24. I'm Sorry What?

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Esther's POV

I sat on the counter and blew over my hot tea gently with my eyes closed. I was about to take my first sip or gulp but someone snatched it making my eyes snap open.

"Dude, I didn't finish drinking that." I countered looking at my tea.

"You never will." He declared in his gruff voice.

"What do you want?" I asked boredly. He frowned, gripped my wrist and started to drag me.

"Let go of me! Ugh! What's wrong with you?" I said when he dragged me out outside and made me sit into the car and slammed the door shut.

He sat at the drivers seat, revved the engine and started to drive.

"Terrance, can you explain all this? You have been dragging me around like I'm some rag-doll, you tell your dad you want to marry me, have you gone mad?" I yelled.

"Esther, I don't have time to explain all that shit to you so shut up." He said and ran a hand through his hair.


He stopped at the mall, got down, drew me out and we went into the mall. We went straight where casual and he randomly chose an outfit and some leather black stilettos which reached my knee.

"Can you at least explain what is going on?" I groaned.

''Can you at least shut the fuck up and wear this?" He ordered.

"Fine, but only because it's nice." I said and went into the changing room to change.

I came out and he had left me here...again.

I trekked out of the mall to find him leaning on the car with his arms folded as he stared at me from head to toe and I felt shaky. I walked over to the car till I reached it.

"Get the fuck in." He ordered and was about to shove me.

"Hey, hey, don't push me, I can move myself." I informed and sat into the car. He tramped to the drivers seat and sat down.

"I'm taking you on a date." He gritted as if he was forced and started the car.

Ignoring the fluttering in my tummy, I spoke, "Well, you could have done what every sane guy would have done, that's ask." I reasoned.

" I don't ask for what I want, I demand." He scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

And so?

We arrived at a restaurant and my heart beat faster as we got down and went inside. We headed to our seats and he plopped into his chair.

"You're supposed to pull out a chair for me." I huffed. He groaned, got up and pulled out my chair and I sat down elegantly.


A waiter approached us with some menus in her hand. Terrance took the menu and she left.

"What do you want to order?" He demanded.

"I'm not a police woman to keep law and order or maybe you mean and judge? Like how they do in courts, like ORDER! OR-"

"Shut the fuck up and tell me the food you want to eat."

"Ohhhh, you know you could have just-" I stopped midway when he growled.

"OK ok, I would like some spaghetti and meatballs." I smiled. After placing our order, our food came after some minutes and I dug into mine.

"Oh My God, this is amazing," I moaned when I stuffed some meat into my mouth. I glanced briefly at Terrance who was glaring at me and eating his fries in bits.

"What? Haven't you seen a hungry girl before? You didn't allow me to eat so leave me alone." I said after I swallowed some more meat. I looked away from him and ate my food, relishing every single bite.

"Esther." He gritted.

"Hm?" I asked not looking at him.

"Will you marry me?" He seethed and I heard my heart dropped.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked shaking slightly.

"I won't repeat myself, you heard me." He bit out.

"Oh I meant ask the right way." I grinned and he growled.


My heart accelerated when he reluctantly knelt in a proposal form in front of me took out a box from his pocket and a few people looked at us.

"Esther Mara..will you marry me?" He gritted bringing out the ring.

"N-" I tried to say but he slipped the ring into my finger.

"But I didn't-"

"Shut the fuck up, you made me pull out a chair for you, knelt in front of you just so you can say no? No fucking away, you and I are getting married." He announced and stood up and I stood up as well.

I moved the ring and he gripped my wrist.

"Don't you dare create a scene, wear the damned ring," He ordered and forced the ring more into my finger. I folded my arms together and pouted as we walked out of the place.

I sat at the front seat, closed the door, and looked at the ring in awe. It was silver colored with with a red gem at the tip of it and it had tiny diamond specks on it.

Later he sat down next to me and said,"Stop looking at that ring in that way, don't think even for a second that I'll let you have any of my money when we get married. Girls like you just want money from guys like me and get this straight, this marriage is going to be hell for you." He informed.

"Ha ha ha. Nice joke." I laughed looking at my ring.

"By the way, where are we going?" I asked. He ignored me and clenched his jaw.

Did I say something wrong?


Our next stop was the wedding dress store.

"Oh my God." I squealed when we got down from the car. The airy place was extremely huge as we entered and Terrance's eyes were glued to his phone.

We got to the receptionist and Terrance looked up from his phone.

"Um..I want to order a dress for my fiancée." His jaw ticked again and I blushed.

The lady smiled at me and walked over to me..

"Miss, come with me so that I can make you Mrs." She said and we laughed and she led me to a hall.

Arranged on hangers and dummies were millions of wedding dresses, which were shining under the light,

I tried about ten wedding dresses but they didn't fit me because they were too big. The lady sighed and sat into a chair.

I looked over the room and a particular dress caught my eye. It was a one hand with green floral features on it. It was also adorned with diamond, which were neatly arranged on it.

"Wanna try it?" She asked and I nodded excitedly. She got up, got me the dress and I went to change into it.

The dress clinged to me from my bust to my stomach and the rest flowed freely to cover my legs. Nevertheless, I felt good in it.

"I want this one." I declared. After getting some matching shoes, the lady wrapped up everything and left the shop with me exhausted.

"Hey, aren't you gonna ask how my dress was?" I asked. He ignored me, picked his phone and called a number. He was discussing my make up artist and decorators and caters

I was happy and nervous at the same time form my wedding, at least I'm not a worthless piece of shit my dad said I was.


I'm not so good in wedding planning except food so forgive me😓

So what do you think will happen after the wedding? 😏 Will it even happen?

Oh well, let's find out!

Next Chapter: The Wedding.

When you have a test or exam and you didn't study. So please, LEARN HARD! 😂😂😂😂

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