I Never Said Which Two

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3rd Person POV

As the message faded everyone was silent. Percy glared murderously at the spot where it was along with a few others. Some suddenly found the floor, walls or ceiling exciting. And only one or two has finally noticed the hurricane in the back of the room. Annabeth being one of the people to notice placed a hand on Percy's shoulder. He blinked and realized what he was doing then waved his hand as the ice and hurricane disappeared.

He drummed his fingers soundlessly with out a word. They simply sat there for sometime the only change when Aphrodite went in search of her lover. Finally The Fates walked over to Percy. They motioned for him to follow which he did reluctantly with out a word.

He followed them out of the throne room. The group of four stood eyeing each other no one speaking. Percy waited, as the Fates seemed to silently argue with themselves.

"We shall tell you the location of the island," Atropos began. "Incase of any emergencies." Percy nodded still not trusting himself to speak.

"The island it self does not quite exist as we told you," Lachesis continues. "The location of the island constantly changes. All the while hidden by the Mist."

Clotho then reached out a bony hand to touched Percy's forehead to his surprise. He felt something and blinked a couple times.

"When you need to teleport there you will know its location. Tell no one," Clotho says turning around and walking back inside.

No one inside has moved by the time they get back.

Nico POV

I grab my sword and head to Percy's house. We have to go back to where Camp Demigod once stood. When I get there Percy is already waiting outside. He twirls Riptide in pen form in his hand. I walk closer and he mutters a morning. I nod in response.

We wait another five minutes before Leo finally shows up. We turn to Percy waiting as he teleports back to where Camp stood. We appear outside the border and we look at the bright blue sky. We hurry up the hill to see Thalia's pine. We look over where our home was. It's pretty depressing.

The only things left are Thalia's pine, the fleece, Peleus, the forest and the lake. The sky is still pitch black making it hard to see. I glance at the other two. They both hold sadness in their eyes.

"We should start," Percy says finally. We nod and Leo ignites his head for our light source and we follow him. We begin checking to see if anything at all has changed. Though we have to hurry. They burn Clarisse's shroud later... Even without her body. It's too much in one day. The meeting with the gods. The IM. Now we are here and then a funeral. Funerals.

Even as a child of the god of the dead I don't like them. I want to search for Clarisse in the Underworld but the gods orders were clear. Go back. Go to where Camp was. Search and leave. I sigh and continue to follow Leo as I stare at the black sky.

Athena POV

As the demigods and the other gods begin to leave soon it is only myself and the Fates left. I step off my throne and walk closer to them.

"We will not tell you the islands location," Clotho says immediately. I shake my head.

"That's not what I was going to ask," I answer.

"Continue," Lachesis says.

"Perseus has a lot of power which is clear. By his emotions he created a hurricane. So why not give him a domain in his father's realm?"

"He has more than one domain. He is simply not aware of it yet. We are not even sure the extent of his powers. It is out of our control," Atropos says.

"Out of your control? It's his fate. You are the Fates."

"Yes and fate can be changed," Clotho says.

"Some of the Prophecy may come true some may not. We now know the three villains to be faced. Nyx. Erebus. And Kronos," Lachesis continues. "Though their plans are a mystery one thing is sure. They plan to change Fate."

Percy POV

I walk out of my house and head to the arena to train like every morning. Clarrise's funeral yesterday still fresh in my mind.

I could done something...

Maybe if I had beat Andrix to a pulp like I had been planning he wouldn't have gotten Clarisse to leave with him.

If the Fates had just left me dead like I wanted...

Clarisse and Will would be alive...

The sky, the beauty...

2 down. 2 to go.

I sigh and run my hand trough my hair. I finally realize that I am standing on the beach. I don't know how much time has passed but the sun is high in the sky. I stare down at the water. Maybe I could talk to dad. Haven't spoken to him in a while. But, he is probably busy with the war.

I just need someone else to talk to. Mom. I smile to myself. I can leave the island now. I can go for a quick visit. No harm done. I quickly flash myself to the top of the apartment building. I walk down stairs and head to the apartment. I knock once with no reply but I can sense their presence. I knock again nothing. I shrug it off and take my key out my pocket. I open the door and, I feel like in going to puke.

The Twins lie off to the side. Mom and Paul are covered in blood in the center of the floor. I rush over to the kids first. Thankfully they are still breathing. I hurry over to Mom and Paul. Paul pulse is quickly fading same with my mom. I feel as tears come down my face.

"Twins?" My mom croaks eyes fluttering open.

"Unconscious," I answer. "Don't worry I'll- I'll..." I trail off not sure of what to do.

Think! Think! Think!.... Apollo.

I quickly flash us all to Olympus. All eyes turn to us. I notice my friends and the major gods watch us. They must have been having a meeting... about me. But that's not important.

3rd Person POV

The occupants of the throne room all turn their eyes to the center of the room as the subject of the meeting appears. Percy. He appears along with two children who appear unconscious and two bloodied adults. Who they soon recognize as Percy's mother Sally and her husband Paul.

"Apollo!" Percy yells in between sobs. Apollo runs over and hurrys over to Sally and Paul after seeing the Twins are fine. As he tends to Paul he is suddenly sent flying back as Paul's eyes open.

But they aren't his eyes. They are golden. He slowly stands up and admits a cold laugh. Blood trailing out of the corner of his mouth.

"I said there were 2 to go. I never said which two..." Kronos laughs again and the eyes turn back to Paul's as he collapses. Apollo rushes forward. After a minute he shakes his head. They both are dead.

Poseidon shrinks down to human size and grabs Percy in a hug. Percy sobs silently. Annabeth runs over to ex-fiancé and tries to help soothe him.

"Things will get better," She tells him softly. "Soon everything will be al-"

"All what!?" Percy yells pushing himself away from his father to face the daughter of Athena. "ALRIGHT?! Nothing in my life is alright! It's just one bad thing after another! Now my mom! My Stepdad! Why couldn't the Fates just leave me dead!" He shouts shocking everyone. He shocks everyone further by letting out a scream- no a cry of frustration and anguish. They can literally feel his emotion rolling off him in waves.

He briskly crosses to his two now orphaned 3 year old siblings. He looks down at them both sadly.

"Tomorrow is their birthday," He whispers to himself but the room was silent everyone hears. He then touches them both before teleporting the three elsewhere. Leaving a silent and shocked throne room.



This is chapter 20! Woohoo! I'm probably gonna do some more than a sequel. Haven't decided yet.



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