3. Annabeth and Reyna as Comrades-in-Arms

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Annabeth, Percy and Reyna gathered in the Garden of Bacchus for their briefing. Annabeth deduced that the presence of the god Bacchus was invoked in his garden. Ideally, Annabeth would have liked a place that was shielded from the gods' eyes because what she was about to suggest was rather anti-Roman. But the only places that she could think of that were hidden from the gods weren't very nice places to be. Plus, based on her research, if there was any god likely to approve of their quest, it was going to be Bacchus. Or maybe Bacchus wouldn't care at all. Maybe he'd be too drunk to care. Those were dice that Annabeth was willing to roll.

Reyna was nursing a hot chocolate. Percy was having a blue cherry Coke.

"So I have to say something crazy," said Annabeth.

Reyna and Percy exchanged looks, like Uh-oh.

"I think that every major world religion was correct," said Annabeth. "And before you yell 'social relativism' at me, I mean every religion that claimed there was a pantheon of gods who exerted some kind of influence over humanity, correctly identified their own gods. Mythologies don't just exist in people's collective minds to unite societies. They were literal embodiments of very real gods that actually existed. But only within the boundaries of their respective societies."

Reyna shook her head. "Annabeth, what the are you talking about?"

"When I was seven years old, I discovered the Greek gods were real. Knowing that divine interference influenced my life fundamentally changed how I saw my place in the world. Then later I met an Egyptian magician on the subway. We fought a monster together. I learned that Egyptian gods exist, too." 

"So Greco-Roman Egyptian mythologies intersect," said Reyna. "So? It's not the first time different gods have interacted. Why is this interesting at all?"
"That's just it," said Annabeth. "I'm Greek. And I know that Roman and Egyptian gods exist. Why not ancient Chinese gods? Why not Cherokee gods? Norse gods, like Thor and Loki? Modern religions might even be right too."

Reyna sighed. "This is insane. How does it relate to Camp Jupiter? If you haven't noticed, there's been a heat wave for the past few weeks. It's a disaster."

"I don't know," admitted Annabeth. When she was younger, she hated not having answers. But now it excited her, the prospect of discovering something new, something that she could contribute to humanity's knowledge, rather than just learning things that were already known. She said, "I don't know, but I have a feeling that my mythology mystery and your heat wave problem are connected. The gods are hiding the truth about something."

"Sorry, Annabeth," said Reyna tersely. "I don't operate my camp on hunches. If you find evidence that proves that there really is a conspiracy, I'd be interested to hear it. Otherwise, you're wasting my time."

"But Reyna..."

Reyna held up her hand. "I'm very busy. It was nice seeing you." Reyna nodded curtly. "You too, Percy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."


Annabeth caught up to Reyna in her quarters. When Reyna bade her in, Reyna's blade was unsheathed. Annabeth watched the knife warily. If her dream was any indication, Reyna still harbored old grudges against Annabeth. If her quest was going to be successful, Annabeth needed Reyna.

"Hello, Reyna," said Annabeth, approaching her slowly. Reyna's brown eyes met her own. There was a challenge in them. 

"I asked you not to bother me about your quest," said Reyna. "You're wasting your time."

"I'm just here to talk."

"Are you armed?"

"Yes," said Annabeth. "I have a dagger."

"Leave it on the floor behind you."

Annabeth held one palm up and slowly reached her right hand to her dagger. She dropped it on the floor, near the door.

Reyna didn't say anything, so Annabeth slowly approached. "I take it you're not happy with me."

"Residents are not supposed to bring weapons here." 

"I know that you were forced to accept me as a comrade-in-arms, Reyna, despite the fact that I was Greek. Despite the fact that my mother swore to celibacy, so my existence is a disgrace. And I want you to know how much that meant to me. I was supposed to be your enemy, yet you welcomed me. I was touched that you could be hospitable to Greek demigods. You're still willing to work with me despite the Athena Parthenos. Despite my relationship with Percy."

Reyna's voice was blunt. "I accepted you as a comrade," she said. "That is enough. Let's move on."

"You've had trouble moving on from Percy—"

"He is a former colleague. Nothing more."

"—He was something more to you, Renya. He likes you, you know."

Reyna didn't say anything.

"You see me as a roadblock to your own happiness. You're bitter because you foresaw a future you could have had if he wasn't so loyal to me. It's a loyalty that Jason didn't offer to you."

"Don't speak ill of the dead."

"You've given me a place of joy. Camp Jupiter is a sanctuary. You deserve the same."

Reyna scoffed. "You must think I was born yesterday."

"Reyna, I don't think you're naive. You're the bravest person I've ever—"

"You'll become jealous. That's what always happens."

"I won't."

"You think you can prevent jealousy when your boyfriend talks with me? I thought you were wise." Reyna paced. "Aphrodite told me there was no half-blood to heal my heart. You wouldn't understand."

"Percy has always been socially inept, especially when it comes to girls," said Annabeth. "The important thing is that he has a big heart. One that's big enough for the both of us."

Reyna stopped pacing to stare at Annabeth. "That is a cowardly way to resolve our situation."

Annabeth wished that Reyna had slit her throat with her blade as soon as she'd walked in. That would have hurt less.

Annabeth tried to dissect Reyna's thoughts, but she was a notoriously difficult person to read. Everything about Reyna was regal. She had hair that cascaded over her strong shoulders and the most beautiful brown eyes that Annabeth had ever seen. No, wait. She didn't think that.

Annabeth guessed that Reyna was analyzing her, searching for any sign of deception. Annabeth felt her face flush.

"Stay right there," said Reyna. She left through a door that Annabeth hadn't noticed a moment before. Annabeth shifted her weight uncomfortably. The room was unnaturally silent. There was a bowl of jelly beans on Reyna's desk. It looked like nobody had touched them in a long time. Annabeth realized her heart was racing. She took deep breaths to calm her nerves, but her heart kept hammering away.

Reyna came back with her mechanical dogs. Annabeth felt her knees go weak. She could feel the dogs judging her soul.

"If you'll lie, they'll know," said Reyna. "Will going on this quest of yours actually save the camp?"

"I believe it will."


"I'm not prepared to tell you. Not here."

"Why not?"

Annabeth was acutely aware that at any moment, the gods could be watching her. "I don't think it would be popular with our immortal audience."

"Can your quest succeed without me?"


"Does Percy like me?"

The question surprised Annabeth. "Yes."

"Does he know I like him?"


"Do you—"

Annabeth's breath caught in her throat.

"Never mind," grumbled Reyna. "Not important. I will decide in the following days if I need to go on your quest."

"We only have three days," said Annabeth. "In that time, we need to be at Camp Half-Blood. Nico is in trouble. At least, I think he might be? I'm not sure. He appeared in a dream to tell me that he needed us both on June first."

"Why didn't you lead with that?!"

"Because I thought you were going to slit my throat open!"

The dogs leaned forward and growled at her. Annabeth jumped.

Reyna shook her head. The dogs settled down.

Annabeth said, "He came to me in a dream, so it's unclear to me if Nico is even in trouble. Plus, I doubted you'd leave your camp just because a Greek demigod asked for you by name."

"Nico is different. I'd give up Camp Jupiter to help him. He is a good friend of Camp Jupiter."

Annabeth couldn't have agreed more, which surprised her. Nico had a lot of darkness bottled inside him. He trusted almost no one. If he trusted Reyna enough to ask for her by name, that was a huge honor.

Honor, thought Annabeth. She said, "That's very honorable. I'm glad you feel the same way as I do about him."

"Don't flatter yourself. I'm on this quest for Nico. Not because you think you can light a fire under my ego."

Annabeth could have kissed Reyna in celebration right there. Instead, she said, "It's good to have you on board, fellow comrade-in-arms."


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