moving day part 2

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Kayla's p.o.v

We got to our new apartment and started unpacking. I decided I would unpack the kitchen but first I'll look around. I find something that scares me most about us moving in together one bedroom.. Seconds later I feel arms snake around my waist and a chin on my shoulder.

L: baby you ok?

K: um yeah I'm fine..

L: no your not what's wrong?

K: its nothing babe ok? I'm gonna go unpack the kitchen.

L: ok I'll help our dads bring the furniture up.

I feel him let go and hear his foot step descend to the front door. I'm so nervous about tonight..

Luke's p.o.v

I make my way down the hall and outside where our dads are unloading the truck.

LD: hey son mind helping us

L: that's what I come down to do

//Time skip//

Once we were done putting everything in the apartment I walk outside to say bye to our dads.

LD: bye son and make sure you call your mother.

L: alright dad

KD: hey luke!

L: yes sir

KD: take care of her ok?

L: will do sir

Then they drive off down the road.I decided I should head inside to kayla since I should probably help unpack.I walk in and see she's still in the kitchen putting stuff away so I walked down the hall to our bedroom to unpack stuff there.

Kayla's p.o.v

I saw luke come in but I guess he went to unpack some where. When I was done unpacking the kitchen I head to our bedroom and see Luke unpacking some stuff so I decide to help him.

K: hey babe

L:hey baby girl what are you doing?

K: gonna help you unpack the bedroom.

L: oh ok baby

*buzz buzz*(her phone)


S: hey hows the new place?
K: fine
S: so u gonna u know tonight cause its just u two alone in the same bed.
K: I don't think so sasha
S: why?
K: cause he's not like that.
S: so u want to?!?
K: I uhh I don't know..maybe..
K: Oh shut up bye I got to go unpacking
S: kk bye
K: bye sasha

I put my phone down on the night stand and helped unpack.

L: what was that about?

K: oh..agh just sasha being sasha..

L: oh ok

Luke's p.o.v

Wait she looks shy and she cheating on me?!? I can't lose her she wouldn't cheat would she?

K: babe I'm gonna go get pizza k?

L: yeah baby ok

K: love u *kisses on cheek*

L: love you too

*******TO BE CONTINUED*******

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