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Disclaimer (for whole book): I don't own anything besides the plot. Rick Riordan owns all of it.

This is my first fanfic please be nice.


Annabeth POV

Perseus Jackson is dead.

Those four for words ring in my ears. I still can't believe it. Seaweed Brain, My Seaweed Brain is gone. We were going to be married. But, now he is... gone.


The rest us were trapped behind some sort of barrier. It was just Percy and Gaea. One on one. Sword clashed, blow were dodged and as soon as Percy got the upper hand by creating a hurricane... he lost it.

Gaea struck and Percy was stabbed. I heard someone scream only to realize that the sound came out of my own mouth. Gaea laughed. My eyes stung and I closed them as my anger burned white hot. But then the laugh became a cough. I open my eyes again and see as Gaea pulls something stuck out of her stomach. Riptide.

She fell and disappeared into the ground. The barrier holding us back faded and the hurricane died down. I rushed to him not caring as tears made their way down my face. The Apollo campers and Apollo himself rushed forward. They pulled me back as they chanted in Greek and the Romans in Latin.

I turn around not able to face him. I feel as two arms wrap around me and someone hugs me. I look up and am surprised to see my own gray eyes staring back at me. Athena. She gives me a sad smile and hugs me tighter. I don't know how long we stay like that. It could have been thirty seconds or minutes. I don't care. That is until I hear it.

I hear coughing behind me. I turn slowly as Percy's eyes flutter open. I let go of my mother and grab him in bone crushing hug.

"Don't ever do that again! You can't ever leave me!" I yell in his ear. He chuckles, hugging me back tightly.

"On one condition: Marry me?"


After the war. Things were perfect. We declined immortality. Percy said all the campers deserved it for fighting bravely. He said either we all get it or he won't take it. Instead the two camps combined into Camp Demigod. He stood by the decision and I stood by him.


We were supposed to be married in today. Not having his funeral.

Perseus Jackson is dead.

He didn't die in battle. He wasn't killed during a quest. He didn't make the Gods so mad they killed them. His fatal flaw turned out to be actually fatal. He died protecting some kids.

He was walking out side the barrier walking up Half-Blood Hill after coming back from getting a what my friends say 'Was supposed to be a wedding day surprise.' Then a huge horde of hellhounds appeared. He fought them easily until those two kids appeared.

Some of the Roman's kids. They were playing near the barrier. Apparently Percy heard the girl scream. The girl, Shannon said he came out and saved her. She was with her little brother, Michael who Percy picked up because he couldn't run. Percy fought with one hand. Then she fell and broke her ankle and Percy had no choice but to pick her up too.

He couldn't fight with his hands full so he had no choice but to run.

He was just at Thalia's tree when they got him. He fell and the kids tumbled across the barrier. No one knows what happens next besides Percy himself, and he can't tell the tale. All we know is by the time everyone else got there it was to late to heal him. He bled out.

When I found out I rushed into the infirmary. He looked at me and with his last breath mouth: I'm sorry, I love you.


Now he is officially gone. They burn his shroud. Only one thought goes through my mind as tears run down my face: What the Hades am I going to do with out you Seaweed Brain?

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