Jealousy, Nightmares and the Slayer?

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Percy POV

When I open my eyes I see the form of my Dad above me. My heads throbs but ignore it and glance around and notice I am in the throne room, everyone talking. Well arguing. It is all just sounds like noise. I try to move but realize I'm in my dad's lap?

Yup. I am on his lap. He doesn't realize I'm awake and begins to stroke my hair...

"Umm, Dad?" He doesn't notice me staring at the chaos around the room. After trying twice more I can't take it. The noise is just too loud making my headache worse.

"SHUT UP!" I shout. Everyone silences and stares at me.

Poseidon POV

I'm barely listening to everyone as I stroke Percy's hair waiting for him to wake up. The chaos had started not long after he stopped shaking. Many thoughts were thrown around when Annabeth out of nowhere stood and glared at the Fates.

"You need to make things worse don't you?" She hissed. "It wasn't enough for him to have a terrible life? Die? Make him face his flaw?" She asked voice dripping with venom.

The Fates said nothing and stared at their Champions form in my arms.

"What do you mean 'make him face his flaw?'" I asked full of worry. The demigods have each other a look before Jason explains what the Fates had made him do. They made him... Kill his friends...

I glare at the Fates but once again the are stony faced and motionless. Then the chaos ensued. Stuff about the Fates, Percy and Prophecy have been heard about the room for the past twenty minutes. Finally it is interupted when someone yells.

"SHUT UP!" We all turn realizing the sound had come from Percy now sitting on my lap.

"I already have a bad headache, do need to make it worse?" He asks rubbing his temples. I smile happy he is alright and crush him in a hug. When I let go he stares at me but, I don't care. Still no one speaks.

"Actually the next thing I was going to ask is if you could put me down?" Percy asks. I simply shake my head and hold him tighter. He gives a look to the others and Apollo is the one to speak.

"Uncle P you are going to suffocate him," he says taking a step forward and I summon some water and it drenches him.


"I'm not putting him down. I have not had him to myself since I gave him a hug when he first got back," I say firmly. Everyone takes a step back.

"Jealous of the demigods?" Hermes taunts. He too is doused by water.

"Really?" Percy asks. I nod and he sighs adjusting his position so he is more comfortable. He then proceeds to dry Apollo and Hermes. Everyone goes back to their seats.

"So..." Percy starts. "What exactly is happening?" Most are stunned unsure of what to say.

"Arguing as usual," Nico answers coming to the rescue. "You passed out. We couldn't figure out why and yelling started naturally."

"So what happened?" Athena asks slowly. Percy stiffens.

"Nyx," He says. "She got Mnemosyne. And they showed me my worst memories." He pauses. "And..." He trails off.

"What?" Ares asks impatiently.

"She killed Will," He answers in a small voice. All eyes go to Apollo he pales.

"Are you sure?" He asks. "What were her exact words?"

"'becareful alone at Night. The sun spawn didn't know better.'" His voice cracks as he speaks but everyone is silent. I grip him tighter. After a minute Athena speaks.

"Do you know who the other threats are?" She asks Percy.

"No. Just Nyx. She told Mnemosyne thanks for her help so I doubt she is one of the three."

"What were they of?" Annabeth asks. "The memories?" Percy winces shakes his head.

"It's not relevant nor important," He snaps much to everyone's surprise. He seems surprised himself. He says a quick apology and seems to want to disappear.

I just hope he is okay...

Percy POV

I want to disappear. My mind just goes back to my memories. Especially those of Will and surprisingly Gabe. I flinch just thinking about it.

No one speaks and all eyes are still on me.

"What was this meeting orginally about?" I ask changing the subject.

"Your coming back to Camp," Grover answers. I nod. More words are said but I'm not listening. My thoughts have unfortunately turned to my memories.

"Percy?" Dad asks. I blink as the world comes back into focus. I realize the gods are flashing out. The demigods are leaving with Artemis and Blackjack is going with. I look back at Dad.

"Are you alright?" He asks eyes full of worry.

"Been better," I answer as he lets me off his lap. I say goodbye before flashing myself to Camp. My friends wait for me. They say nothing and we carry on as if nothing had happened earlier.

That night back in my Cabin I got something I haven't got since I died. Nightmares. They are worse than I had ever got. I know it is Nyx's doing with the help of Mnemosyne.

I am in an all black space. Infront of me all of my worst memories play at once. This time with sound. The sound is overwhelming. I close my eyes but they don't go away. Gabe. Tartarus. Death. Pain. Death. Pain. Minotaur. Gaea. Pain. Death. Arai. Kronos. Hera. Death. Pain.

It doesn't stop. I want it to stop. But it doesn't.

When I wake up in cold sweat it is about 4:00 am. Knowing I can't go back to sleep, I shower and dress and head down to the lake. I dive in and rest at the bottom. I don't know how long I'm down there but after a while a naiad swims up to me. She says they have been looking for me and I nod and thank her swimming to the surface.

I come out the water completely dry. I walk around for a while before asking a camper if she has seen them. She tells me she last saw them going toward the cabins. I nod and thank her heading in that direction. I pause sensing the presecences in the cabins to figure out where they are. Deciding they are in the Zeus Cabin I open the door to find all my friends on the floor talking. Annabeth sees me and grabs me in a hug.

I'm stunned. When I saw her yesterday she was still mad at me... She let's go.

"Where'd you go?" She asks.

"The lake." I answer simply.

"Told you!" Nico yells only to be slapped by Thalia.

"Ow! That hurt Pinecone Face!"

"Did you expect me to slap you and it not hurt?" Everyone laughs.

"Thalia I'm going to have to steal that line from you. I'm using it on Leo now," Piper says.

"I need it too," Katie says glaring at two certain sons of Hermes. We hang out as usual until a scream interrupts us. We rush out without second thought. But outside I realize something is wrong. It's dark. As if it is midnight except its only 11:45 am. I summon my armor as I rush toward the sound of the scream.

I run into the forest. Other campers are there too. On the ground is Maimer. Clarisse's spear.

"Everyone back to your Cabins or Barracks!" Chiron yells. Campers leave but my friends, Ares/Mars campers and I stare at the spear. One thought is on my mind.

She was only gone for minute.

Clarrise went to deal with a problem from her cabin three minutes ago. I pick up the spear in my hands saying nothing. There is a flash of light but I don't avert my eyes since there is no reason. I look up to see the gods. Ares steps forward. I say nothing as I hand him the spear.

"What happened?" He growled.

"He came and said there was a big problem with the cabin and she went to deal with it... Three minutes," I say.

"Who said there was a problem? Everything was fine." Kyson says staring at his sisters spear as if it was from outer space (A/N reference anyone?).

All of my friends turn to glare at none other than Damien Andrix. He holds his hands up in surrender.

"I did nothing!" He shouts.

"You left with her," Frank says angry. Something I have never really seen. But then again his half sister is gone.

"Yeah but-"

"Were you the last one?" Ares growls at his son. Upset his favorite child is gone.

"I just wanted her out so I could mess with Jackson with out her trying to stop me," Andrix says quickly. "Why is it so dark?" He asks changing the subject.

"This isn't over," Ares says before looking around.

Why is it so dark? I ask myself. Is everywhere like this?

I quickly walk a little further off before flashing right outside the border. It still looks like it is noon. I flash back.

"It's normal outside the border," I announce coming back.

"Nyx and darkness..." Athena mutters.

"But why Clarrise?" Ares protests. "Where is she? She is the slayer of so many. The Drakon-" He is cut off by a sharp intake of breath from Annabeth.

"She's the drakon slayer..." She says softly before looking at Ares tears in her eyes. Athena has the same look on her face. Others don't seem to understand. After a moment I do.

"The sky, the beauty, the healer, and the slayer," I say softly. Annabeth and Athena nod slowly. Realization dawns on Ares face. He has a scary aura about him.

"She's not dead," Nico says. Hades nods in agreement. Ares calms a bit.

"But if she is the one in the prophecy-" Annabeth starts but stops once I step on her foot. She glares at me for a moment before speaking.

"Others have slayed many things," she says. "Just look at Seaweed Brain," she says. Ares aura is faint but still there. He glares once at Andrix before flashing out.

"We will look into this mysterious darkness. Most should stay in their Cabins or Barrack," Athena says. "Percy you, the Hunters and a few others should patrol." We nod and head back.

I stay in my armor as I patrol Camp. I'm on border patrol. If only it is as harmless as the game of capture the flag nine years ago when Clarrise attacked me.

Clarrise. Gods I hope you aren't 'the slayer.'

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