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Third POV shady side of a random city
A small figure wrapped in a cloak walks down the street of the dangerous part of the city. All the residents of the area instantly stopped and noticed him whispering things like "who's he" or "kid won't last a minute here" and continue to stare at him while he silently walked with the sounds of his boots quietly making a soft clicking sound with each step on the tiled street. The figure seemed saddened that people thought that and looked down saddened. But there were some with more . . . Sinister ideas for the stranger.
Thugs thieves assassins all gather at this bar. And like all bars where criminals hang out all talking stops when someone dramatically opens the door with a bang.

Random guy who dramatically opens bar door making the talking stop: "It's him!" He said out of breath like he just ran a marathon.

Drunk guy: "There's a lot of hims so be more specific," He said before taking another chug and passing out.

Random guy who dramatically opens bar door making the talking stop: "It's the survivor! From that family of nobles who were wiped out!" He said making the atmosphere tense even more than it was before.

The leader of the gang abruptly rose making even those who passed out gulp. For you never want to be the center of attention for an Iop larger than the door of the bar and missing an eye with muscle the size of watermelons.

Leader: "Prepare an ambush. As soon as he sits down I want every weapon pointed at him," he said smiling thinking he'll get an easy servant from noble scum.

Moments later the cloaked figure from before walks in. No one makes a sound or looks at him. Just wait as he walks to a lone table and sits down. Though as soon as he does every person in the bar points a pistol sword dagger or any piece of improvised weapon they have.

Leader: "You're a fool for walking in here with such a reputation," he said walking to the opposite side of the table the figure was sitting at and slamming his fist on the table. "Now here's how it's gonna go. You work for me. Or you die here," He threatened.

The figure said nothing and only sighed as if annoyed. Though they didn't know that they should have one thing they should have noticed is that instead of feet bearing boots were under the cloak but instead paws that were covered in a grey fur.

Cloaked figure: "I'm already serving a master. And he is no where near your level," he said making the leader smirk. "He's way above," the figure said making the smirking face of the leader turn into one of anger.

Leader: "I'll show you level! Kill him!" The leader ordered making everyone charge.

The figure simply stood up creating a blast of wind knocking everyone back even the leader putting all their backs against the wall of the bar.

Cloaked figure: "I was sent in here to make sure everything in here was okay before Master comes in but-" The figure yanks off his cloak revealing Shuichi spirit of wind and sky wearing a smirk. "-I'm gonna have to have you all leave before he comes inside."

Random guy: "Yeah and who's gonna make us!" All his comrades cheered in agreement and charged again making Shuichi sigh for the second time.

Shuichi: "Likulau can you deal with this?" He said simply.

Not a moment later a black blur raced threw and knocked out everyone but the leader. When the blur stopped it revealed to be Likulau a spirit of travel and the inner journey.

Likulau: "Done," He said simply.

Shuichi: "Why didn't you say a one liner? It was the perfect opportunity!" He exclaimed making Likulau look at him confused.

Leader: "I-Impossible!" He yelled surprised gaining the two spirits attention. "No way you could have beaten all my men by yourself!" He exclaimed.

?: "Oh but they did," another figure said walking in catching the leaders attention. It revealed to be Lin-hu spirit of combat and one of the (L/n) families elder spirits.

Lin-hu: "They defeated them all like any of us could easily beat you," He said walking up to him. "Now I would like to solve this peacefully. You can walk out of here or-" Lin-hu was cut off by the leader punching him in the cheek as to where Lin-hu barely reacted. And just looked at the fist before returning his eyes back to the owner of said fist. Lin-hu took a deep breath before exhaling and in an instant punching the leader threw the wall creating a hole the shape of the leader. "-Have a free hit before I make you exit," He finished calmly. He looked back to the door before yelling "It's safe to come in Master!"

Not a moment later another figure in a cloak peeks his head threw the doorway shyly. Said figure quickly shuffled over to the bar were the freaked out bartender was staring wide eyed and shaking nervously at what transpired. Once the figure got there he sat on one of the stools while keeping his head down.

(Y/n) in the cloak: "Umm. I-I'll have a g-g-glass of m-milk please?" He asked barely above a whisper. The bartenders only response was to faint out of fear.

I know I posted this out of order but I just thought "screw it" and typed this up.

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