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"So... this is where I live" you state as you step out of the car, Seokjin, Yoongi and Jimin following suit when you hear their doors close after yours, the three of them then gathering by your side as they take in the building.

"Yeah, I understand now why you wanted to adopt hybrids. This place is gigantic, it's too big for one person" Jimin mumbles, something that the other two easily agree to, they too wouldn't enjoy living alone here.

"It nears looking like a haunted house though, did anyone ever die here?" Yoongi asks you while trying to appear nonchalant about it, probably expecting you to deny the claim quickly, but his face falls when you nod your head seriously.

"That's actually accurate, that's how I managed to get it for so cheap. I would never be able to afford such a big house otherwise "you say with a chuckle leaving your lips when you find them suddenly looking tensed with their tails hanging low between their legs.

"I promise it's not haunted. I've been living here for a year now and I've never seen anything out of the ordinary happen" you assure them gently, a smile hiding in your eyes when Seokjin, who you have discovered is a caracal, straightens his posture with a clear of the throat to gain courage to move forward.

"I- It's okay. We'll make the ghosts flee if we ever stumble upon any. They don't want three predators chasing them down, we'll purge this place until only us remain behind" he says proudly before glancing at you like he's expecting to be praised after being so brave for your sake.

How cute.

"I knew I could count on you, Seokjin, this place will feel a lot safer now" you muse before making your way to the door with your keys in one hand, the three hybrids on your heels with bravery stamped over their face, they'll make this house safer alright, you've seen nothing yet.

You open it and invite them inside first, Seokjin leading the way with Yoongi right behind him, the panther's tail cautiously waving behind him as he scans the place, and a glance at the puma still by your side reveals him waiting for you to get inside so he can close the line, as if danger could jump on you if you get left behind.

That makes your heart flutter a little, because you've always been the one whom everyone forgets, the one who ends up alone because no one cares about her existence. It feels nice to be seen for once.

"Thank you, Jimin" you murmur as you walk in front of him, which makes you unable to see the way he blushes a happy pink, his ears perked tall on his head with his eyes on your surroundings until the door is closed and locked behind your group.

"So I put the bags you gave me last time in one of the bedrooms upstairs, they're all furnished thanks to the shelter's help, there's some extra clothes and basic toiletries as well that I bought this week but do let me know if anything's missing, I don't know if I managed to get everything" you let them know while removing your shoes, something they mimic before hovering close to you, unsure about whether they're really allowed to treat this place like home or not so soon.

You begin to give them a tour of the main floor, the living room and the kitchen spaces you assure they are free to use as they wish, that though you might not be able to afford expensive food, you'll make sure there's always something to eat for them, which they appreciate greatly.

The diet they were given at the shelter was never quite enough to satiate their hunger and they were expecting to live their entire life feeling hungry, so to hear you say that really confirms it for them - they made a good decision by accepting you as their owner.

But then the bad news come in.

"My bedroom is right here by the kitchen so feel free to come in if you ever need anything, though... a knock before opening the door would be appreciated" you add the end with a shy grin, the thought of them coming in while you're undressed enough to make your heart quiver in embarrassment.

Three heads go from staring at the stairs to gaping at you and you pause mid-breath.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" you utter softly when you spot their tails doing nervous strikes in the air, their postures more on guard now that you're paying attention.

They share a frown before staring at you again.

"Your room is down the stairs and you decided to send us upstairs" Jimin speaks up first, it is not a question but a statement and it doesn't really let you know what the problem is, was that a bad decision on your end?

"I thought you would like having some space and privacy... I didn't want to constantly be in your way, I know living with me will bring its load of adjustments enough as it is" you explain yourself with the strange feeling that you're currently trying to avoid getting scolded by them, a sentiment you haven't experienced ever since you moved out of the family house all those years ago.

Yoongi stares at the front door and then at your bedroom's door with a frown on his face, and even Seokjin looks like he's calculating things in his head before he shakes his head with disapproval.

"No, that simply won't work, your door and the entrance are facing each other, do you have any idea how dangerous this is, Y/N? If anyone breaks in, their gaze will go to your bedroom first. It'd be very irresponsible of me to leave things as they are so take another room, I'll take this one. Yoongi and Jimin can help me move the furniture".

What was that?

"Did you just kick me out of my room?" you ask Seokjin with a dumbfounded look on your face, to which he nods his head firmly, arms crossed over his firm chest because he's not going to let you change his mind about this.

"Don't waste time complaining and pick another room, you said we were free to do as we please, right? That you'll accommodate to our needs. This is a need we have, I don't want you to sleep in that room anymore, it's not safe".

Yoongi nods his head when your gaze falls on him, and when Jimin does too, you sigh before accepting the condition you were given, knowing that at this point, you refusing him would be the same as saying that you lied to them.

You have to admit though that you almost fell for the hybrid right there and then. Why did he have to look so... hot about this? No one has ever been so insistent on keeping you safe, this is giving you butterflies.

Isn't it too early to catch feelings? You and your lonely heart...

"Okay... I'll take the room next door then, that spot is perfect to get the morning sun inside, it works better than my alarm so I need it" you state your decision, one they all accept easily because Seokjin will still be first in line in case of a danger occurring.

"That's fine with me. We'll get things moving now so... just don't get in the way, you're too small so you'll only get hurt. Sit in the living room or... I don't know, eat something in the kitchen, as long as you don't wander in this area, especially the stairs, don't help us while we get the furniture downstairs" the caracal demands like this is of the utmost importance.

You pout and huff softly. "So bossy... I'll be careful to not get in the way so stop treating me like a child! I'm not that weak" you complain under your breath and Yoongi smirks lightly before patting your shoulder with a warm hand while Jimin follows Seokjin inside your bedroom, thank goodness you cleaned it up this morning.

"He's just worried you might get hurt if you help with the heavy stuff, take it easy and let us handle this, we won't take long" he tells you with a gentle tone that makes you relax a little, a nod of the head to let him know you understand before you watch as he joins them by your bed to get your blankets and plushies aside to move the mattress first.

Man... talk about a first day with predators in your house. You sure didn't see that one coming, though it can only warm your heart as you watch them work together to put you where they'll consider you safer.

Does that mean you're already part of the pack? That thought makes you almost giddy on your toes.

This isn't so bad.

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