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The next day at work, I went through a lot of stress. I didn't sit down for a second. There were a lot of cases, and the trials were one after the other. You could tell how hard it was from our facial expressions.

We were silent, having a feeling of enough patience until to get off work. When this time came, we didn't even say 'bye' to each other, and without talking and being exhausted, we got into our cars and couldn't wait to get home to relax.

I opened the door, and I dropped myself down straight into the living room couch. I fell asleep fast.

A loud piercing sound invaded my sleep and annoyingly tried to wake me up. I suddenly opened my eyes and realized that the doorbell was ringing.

I'm crawling over there. When I grab the doorknob, I lower my eyes while an envelope is rolling in front of my feet. I'm frowning and open the door immediately. I'm scanning right and left, but I see no one. I close the door skeptically. I'm catching the envelope in my hands.

*Highly confidential for Miss Reva Lennox*

I'm not surprised. I often receive such files from the jury for various judgments in court cases. You see, very soon I will officially take over the jury's position in court.

I open the envelope quickly with confidence, sure about the content. But we must not be sure of anything. The envelope has my cash card and a little note.

Tonight at 20: 00 a black Lexus will wait for you outside your home for the Colorado Restaurant. More details in person.

Dorian Greene

Why does he send it back? Does that mean I have the money I won in 'private' again? What should I do now, be pleased or scared?

He's inviting me to dinner. If I say I'm not happy, it'll be a lie. But somehow, I hesitate. I think it's best if I refuse.

I'm searching on the internet to find the casino's phone. I'm asking for Stephan Lucas; I don't want to talk to Dorian himself.

"Stephan, tell Mr. Greene I can't accept his invitation," I say hastily.

I don't know if Stephan knows about Dorian's note, but that doesn't matter as long as he has to convey my words to him.

In less than half an hour, I get a message on my cell phone.

*I overlook denial for the first and last time. At 20: 00.*

I don't have to find out who he is. I knew right away. It's not so easy to get a court clerk's number. But it turns out for Dorian it's not even in the way. And even though I know he's a mobster, he doesn't look like one.

Anyway, as much as I don't like his invitation I'm willing to go mainly to give his money back.

I catch the phone and I log into my bank account mostly out of curiosity and I goggle my eyes when I see my amount. It's doubled!

What did he do? He put in more money, twice as much, I'm thinking frowning.

He'll get it all back, I'm mumbling silently. I want nothing to do with people like that, no matter how much Dorian is tempting. Oddly enough, I'm not afraid of him. Because of my work, I will have to worry about it, but this isn't happening to me with Dorian.

I do a clumsy bathroom, I slip and hit my ankle, my hair is frizzy from the humidity and none of my clothes seem to suit me. Great!

I have a question. Why when we get a date that we really want, do we rush and all the preparation goes a mess? Jesus Christ, my ankle hurts.

I puff out indignant, I smarten myself up as best I can and get out of the house. My watch shows at 19:53. Good, I'm thinking, I've got seven minutes. But I was still wrong.

I stumble in front of the black Lexus, as Dorian wrote in the note. What time has he come? I'm thinking silently. In the driver's seat, I recognize Stephan.

"Good evening," he can barely chant with a smile on his face.

I nod my head and get in the car.

Stephan on the way is silent. He only looked at me a few times from the middle mirror in the car. I held the same attitude staring out the window at the lights and the traffic of the city.

Lexus stops at the Colorado Restaurant. I'm making a move to open the door, but Stephan's already in front of me and he's opening it.

Dorian's waiting for me in the lobby. He's standing imposing with his head high and his arms crossed, very supportive of his dark suit.

In an instant, our eyes are locked. I swallow dryly. I feel something strong inside me; something intense about him, but at the same time, fatal. This undetermined 'fatal' somehow scares me. And as it turns out in such cases, this is a warning of instinct to beware.

I feel something holding me back, but my joy of seeing Dorian again is great and overshadows any unknown warning feeling. The only thing that troubles me as I approach him is his enigmatic look. I don't know what he's thinking. Let alone if he's thinking as I do.

I stand before him with a slight smile on my face. He's extending his elbow as a sign for me to grab him by the arm. I do it without saying a word.

The table we're sitting at is in a secluded corner of the restaurant, with low light and a view of the city's traffic. I'm only dealing with his eyes and his shapely appearance.

I smile sideways and narrow my eyes. I open the purse and grab my card with the money. I'm putting it on the table and dragging it towards him humbly, with all honesty and no sign of conceit.

"Don't even think about it!" Dorian pops up in a loud voice.

I get upset, but I don't show it.

"This card has a sum that does not belong to me. But other than that, you asked for the money back. What happened and changed that?" I ask quietly, having all the goodwill to give him to understand that money is not my problem, but his behavior.

He looks at me with half-open eyes and a faint, skewed smile, but simultaneously he's smug and serious.

"If you're afraid I will talk to someone about what happened at the casino, you don't have to. I really didn't mind you asking me for the money back. Ok, it may have seemed strange at first, but honestly, I didn't care that I gave it to you," I tell him honestly.

Yeah, I've gone off what he did, but I will not put my life in danger for the money.

"I wouldn't do anything to put my life at risk for money," I blurt what I think.

He seems to believe me. It's the first look in his eyes I can understand.

We continue to eat quietly, making no more sounds. The silence creates between us a familiar connection that words could not. The only thing I can understand in his gaze is that he likes me. I can feel it from his half-open eyes that are stuck to mine and in any move I make.

Dorian notices the way I hold the glass and drink. He examines the way I use the knife and fork. His eyes follow the path of food from the plate to my mouth.

He's trying to get to know me better, right?

Obviously, we like each other. Personally, I feel a desire for him. A desire to understand him in whatever he wants; to be for him that part of his life that will cover everything that is missing.

Crush at first glance, right?

"I'll sound graphical, but it's the truth. I'm not the one you're probably dreaming of me being," Dorian pops up and makes me stir in my place.

I stop chewing my food by bringing the bite from one cheek to another.

"If you send me away, I'll respect it. If you keep me, it will be forever," Dorian continues.

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