Chapter Twenty Three

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Hugo's POV

My senses were comforted by the warmth of the water as it freely flowed against my skin. However, in a literal notion, the mist in the shower clouded my thoughts. Her words rang in my ear like a chime.

"All will be revealed to you tonight. And then you can decide if we're still mates or not. There's still so much you don't know, little claws"

I knew that wanting her and being with her came at a cost, but I was willing to fulfil them. All I wanted was to see her happy. I couldn't help but feel compelled to protect her from any threats as the idea of her being my mate began to sink in.

Getting out of the shower, I glanced at the black suit that laid neatly on the bed. Memories of the mating ceremony at the cabin returned, but this time I couldn't help but smile. She did regard this dinner as a date. An official date.

Worrying about what the remainder of the night had in store for me, I walked outside into the living room. I noticed her seated at the table wearing a black velvet backless dress. Gosh, she's beautiful. She gave me a quick glance before giving me a lingering stare and biting her lip.

"Fuck me" Alpha Talia murmured under her breath, avoiding my glance.

"What? You don't like suits?" I smirked whilst sitting in front of her. She leaned quietly in her seat and extended her legs in the direction of my torso beneath the table. My cheeks started to flush as my bulge took a few seconds to salute her mere presence.

"You look . . very handsome, little claws" She remarked, stroking her foot over my bulge playfully.

"Thank you, and you look like a goddess" I replied, grinding my teeth, eager to rip her clothes off and have her on the table.

"Tell me something I don't already know" She continued to push against me while keeping her eyes fixated on me.

"You look like my mate" I smirked again. She glared at my response indignantly.

"Yeah? Well, you look like someone who's getting punished on this table later tonight. Don't think I will forget about you defying me" She stated, stroking my bulge faster. Her red lips curled into a smile, knowing fully well the effect she had on me.

My yellow eyes glowed as I grabbed her feet and pressed them against the tip of my bulge. She flinched at my response. "Well then, you're looking at someone who'd enjoy the FUCK out of it"

"Ahem" Frieda cleared her throat, temporarily putting an end to our covert banter. I looked to my right and saw Frieda standing near the table. How long has she been standing here? Did I not see her? Or worse, did I completely dismiss her presence?

"In case it's obvious that you both completely forgot about my presence here in the first place, I'd like to remind you both why you're here", Frieda continued. Alpha Talia kept her eyes on me while carefully lowering her legs under the table. My cheeks felt as like they were on fire with embarrassment, so I adjusted my suit and averted my sight.

Frieda gingerly set two glasses on the table, and they clattered together. She then grabbed for the jar containing the blood red liquid. The atmosphere fell quiet. Frieda crouched to ensure that both glasses were evenly full while pouring the crimson liquid into them.

"Now, there's one week left for the full moon. We don't have much time. Tonight is about getting to know one another. Truly getting to know each other." Frieda sternly spoke as she set each drink in front of Alpha Talia and I. Even though, I wasn't really aware of what was going on, I was convinced that it required some potent witchcraft.

"Frieda thinks since we both don't really like sharing about the past, we should start from there" Alpha Talia muttered.

"You both?" Frieda chuckled. This caused Alpha Talia to scowl at her. I repressed a grin as I waited for Frieda to explain the significance of the enigmatic beverage.

"Since Tal . . err I mean, Alpha Talia is required to conserve her powers for the ritual, I made a concoction using her blood. It'll link you both during the flashback spell." Frieda stated.

"Flashback spell?" I stared at her and then at Alpha Talia, perplexed. Alpha Talia held in her breath before she spoke.

"I figured it was easier to just show you what the curse is all about" She exhaled loudly and appeared to be thinking deeply as she glanced at the drink. Meanwhile, Frieda continued,

"The concoction binds the two of you together. You will feel whatever she feels. Remember, this is her revisiting a traumatic experience and watching it unfold in third person." Frieda's words of warning weighed heavy in my mind as I glanced at Alpha Talia's disgruntled expression. I knew I wanted to know the truth, but not at the expense of her mental state. Whatever occurred in her past must have been horrific enough for her to choose to show me than telling me about it.

"You know, you can just tell me what's going on. You don't need to do this", I said quietly, whilst leaning towards her.

"I have to, little claws. I .. want to." She replied instantaneously. "Give me your hand."

Hesitant at first, I stared at her. She drew in another long breath before grasping my hand. Her grip on my hand was really firm. She lifted the glass in the air before drinking the concoction and I jumped right on board.

"I just want you to know that. ." A whoosh in the air interrupted me before I could complete my sentence. "Whoahhhh" as the wind carried us into the vortex, I yelled. I was gone in the span of a single blink.

When I opened my eyes, the distorted voices began to sound more audible. Alpha Talia held my hand tightly as she stood next to me. An older woman with long, straight grey hair was emerging from the oval door. Two mysterious-looking men emerged behind her.

All of a sudden, I watched as a distressed younger Alpha Talia appeared, screaming and sprinting towards her. It took me a while to realize that this was her mother she was mad at. As Alpha Talia approached closer, her mother raised her hand and the strange men vanished from view.

What transpired next shocked me to my core.


""You can kill me now, but know that the curse will continue every heat cycle until you find your true mate. Every fifth day. Your mate might survive and might not survive during the ordeal." Her mother spoke.

"Why? "I will not find anybody else!" Alpha Talia cried.

"Too bad then, because if you don't have a mate by the fifth day, you'll die instead. But you get five lives, so pick them wisely."

"Make it stop, take back the hex. Bring back Ryan, please."

"It's unavoidable. Since you like to defy me so much, I decided it was time to teach you a lesson. And if you're thinking of killing me, you will never know how to reverse it."

"I just killed that monster, what makes you think I won't kill you?!" She screamed.

"Your father was a good man until he brought a baby home and persuaded me to tolerate his adultery. You ruined him. Do you realize how difficult it was for me that he picked you over me?"


A tear began to fall from my eyes as I watched everything unfold. I looked back at Alpha Talia, who was holding my hand and stoically crying. I felt what she was feeling; hurt, sadness, and anger.

"Your mother did this?" I muttered under my breath in fury and rage.

" Stepmother. The hex of the century. The one I can't seem to break, no matter how hard I try", she whispered. Her voice cracked as the tears refused to hold back.

"Hey, it's okay. You're okay. I'm here". I embraced her in my arms. As I witnessed her mother being torn to shreds, she buried her face in my chest. Although she may appear to be a monster due to her hybrid form, she was really the victim of true monsters. It pained me to witness her suffering. I could feel the weight of the load she was carrying, and I was able to relate to her more emotionally as a result.

There was a tender side to Alpha Talia that she had been hiding behind her stern appearance.

"They may not have been the ideal parents, but they both died by my hands. I . . lost control. And if I could take it back, I'm not sure if I would still choose not to kill them. Does that make me a monster?" She murmured.

"Not at all. Listen to me, you were wronged by them. You don't have to feel even a slightest bit of guilt because they got what they deserved", I replied, stroking her hair and holding her close to my chest.

"I don't know why she hexed me. Mother is a cruel woman, but I always thought she had her reasons. She and her disciples would spend hours in her spell room performing dark magic. Her spells have always been vicious with malicious intent."

"So those men who disappeared right before you came to confront her, were her disciples?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, two rogues. Lucas and Damien, who found purpose through her dark sadistic magic. She protects them like her own children. She thrived on their blind devotion. That's what she required of me, but when I started to rebel, she let out her wrath. In fact, her spirit roams around the mansion, unwilling to rest in peace until the curse is broken, which is why I was hesitant to tell you everything back there."

Oh, so that was her spirit that followed me to the oval door, I thought to myself. Although we've known each other for a short period of time, I felt closer to Alpha Talia than I had ever been before. She was finally opening up to me, and I would never take her vulnerability for granted.

I was now in a position where I could firmly reassure her that I would never leave her side, regardless of the circumstances.

"Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. I know it wasn't easy reliving those memories, but as your mate, I can promise you that I will bring you happier memories. I'd be honoured to join you in the ritual and break this curse once and for all" I stated, truly meaning those words.

"Hugo . . . Frieda is going to kill me for using my powers. But I need to show you something" Alpha Talia spoke, wiping away her tears. Her eyes were closed as she gripped my hand. We were both transferred to a different location in about two seconds. We suddenly find ourselves outside of the flashback vortex.

From the dining area, she whisked us to a hill. My gaze moved to the grass below, where headstones blanketed the surface.

"This is the summit. It's the graveyard where all the betas from the failed rituals are buried. I often come here to pay my respects. They didn't deserve this fate, Hugo. And neither do you" She flashed me a vacant gaze. I could feel the pain she was holding back as she said the words.

"You still don't think we're mates?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter what I think. Mother's curses always come with a cost. A price I'm willing to pay on my own. Because I don't think I have it in me to lose someone else I . . really care about. I don't want to lose you too", she stated, unwilling to meet my eyes.

"You won't." I responded, deciding not to argue with her while she was so distraught. I fixed my attention on the gravestone near the entrance that bore the name Ryan. Deep down, I was aware that she loved someone else. Someone who wasn't around anymore. Because I knew it would take time, I didn't expect her to accept me.

But for now, I wanted her to understand that I was committed to this relationship.

"I'm not going anywhere", I leaned forward so that my lips could touch hers and whispered. She drew me in by wrapping her arms around my neck.

"That's the plan, little claws. I won't let anything happen to you" She gently nibbled my bottom lips while whispering in between kisses. I felt a tear drop land on my cheek, and I knew she was attempting to conceal her pain.

"So, I need you to respect the fact that I will join the ritual alone this upcoming full moon" She remarked as she broke off the kiss.

The concoction's effects were waning, but I didn't need the drink's effects to recognize the suffering behind her eyes .If she doesn't bring a beta to the ritual, she dies and resurrects and I wasn't sure how many extra lives she had left. I can still feel her fear for me. However, all my fears subsided the minute I knew what my purpose was. To keep her safe.

I was her mate. I am her mate. I have always been her mate.

"No" I replied, unable to lie to her.

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