Chapter 50

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A\N: okay, i'm in chapter 50 now... huh.

if any of the four fall down, they'll fall to their death.

wait, isn't Demo immortal?

and Sarah's a ghost.

so, guess you have to worry about Sven and Burt.

they only two people.

sorry Sarah, you're a person who had been dead for 20 years.

Demo knew they cannot just drop down.

Burt and Sven will and CAN die.

Demo found another way.

but it isn't easy.

walking the through the thin edges.

of the rock.

Demo was sure there was another side.

she checked it out, so she conformed that there is another side.

"we are gonna have to walk through here." Demo said, pointing at the edges.

"oh shit.." Sven whispered.

he wasn't a big fan of small spaces.

Sarah looked at it, and was thinking of going back.

"if i die, i'm gonna be hunting all three of you" Burt laughed.

Demo, Sarah and Sven didn't like the sound of that.

but, i guess that's what he wants to do, then so be it.

they started walking on the edge, trying not to fall.

Sarah was a ghost so she didn't care if she fell, she can just come back.

easy as pie.



Demo was in the front of all of them, watching her step.

god, it was so much harder since she was walking on four legs.

though this hasn't been the first time she done this.

Sven didn't dare to look down.

if he did, he'd freak out.

this is a one way trip to suicide, i'll tell you that.

Burt would be fine with suicide.

unlike Sven and Demo.

Sarah is fine with suicide as well.

she legit led herself to suicide 20 years ago, so..

she doesn't give a fuck.

Demo was looking at her steps and forward.

she was doing it in some like pattern.

like, driving a car or some shit.

but Demo wasn't in a car, god damnit.

she was on a edge, all the to doom.

or death.

wait, death and doom are almost the same thing.


Burt was just looking forward, not minding to look at his own steps.

that is, until he tripped on a crack and lost balance.

he fell, screaming.

until Sven caught him by the foot, trying to hold on.

"holy shit!" Demo exclaimed.

Burt's headset slipped off of his head, but managed tp catch it by the ring of his hat.

if he didn't, it could fall down into the unknown.

"Sven, don't let him go!" Demo growled at him.

Sven nodded as he tried to hold on to Burt's foot.

Burt felt like he was gonna faint any second, unsure how in heaven's name is he gonna get back up.

"pull him up" Demo ordered, then Sven looked at Demo.

his has confused written all over it.

"what?! how?! i might fall while doing so!" Sven yelled.

Demo growled then braked.

"pull him up!!" she cried.

Sven eyes widened, looking at Demo then Burt.

he decided to finally listen to Demo, pulling Burt up.

Sven wasn't quite sure how to do this, he's afraid that he might drop Burt.

he gave Burt his hand and Burt didn't hesitate to take his hand.

once Burt grabbed Sven's hand, he let go of Burt's foot, glad that he's holding Burt's hand.

Sven gave Burt his other hand and he took it, pulling him up.

Demo watched as Sven worked to get Burt back up.

once he was back on his feet, he placed his headset back on his head, not wanting to fall back down again.

they walked down the edge without no problems.

once Demo was the other side appear in her view she walked to it, jumping from the gap.

Sven and Burt did the same, Sarah did not.

she didn't jump.

instead, she fell into the gap.

"SARAH!" Burt screamed and looked down.

all he could see was the fog and light blue.

"no.." he whispered.

then Sarah appeared next to Burt, tapping his shoulder.

when he turned around he gasped.

"wha?! how?!" Burt cried.

Sven rushed over to Sarah and gave her a hug. 

though, you can touch and feel Sarah so Sven isn't crazy!

Sarah is just a spirt.

'why the hell did you fucking do that?! you scared the day light out of me!!" Sven said that all at once.

"c-calm down." Sarah told him, kind of laughing.

"what if i can??" 

"t-t-then go eat a tree" 

Sven rolled his eyes, not caring if that's an insult or a joke.

Demo sighed and looked at Burt, who was watching Sven and Sarah.

she walked to Burt, sitting next to him.

"do you think the toppats are still after you?" she smirked

"i'm.. i'm not sure." Burt sighed.

"Sven is one of the important people in the clan. i don't understand how you trust him, Burt." Demo admitted.

"he's not like the rest Demo, he's... he's something else.." Burt sighed, lovingly.

"oh yeah, he's something... a pain in the butt, that's what." Demo groaned.

Burt rolled his eyes as he heard what Demo said.

he doesn't need to know what Demo thinks about Sven.

all he wants his Sven to be his.

that's it.

Demo noticed Burt's stare at Sven.

her question his why the fuck does Burt loves Sven so much?

guess it's something that she'll never figure out.

or know.

Burt walked over to Sven and sat next to him.

Sarah was now, just looking down the cliff.

"how did you trip?" Sven asked, making eye contact with Burt.

"oh! uhh... i wasn't watching where i was going!" Burt admitted.

Sven chuckled.

"well, once you tripped, i almost had a heart attack and caught you before it was too late." Sven laughed.

Burt placed his head gently on Sven's shoulder.

"well, if you didn't i would have died and Demo will turn you into meat." Burt laughed.

Sven's eyes widened in fear.

"yeah...hehe.." Sven laughed, nervously.

Demo glared at Sven, knowing that she'll will turn him into meat if he dares to do anything bad to Burt.

Burt looked at Sven's nervous face and laughed.

"don't worry, Sven. she only does that to people who hurt me." he said, kissing Sven's cheek.

how does Burt know that?

lord knows what he seen.

Burt gets up and walks forward, leaving behind a blushing Sven.

Demo and Sarah followed Burt, then Sven as well.

i'm sure that Sven doesn't want to be left behind.

the silence between everyone was long.

Sven didn't like it.

but he didn't dare to talk.

for some reason, everyone thought the same thing.

the wind blew through everybody.

and the wind was strong.

soon, hard rain came out, making Demo facepalm.

the all hid in cave.

the place was cold, dark and deep.

but they all stayed close to the entrance.

Burt stared at the rain pour.

it just reminded him of the beginning.

everyone was so quiet, that all they could hear was the hard wind and rain.

Sven was afraid if that place would flood.

hope not.

because i don't think Sarah can swim.

but if they lose her, she'll just appear next to them randomly because she's already dead.

Demo doesn't know how long were they one the run for.

weeks? mouths? YEARS?!


she is positive that it only had been weeks.

maybe a mouth.

but years?


at least, Burt and Sven weren't sitting together.

but Demo kind of felt.. bad

Burt looked lonely and Sven looked gloomy.

both of them were looking like something bad happened

but everything that happened is bad.

that's something Demo can say.

she sighed and cleared her throat to get Burt's attention.

Burt looked at Demo, this could help him out.

Demo scooted Burt towards Sven, and that's when Burt got the idea.

he nodded and crawled to Sven, sitting next to him.

Sven looked at him, then he smiled.

Burt rested his head on Sven's shoulder, feeling Sven's warmth.

Demo watched as Sven and Burt get warm n each other.

she hated this but at the same time she was kind of glad.

she may not understand why Burt and Sven has fallen in deep love with each other.

but at least, Burt's happy.


if Burt's happy with Sven, that's all she needs to know.

that's all.





Words: 1247

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