When? (Aka the Final Chapter)

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3rd Person POV

After much arguing it was decided the demigods stay on Olympus, much to the King of the Gods dismay.

For the past six days all have been training constantly. Well, most have. Annabeth refuses to leave Percy's side. Poseidon as well. Apollo has worked furiously on him and despite his and the Fates efforts. Percy seems to refuse to wake.

When Apollo initially brought Percy here he was soon followed by the remaining Fates and Poseidon. The Fates then bestowed upon their champion their blessing. Something everyone thought they had already done.

Apollo nor Poseidon asked knowing more important things were at hand. The two Fates had told the 21 year old god he would receive their blessing when he needed it most. Their blessing would be crucial in battle. He would be able to see most strikes before they came.

For know they have done all they can. They must simply wait for their savior to awake. But... When?

Tony Stark POV

I circle again in search of the kid. Once Fury called us to take a kid I was kind of confused. What would a kid do? Then he showed us the video of the kid murdering an Agent. How did he just disappear?

When we found out Capsicle and Thor were the most surprised. Cap because he is so young and Thor for more confusing reasons...

He said he had heard of someone named Perseus Jackson before and the guy we are looking for fits the description. He warned that you do not want him as an enemy. And to never threaten his friends and family.

When Fury pressed him for more he only said that giving more infomation was pointless beacause the Perseus Jackson he had heard of died three years ago. Saving some children from being attacked.

We tried but, the all-mighty-god-of-thunder refused to say more. So now we have no choice but to wait. We went to his parents apartment but no one was home. After looking around we found pictures of his parents and siblings everywhere. But oddly none of him. He doesn't seem to have a room there either.

We have no idea where to look so we have been watching the apartment and city closely in hopes of finding him. But I'm bored of this. When will we find him already. How can one person escape S.H.I.E.L.D. ?

So... When?

3rd Person POV

The three continue to talk as they watch the Fate from above. Wondering when she will talk.

They stand in the depths of Tartarus. The Primordal of the Pit was willing to let them use his domain to hold thier army. Though he himself refused to fight for reasons unknown. They didn't question his methods and gadly use his pit as a base of operations.

They skipped the Doors of Death and Thantos. Instead all monsters were gathering, and lying in wait.

The three have almost everything they need to rise and overthrow the pesky Olympians. What would Olympus do against to Primordrials and a Titan King?

They are missing one critical element though. The blood- or ichor of one Perseus Jackson. They do not wish to kill him...yet. That would be to merciful. They wish to capture him during the final battle and torture him for his wrong doings.

For making Nyx look like a fool. Killing monsters and Gaea. Letting Castellan destroy the Titan Lord and much more.

Thanks to Erebus' shadows they know the young god is on Olympus. Doing what? They are not sure. They wish to attack him with less witnesses. Perhaps near mortals since he would try and protect them. They have to simply wait for him to set foot out of the Empire State Building if he dares.

Though... When?


But what the three don't know that their key piece in the game is currently fading. They do know without him it will be harder to rise.

Just as the Olympians know they don't stand a chance without Perseus.

Like the Avengers know Fury won't rest until they locate him.

The only question is.... When?



After, 24 chapters. 1k reads and 70+ votes. (OMG THANKS SO MUCH)

This is the end to Fatal Flaw.

I'm gonna make a sequel I plan to start it next week ish. But I haven't watched Thor: the Dark World yet. So I plan on doing that first... maybe.

But I need a title! Once I get that I should be ready to go. I suck at making decisions so any ideas?

Once I post it I will update this and say the title etc.

For anything else just ask!

Thanks again so much!



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