I Remember Misery

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3rd Person POV

Zeus paces around the throne room thinking of other places to search for his nephew when something sends a shiver down his spine. He stops and thinks for a moment before he summons the rest of the Olympians. His sits at his throne and the others appear on theirs.

"Did anyone else feel that just now?" He asked cutting to the chase. The other gods nodded in agreement.

"A strong and powerful aura," Hera comments.

"True, though I do not know what from," Athena admits. The gods continue their meeting debating on what the aura is from and where to look next for Perseus.

Meanwhile, The Fates watch curiously. They know that their plan for the young god could not succed unless the search for him stopped.

"I told you we should have waited until he got to Elysium," Clotho muttered. The other two sisters ignored her and continue to make plans for the young and their pawn.

Percy POV

I don't know how long it's been since the Fates last came. I forgot what number I was on. 6? 8? Whatever it's been a while.

I lay on my bed eyes still closed since I had just woken from another dreamless sleep. I'm not sure if it is beacuse I died, The Fates or being a god but, I no longer have dreams and my ADHD isn't as bad either. Though right now it is.

I have nothing to do. Since I became a god I have been spending most of my time just changing the paint on the wall. Different colors, people, places and things etc. It's boring I know. But the Fates took my TV. I was flipping channels and realized if I got the news I could find where I am. As soon as the idea came to mind the TV vanished. So now what.

I feel as something touches my face. I open my eyes and pick up a piece of paper from my face. A note.

You need the be observant. Look around.

I do as the note says and realize I'm not in the same room, or it's changed. The door the bathroom has vanished. I slowly look around and see a window. Finally. I get up and start to walk toward it when something else catches my eye. A door. I smile as I hurry out of it. I enter a small hallway. Across from me is a bathroom, but there is also a set if stairs going down.

I start down the steps and enter a living room. Two couches, a fire place, coffee table, and a book shelf. On the book shelf there are three shelves of books written in English, Latin and Greek. Another shelf has abrosia and nectar. The top most shelf is empty. I continue and walk out the living room into a full kitchen with a small table. I hurry toward the fridge and open it with a smile.

"Thank The Fates," I mutter.

"The fridge and pantry is always stocked though must cook yourself," A voice says. I turn and the three Fates stand in front of me. I give a bow (realizing I didn't last time).

"Rise," Clotho says.

"You must do your own dishes and laundry as well. The cleaning supplies are in that closet summon more if you need,. Do not burn your food in offering," Atropos continues and I nod.

"Come along," Lachesis says turning around. I follow them out a door outside. I smile at the sun. I can't help it. I look back at the small house, it's blue but small but better than the room. I look around. I'm on a hill and I see the Fates waiting a few yards away. I hurry up to them. They stand at an intersection of three paths.

"This one leads to a forest which is always stocked with monsters for practice. They cannot leave the forest though," Clotho says pointing the path of the right.

"This one to a beach. The beach surrounds the island but this is the most clear part. Their are no fish so they may not report to your father. Swim as far as you please you will go nowhere," Lachesis says standing on the middle path. I turn to Atropos waiting for her to describe her path but instead she turns and begins the walk down it.

I follow and after a few minutes we arrive at an arena.

"Training arena. Destroy the dummies as you please. Simply use your powers to summon more or repair them. You are to train at least once a day or their will be consequences. Understood?" Atropos asks. I nod and try not to show any signs that her threat scares me.

She then turns and we continue down the path. As we walk closer to the arena I get a glance of of something shiny. I look over and see armor and a shield hanging up on a shed.

"You may look." I nod and walk closer. The armor is Celestial Bronze with blue ocean waves carved into it. Above the armor a helmet with a plume which is both sea-green and blue. But what catches my eye the most is the shield. It looks just like the one Tyson gave me. I give a sad smile at the thought. I miss the big guy. If it is the same.... I take it off the wall and hold it in my hands. I turn in to a wristwatch and smile. I strap on to my wrist before heading back over to where the Fates wait. They say nothing and we keep walking.

We keep walking before coming to stables. They motion to the door and I open the it. Inside a out black pegasus stands. I look at it.

"Blackjack?" I ask softly. The pegasus turns to face me.

Boss! Where have you been! Since they said your not dead everyone has been looking everywhere for you! And no one has given me a doughnut or a sugar cube!

I laugh and walk out and he follows. We reach the Fates.

"Any questions?" Atropos asks.

"How long has it been since I died?" I ask. That has been one thing I've wanted. Time.

"About three weeks. A calender and clocks are in your house.Enjoy your new home Perseus," Lachesis says and I resist the urge to say 'my name is Percy'.

"Thank you Lady Fates," I reply with a bow and they nod before leaving.

Where you just nice to them?

"Yeah. Anyway if we are stuck on this island legs get a better view," I say climbing on his back.

Will I get a doughnut?

"I can't cook but since I have to learn when I figure it out you can have one." The answer seems to satisfy him as we shoot up into the sky.

The island is big. My house is on top, the forest covers most of the land, the arena and stables take up much less and the beach and sand are beautiful. Blackjack lands on the sand and I walk into the water. I dive under and swim a ways out and sit on the bottom. I take a breath and smile. I lay back and stare at the sun through the water.

I'm alone on island for who knows how long. I feel a pang of guilt as a though crosses my mind.

Is this how Calypso felt?

•-•-•Three Years Later•-•-•

Sally Blofis POV

I yawn and open eyes wiping a few tears away, to find myself laying on the couch. I was dreaming about Percy again... I miss him so much. I can't help but let a few tears fall.

"Mommy are you okay?" I look over and realize the 3 year old twins are playing in the room.

"I'm fine sweety," I answer wiping my face.

"Don't cry mommy," Max says coming and giving me a hug.

"Me too!" Lily yells coming over too. I laugh and give them both a squeeze. I hear a chuckle and see Paul watching.

"Mommy?" Max asks.

"Yes Honey?"

"Who's Percy?" I freeze.

"You were sleeping and talking," Lily adds. Paul comes over and sits next to us. I look at him to ask what to do but he seems as shocked and clueless as I am.

"H-he is your older brother," I say softly.

"Where is he?"


"Living with his daddy?" Paul offers. I look at him and he shrugs. Well I guess that's the story we are going with.

"He has a different daddy. He lives with him now?"

"Why?" The twins ask in unison.

"He lived with me when he was little and now he lives with his daddy."

"How old is he?" Lily asks at the same time that Max asks,

"Where do they live?"

"He is 21 and lives in Greece," Paul says.

"How come he doesn't visit?" Lily asks. Why must kids have to ask so many questions?

"He is very busy working with his daddy. And he doesn't like planes very much. But when he comes back he will come stay with us," I answer. They stop asking questions thankfully and Paul suggests we go out for lunch and leaves with the twins to get them ready. I am thankful for the space. I need to ask Poseidon soon how the search is going.

Percy where are you?

Percy POV

"Gah!" I yell frustrated. How the Hades am I supposed to kill the dam hydra without any fire!

Dam... Not the time!

I circle it on Blackjack, Riptide in hand and my shield strapped to my arm. Blackjack quickly dives to doge as it spits acid.

Boss! What now!

"I'm thinking! I'm thinking!" I yell as I wipe some golden ichor off my face. We doge again. The acid hits the tree behind me and burns it down. Think! Think!

I think back from facing my first monster, a fury to now of what I can do. Acid... Acid... That rings a bell. A memory from the place I want to forget. Tartarus... Akhlys... Misery.

I controlled the poison and almost drowned her. Well acid has water right? We doge again.

"Blackjack! Keep dogging and lead it toward the beach! The tree line! I need to concentrate!"

Got it Boss!

As we fly I can hear the hydra behind us. We get closer to the beach. It can't leave the forest but I'm not running away. This is my island and on it I won't back down from a fight.

I focus on the water from the sea and hit the hydra with it. Imagine water going in its mouths. I close my eyes as at the same time I focus on the acid and then it's blood. I imagine it evaporating. I hear strangled roar and open my eyes to see as the hydra turns to golden dust.

"YES!" I shout.

Nice going Boss!

I am about to reply but black spots dance in my eyes. I lose my grip on Blackjack and I am vaguely aware of him screaming in my mind as everything goes black.

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