Chapter 1

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Burt and Sven

What a strange pairing. Well, it's unexpected,what more can I say?

They are both different from each other. I mean, of course they are. have you ever seen a couple that was the same. now, that would be boring.

Sven isn't American, instead he's from a country in Europe called Sweden. he talks way too much, and really gets too stressed easily.

Now, Burt here is a whole different story.

Burt's kind of the opposite of the blonde, he's quiet and doesn't talk unless spoken to or if he needs to. He doesn't show too much emotion and the only expression he has is a bored look on his face.

He is somewhat.. mysterious.

But for the blonde, that was no red flag. none of those were, either way.

to Sven, he's helpful. Despite that bored look on his face, he's willing to help anyone in need, even if they just left their pen on the desk.

Which is just how they met. Sven left his fucking pen on his desk and Burt didn't hesatate to bring back to it's respectful owner, instead of keeping it.

..How is he in the toppat clan, again?

After that, Sven kept leaving more things on his desk after each meeting. from important files, to his very own phone.

Burt, of course, suspected that Sven was doing all of this on purpose but he played along, giving them back and the blonde drags him into a conversation.

Right now, they have known each other for 7 months now.

Time really does fly and I hate that.

But when time flies and I'm saying this no matter how cheesy it is, the love gets stronger. At this point, for the blonde, it's unbreakable.

He's fucking drowning in it.

It's fall. That's when thanksgiving or halloween is around. Very once in a while, the toppats are allowed to go down and visit their family for the holidays.

Fall can be chilly at times or not at all.

but that doesn't bother Burt.

He's more of an outdoor person, then indoor and so am I.

though, Sven clearly knows why.

When he was a kid, he'd sneak out of the house at exactly 12 AM just to wander in the woods nearby, then he'd find it.

A beautiful field, where the moon shows itself, lights up the entire place. However, he only saw it a few times before...

Enough about that.

Let's just say that it's hard for Burt to be indoors. He feels rather lazy when he's doing nothing in that airship. When there's nothing else to do, he can't help but try to break the computer, because it's simply annoying him.

It's funny to Sven though.

Going outdoors is a privilege now and whenever it's able, you won't be able to see Burt for a couple of.. days, maybe.

It's just something you can't lure him away from.

That's enough about me talking. Let's just get into the story before you're bored.


It's no lie, these two are idiots. It doesn't matter if one of them is smarter than the other, they're both idiots.

Right now, Burt's sitting alone, in front of a fountain while the sun is setting. His mind is empty and he's only focusing on the view that is in front of him.

Nothing else.

Not even the person who is approaching him.

Of course, it was the blonde, Sven. he came down here to see Burt since the guy was gone all day. He's not gonna admit it but he did look from him all over the airship while doing his duties.

It was only common sense that he was here.

He sat down next to him and took a good look at his best friend.

Burt looked distracted, he blinked every once in a while but his eyes never looked anywhere else but forward.

He's just staring at the view in front of him.

He tapped his shoulder, not bearing the silence any longer and broke Burt's trance. the bored expression that everyone usually sees is what Sven saw first before Burt showed him a small smile.


"Hi there. you didn't hear coming, did you?"

Burt shook his head and sighed. "I didn't expect you to come down here when you have work to do."

Sven rolled his eyes and being the cocky bastard he is, he places his arm around Burt. "it's not like you also have work to do as well."

"I don't have much work, unlike you do. you're an elite." he explained, pointing at the blonde next to him.

Sven laughed and used his free hand to lower Burt's hand down.

"You're right."

"When have I not been?"

The blonde snickered and brought his arm away from Burt's shoulders. "I don't know. I don't think I can recall."

Burt could only scoff at that.

"So, I'm guessing that you finished your work this morning before coming down here?" the blonde asked,killing the silence that was there for only a few seconds or so.

Burt nodded.

"The chief's asking too much from me. The heists lately have ended in failure." Burt mentioned while bringing his voice down a bit.

Nobody is around but just in case..

"Oh, if only you knew what I dealt with today." Sven groaned at those recent memories.

"I could imagine,y'know, with you being an elite and all." Burt started. "It must be hard for someone like you." Burt smiled at the blonde while he let out an offended gasp.

"Now, what is that supposed to mean?!"

"Don't take it to heart, you big baby." he laughed while the taller one punched his shoulder.

"Then why did you say it?!"

"What? You tease me, why can't I tease you?" Burt exclaimed and bumped Sven's head.

The blonde laughed and rubbed his head where Burt slammed his fist. It wasn't that hard.

Suddenly silence.

"uh, Sven?"

Sven hummed as a response and looked over at Burt, whose eyes were staring at Sven's blue ones.

Beautiful teal.

"Your cheeks are pink. Is it cold?"

Sven blushed. now, if Burt notices there is no going back.

"I'm just cold. why?"

Burt shrugged.

"I thought so but it's not that cold for your cheeks to be red."

Burt brought his hand over to the blonde's cheek and touched it gently. The swede's face suddenly warmed up.

"Are you sick? you're not getting enough sleep, are you?" Burt asked, raising a brow. Sven cleared his throat and brought his hand away from his cheek.

"I-I'm fine, Burt! I'm fine!" he laughed and scratched his neck. Burt smiled and wrapped hand around Sven's arm.

"Alright. remember, don't break your promise." Burt smiled and winked at the blonde before he looked at the view in front of him. Sven's face was burning by the touch Burt was giving him.

However, he wouldn't dare to break his promise.

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