Chapter Three

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Hugo's POV

Despite the Alpha's much greater size, I was still concerned about the impact of my human weight on her. She must be quite strong and powerful if she can intimidate an entire pack by herself and take me along with her. Even though I was feeling quite frail during the journey, a whiff of her mild scent kept me conscious. Her furs brushed against my cheeks while she sprinted towards her right end of the pitch-black forest, as if she had a specific location in mind. Who was she? I wondered. I had never seen or smelled an Alpha like her.

My heart nearly thumping out of my chest, I laid on her back a helpless defenseless man purely at her mercy. I couldn't shift even if I wanted to. Is this the end? The thought felt me hollow inside.

"I heard that beta's are dying, one by one in different cities. And it's all because of that Alpha. I'd watch my back if I were you."

Izzy's words kept repeating like a mantra in my head. But before I knew it, the riding came to a halt and she nudged her back hard enough for me to fall on to the ground. A petite woman appeared in front of the well-lit mansion and handed the Alpha two robes as she shifted into her human form.

"Thank you, Frieda. That'd be all" She effortlessly wore her robe whilst tossing me the other.

"My, my, look at the jawline on this one" Frieda's remark was swept aside as the alpha growled at her. "That'd . . be all"

Frieda's shoulder tenses and she immediately turns back and walks away. I slowly wore the robe and waited for further instructions. The moonlight shimmered on her gorgeous silky curly hair as they bounced her hair freely, her aura however was very reserved. I've determined so far that everyone in her immediate vicinity feared her presence and if I ever were to get out from here alive, I'd have to play this right.

"Follow me, little claws" Her words seemed almost like a whisper and I immediately held my head down and followed her into the mansion. Rubbing the dirt that lingered into the creases of my eyes, I walked in to a well illuminated palace. My wolf detected the presence of at least five people in the area. Their scents were too faint for me to distinguish.

Everyone who passed me by didn't say a word or even bother to look in my direction. They are human, I thought to myself. But why would humans be associated with an Alpha?

I watched the silken robe embrace her figure as the Alpha made her way into the hallway. We were now at the dining room. All types of food were spread out on the large table in front of us. The aroma of food filled my nostrils, making my stomach growl. I, however, was unable to conceal my dismay as we passed the table.

"Get freshened up, you would find clothes in the wardrobe. And when you're done, join me for dinner. You'd need the strength for the rest of the night" She said, walking me in to a tiny bedroom.

The expression "like a lamb to the slaughter" came to mind right away. I sucked in air and managed to respond. "I'm not hungry"

"But I am. And if I tell you to eat, you . . .eat!" She hissed, her teeth gritted. "I'll give you ten minutes"

Ignoring her words, I shut the door behind me. My eyes scoured the space in search of a way out, but all the windows were barred by slender rods made of flawless silver. I entered the bathroom to take a shower while heaving a helpless sigh.

As I washed away all the grime, I realized how foolish I had been to trust the Kaos Pack. I should have known that they would have betrayed me. I was the spare Beta.

But I blamed myself instead. As a beta, isn't that one of my jobs? To see through people and to warn my pack? Was I lacking my skills because it has been so long since I was in one or was I just not cut out to be a beta in the first place?

I quickly shut down those thoughts and focused on the matter at hand. If she wasn't going to kill me immediately, what was her goal in kidnapping me in the first place?

As the water cleaned my filthy body, I felt my wolf lingering against my skin. The whole ordeal had completely shut down that part of me. When Xander threw me to the Alpha, I felt my wolf hide behind me, but I subsequently felt it try to reappear. However, the Alpha commanded me not to shift, therefore I was unable to do so. I remembered the Alpha squatting down and demanding for my name.

I felt weak because my inner wolf spent all of its energy attempting to escape but failed at every try. Nevertheless, whether or not she had a faint scent, I could still feel the heat between her legs.

"Do I need to spell it out for you? The Alpha is in heat!" My wolf spoke in my head. My eyes widened trying to process everything.

"Oh no no no" I started chanting, feeling my entire body tingle.

"Yes yes yes" My wolf repeated.

As I headed out of the shower, realization hit like a ton of bricks when I deciphered what she had meant by; "You'd need the strength for the rest of the night"

The mere thought of me inside her made my cock twitch, my inner wolf roared in approval as its basic instincts came into play. But I had to deny him that craving due to the loud beating of my heart that is right now, engulfed in nothing but fear.

Fear for my life.

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