and feel her body tremble, while she loses the rhythm of her breathing.

I feel her coming to life and at the same time falling apart. I fill her up, I break her down.

It looks like that crack on the porcelain flower jug where you see it crumble and fall to pieces. And Riva is going to pieces for me right now.

I pound her for a while and get out of her. I'm ready to finish, I'm horny like crazy, but I'm holding on.

Damn it, how the fuck does she make me turn on like that? What the fuck is going on?

She holds me by the arms and looks at me helplessly. All right, I'm gonna give her the first totty to calm her down 'cause I don't want to finish; even though I'm about to empty myself in her face.

"Do you feel it?" I ask her, gnashing my teeth.

"Yeah..." she says breathlessly, and I force up wildly.

I pound her a few times too fast, and she cries," Dorian," whimpering. She is finished in the first instance and tries to calm her heart which beats erratically. I can even see it from the way her breasts are pulsing.

I leave no room; I rise above her and pull her by the arms. She follows me like a hypnotized woman. She has no options right now. It's my way.

I stick her upside down against the living room wall and capture her hands in mine. I suck hard at her throat so I'm sure her skin will soon have my mark. I stick my chest on her back to immobilize her. With one hand I grab her hair and pull it towards me. I get into her, and I start fucking her more wildly than before.

Holy shit, look what's going on here! I'm ready to empty. What the fuck is she fucking doing to me? I've forgotten all the hard-on of my life.

You like it, Dorian, the voice says in my head.

Shut the fuck up! Screw you! I know I like it, but she's not for that kind of thing.

Then leave her alone, the voice says again.

I'll fuck do anything I want!

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