Chapter 37

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A\N: Wattpad was fucking drunk and i'm not the only one who knows that-

'what's happening, everything was fine just a few minutes ago... why is there danger all of a sudden i don't understand.'

Demo's thoughts raced faster then cars in her mind, everything was minutes ago, why did danger has to come so fast?

though, Demo was speed walking and the other three noticed.

"uh, Demo?" Sven tapped her shoulder.

"what?" Demo's voice seemed harsh and she was in a hurry.

"what's the big rush?" Burt asked, clearly doesn't understand that something or someone is after them.

"what, what's the big rush? death is right around the corner! we need to get out of here! now!" Demo put her paw down, and danger is getting closer.

the scent is getting stronger.

Demo ran into the woods in front of them, and making the three run as fast as they could

for them, it was very unsure why this was happening.

Demo just sniffed the funny smell, and it was danger.

she finally stopped. but she wasn't done.

the scent was like, chasing them?

but it wasn't a person.

if it was, she would be hearing screams and shouts.

 but she's hearing screams. not shouts.


Sarah came in the area, huffing and puffing.

she hid behind Demo, this is getting confusing by the minute.

Burt and Sven managed to come to where Demo was, but fear was written all over there faces.

what the fu-

a large animal appeared, it looked like the one Demo attacked.

because it is.

"how the fuck is this thing still alive?!" Sven shouted.

Burt looked at the light pink scar Sven had on his cheek, and the animal's claws.

it was big enough to make a huge scar on Sven's chest and cheek again.

Sarah threw a frog at the animal. 

the animal, looked like tiger but bigger.

it looked at the frog and got it's claws out

it ripped the poor frog opened.

leaving the four disgusted and shocked.

"w-we are so dead." Sarah whispered.

the animal came closer but before it could be able to claw them, something shot it's chest.

it fell down, making a loud boom onto the ground.

the three was shocked.

Burt didn't have a gun.

neither Sven or Demo.

they all looked at Sarah, the one with the gun on her hands.

"where did you get that?" Demo asked, and Sarah pointed at Sven's pocket.

that makes perfect sense.

Demo realized, that wasn't the danger.

the tiger is dead but the scent didn't go away

"we still have to go." Demo whispered and leaded them out of there.

the scent of fading away, which made Demo a little glad.

nobody was behind Sven. and he started hearing footsteps.

Sven turned around and punched the guy in the face.

it was a toppat

Demo turned around and her eyes widened.


the guy stood up and gave the four a good look.

"well, look what i found." he spoke, lifting up his eyepatch.

"shut it bitch!" Demo spat, pushing the three behind her.

"cute dog, you trained it very well." the guy laughed, leading Demo to growl.

Sarah blinked twice, also noticing that it's a toppat.

he stopped laughing once he looked at Sven and Burt.

"well, i also found our missing third in command and head of communications" he laughed.

Burt got a rock and threw it at his forehead.

making the guy stumble backwards and fall.

blood was leaking out of his head, though he wasn't dead yet.

he managed to get up.

"why do you stupid, selfish people think you can own me?! i had nothing to do with the toppat clan and now i was fucking forced to join it! what makes you think you can keep me inside there like the prisoners you have!" Burt spat. though he didn't snap.

the guy scoffed.

"what? you wanted you for a reason, and nothing will stop us from keeping you inside!" he cried, pointing at Burt.

Demo has the urge to rip this guy into a thousand pieces.

"what makes you want him so bad?!" Sven screamed, standing up for him.

"easy, your blood." he said, and pulled out a knife.

"why do you want me and my blood. i  have nothing in common with you people!" Burt screamed.

Demo was boiling. she wanted to rip him like paper, but she needed more answers of why they wanted her so called "brother"

"yes you do. you see, your mother and father used to be a part of us. one of the ranker ups i suppose. your mother didn't want you to end up of how selfish and spoiled we were so they ran away to give life to you. we were shocked of what they done. we decided to looked for them because we still needed them. turned out you were only 10 or 11. so young to lose your parents." he explained having a wicked smile across his face.

Burt couldn't believe of what he was hearing. he remembered once the news talked about the toppats and his parents turned off the tv.

that didn't make any sense.


"wait.. how di you know they died..?" Burt asked, if they were still alive they would have been old. but something smells fishy.

"boy, who do you think who killed them? we did! and we were gonna kill you two before your fast little legs ran. they deserved it anyway. your father was stupidest. i mean, he tried to protect you but ended up getting killed anyway. he was such a jerk." he laughed

Burt felt sudden anger and sadness.

but mostly anger.

he had the gut to shove a whole knife into his mouth and take back the words he said.

"you.. you.." Burt felt himself trembling.

"YOU BITCH!" Burt got another rock and was gonna shove it down his thorat.

he ran for him but Sven managed to caught him and hold him off.

Burt dropped the rock but still screamed at the toppat.


the guy stared at Burt and chuckled.

"boy, you are coming with me, and that's final!" he spat, he pulled Burt away from Sven's arms

"let go of me!" Burt screamed and the guy tighten his grip on Burt's hand

Demo ran in front of the guy and bit is wrist.

he screamed and let go of Burt's hand.

"run!" Demo screamed.

Sven got Burt's hand and ran.

Sarah followed behind, taking the two bags.

they ran as fast as they could, getting far from the site.

they managed to and stopped at hill.

"w-we ran so far..." Sarah said, wheezing for air

Burt caught his breathe, but then soon to realize they left Demo... behind

"Sven!" Burt screamed, making the tried Sven look at Burt.


"we left Demo behind!!" Burt cried, causing Sven to blink.

Demo then teleported herself next to Burt.

she then got herself to sleep.

"what just happened?" Sven asked.

"s-she killed him." Sarah said, patting the backpack.

"huh.." Sven whispered.

he's clearly want to encounter the whole toppat clan


i'm ded.

my fingers, my brain.

yeah, pretty much everything is dead.

Words: 1132

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