Chapter Thirteen

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Hugo's POV

We spent the next few minutes opposite to one another. Her lips opened wide as my cock plunged deep into her throat, my mouth was pressed against her pussy. I was simultaneously enjoying sucking and licking her secretions. Although Alpha Talia managed to capture me again, this time I wasn't scared for my life.

I knew she needed my help the minute Wolfie took a good sniff of her heat. She was in a desperate situation, and I suppose that I wanted her one last time before I could truly escape. However, I wasn't sure if I really wanted to leave at this point.

"Hugo, fuck me already" She grunted as I jerked my cock deeper in her throat.

My eyes darted to the bed sheet that remained sopping wet as her pussy secretions ran down it. Even though I knew it was the due to the heat wave, I'd like to think she was this aroused because of me.

I eventually moved away from her face and rose from the bed. She didn't hesitate to sit on my lap and encircle my neck with her arms. She swiftly sat on my length and began to move her hips fairly swiftly. I couldn't help but smirk, meanwhile she rolled her eyes at me.

"Do I have this effect on you, Alpha Talia?" I asked. Teasing her was new but I enjoyed it, given the fact that she was now at my mercy and needed my help during her heat wave.

"Yes" She whispered gazing into me lustfully. She tilted her head, slamming her lips on mine. I drew her in by placing both of my hands on her back. My want to constantly have my cock buried in her pussy amazed me. Who knows, perhaps the heat curse also had an effect on betas. I swirled my tongue in to her, and she slowly bit my lower lips before kissing me more passionately.

"Mhmm" I hummed while the kiss intensified. As she gave me kisses on my cheeks, eyes, forehead, and down to my neck, I just gazed at her in awe.

As the pleasure intensified, she groaned and licked my neck. I hear her fangs emerging in the following next few seconds.

"She's going to mark us!" Wolfie screamed in excitement.

My eyes sprung wide open before quickly closing as I braced myself for the unexpected impact of her fangs. But she pulled away and pushed me back to the bed and then got up. Her eyes glanced at the clock.

"Um, it's getting late. I should drop you off" She said without meeting my sight. I got out of bed as my heart sank over the rejection. The lust in the air gradually dissipated, and I found myself struggling not to ask her why.

"Wait, you . . were going to mark me" Although I asked, it came across more as a statement.

"I don't know what came over me" She replied while turning away from me and crossing her arms. I approached her and touched her shoulder as I moved closer. I tilted my head back and gave her a quick kiss on the neck. "No, it's okay. I'm actually okay with it. I don't mind being marked"

I had lost all sense of logic. I had been trying to get away from her for the past few days out of fear for my life. But in such a short period of time, she has made me feel more alive than I've ever felt before. I had no idea what was ahead, but I was comfortable saying everything I felt.

"You don't? Do you even understand what that means?" She turned around to face me. Her eyes lit up, and she quivered before sitting on the bed. Her heat was rising up but she was trying her best to control it.

"I know what it means. And I'm okay with it" I knelt down and took her hand. She clenched her thighs together and stared at me blankly. My words had more weigh in them even if she assumed it was the lust talking.

"I think . . I am your mate, Alpha Talia. So if you want me for the ritual, I'll stay" As the words left my lips, I didn't have any impulsive urge to retract them back. I could hear Wolfie rejoice in my head. Her silence ultimately broke when she took her hand off mine.

"No" Her voice was firm.

"I'm volunteering to stay. Wolfie thinks you're our mate." I reasoned.

"I know, I talk to your wolf" She replied instantly.

"What? When?" I was simultaneously bewildered and startled by her words. If she could communicate with Wolfie, it meant that she had been aware of my wolf's feelings for her the entire time.

"I can communicate telepathically with any wolf" She explained "But that's not the point, Hugo. Once the ritual determines you aren't a good fit, you will immediately die. And I can't risk that" She voiced her reasons. We appeared to be at a crossroads in terms of our emotions, each of us attempting to protect the other.

"But you'd still need a Beta for the ritual" I said, not backing down. I wondered why she was reluctant to allow me to participate in the ritual if she was comfortable with all the other betas performing it with her.

"I'm not bringing one"

"What happens then?" I inquired, despite having a feeling that the consequence would be dire.

"It's getting late, Hugo. Let's go" She stood up from the bed and enveloped her body in her robe. I followed her not wanting her to dismiss the conversation.

"What happens, Talia?" I demanded.

She doesn't spend any more time; as soon as her hands come into contact with mine, she teleported us back to the cave. Her sad eyes captivated my attention as I peered into them. Knowing about her powers was one thing, but knowing that something horrible was about to occur left me feeling empty inside.

"Take me back, please." I begged. "I'm your mate" I stated, embracing my feelings for her with confidence. That side of me had become awakened by being able to taste and smell her for the first time. Finally, I could concur with Wolfie.

"I'm your mate, Talia" I repeated. She stayed silent before succumbing to her emotions as she covered her face and sobbed in front of me. I raised my hand to wipe her tears.

She leaned in closer and whispered "I'm sorry, but if you die because of me I'll never forgive myself" We shared a brief glance at each other.

"Goodbye, Hugo"

She gave me a kiss that glowed the entire cave and instantly put me to sleep.

*Few days later*

I woke up in the dark, to the sound of thunder striking. I didn't know how long I slept but at least I was safe for now. My stomach growled and I moaned at the aches of my body. I was utterly spent. How long did I sleep for, and what day of the week was it? The moon shined vividly through the dense clouds. I was aware that in order to find food, I had to leave the cave.

I emerged from the cave and made my way to the village whilst considering whether it was a smart idea. I could smell my own scent, hence I understood I wasn't veiled anymore. If someone from the Kaos pack found me maybe that would be the end.

At this point, it didn't really matter anymore. I was at the end of ropes and I knew if I held on any longer, I would collapse.

I took a few cautious steps forward while letting the rain to soak my body. Although I could hear the nearby bushes rustling, I decided to ignore them. After escaping the Alpha Talia's mansion, my desire to live had somehow diminished. Maybe I should have just stayed there, even though death was inevitable.

At least I could have taken a hot shower anytime I wanted, have delectable cuisine, and would have been clothed, or lack thereof knowing her. Thinking of Alpha Talia somehow ached my heart. I wondered if she was out here hunting for other betas or hunting for me because I escaped. Dying by her hands seemed fair for some reason.

A voice spoke interrupting my thoughts.

"There you are, loner boy" Xander approached me whilst holding a long wooden stick with a sharp silver blade attached to it.

The sight of the 10 wolves from the Kaos Pack surrounding me made me sigh and my heart began to race rapidly. My entire life, I have strived to prove that I am not a coward and do not run from my problems. This time, along with my acceptance of defeat, I was also filled with wrath.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"You know, when Jack told me you were still alive, I refused to believe it. And here you are in the flesh standing in front of me and I still don't believe it. No one has ever escaped the beast. So how'd you do it?" He spoke loudly to make up for the fact that the sound of the rain was muffling his voice.

"I waited for a good opportunity and took my chances" I replied.

"Well then, I bet you have a story to tell us. Why don't you come with us, we'll take you in" Xander offered.

"You took me in and then betrayed me the first chance you got. What makes you think I'll join you and your stupid pack?" I snapped at him.

"Careful, loner boy. You wouldn't want to escape the beast to only have been murdered by another?" His pack slowly marched forward but I didn't let them intimidate me.

"You call yourself a beast? That's the funniest joke I've heard in a while" I laughed.

"Don't test me. Last chance, either you come quietly with us or we make you. I'm sure you won't need your arms or legs to talk" Xander smirked.

"Come on then, ten vs one. Do your worst" I summoned my wolf and despite him chickening out most of the times in these situations, he rose to the challenge. Unbeknownst to myself, my wolf was filled with rage and wrath. Wolfie hissed in increasing rage as he saw the Kaos Pack enter their wolf forms.

I observed Xander's glowing yellow eyes as he charged directly at me. My claws widened as I followed suit. Another wolf slammed him to the ground before his body could collide with mine and roared so loudly that the area went silent.

My frail body slipped down the slick hill and sank on the ground, unable to hold my feet. I laid on the ground lopsided witnessing another pack daunting the Kaos Pack through combat. Deep down I hoped it was Alpha Talia to my rescue.

But as the unconsciousness presented itself, I couldn't help but close my eyes in trust that whoever got rid of the Kaos Pack had good intentions for me.

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