Chapter Six

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Song of the chapter – Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin

"Wake up, girl! This is not the time to lose it!" Harper whispered into Eliana's ear, simultaneously slapping her cheek.

"Kindly remove your hands from her face. You may regret your actions soon enough," an unknown male voice declared on Eliana's opposite side.

"Look, dude, you're pretty much the reason she passed out, so I think it's you that should back the heck off!" Harper dared to reply.

Eliana heard every word but had yet to open her eyes. Somewhere deep down she was begging for it to all be a dream. Please let Harper have been right. Please let me wake up in the cave. Her thoughts fought with her consciousness, but reality ended up winning and she opened her eyes. She was quite unprepared for the view that awaited her.

Dark espresso eyes gazed down at her. As she stared deeply into them, she felt something stir within her. The new surroundings had awakened an energy that she couldn't identify, but this stirring was different. It was so...pleasant. She found her eyes wandering from the depths of those eyes that looked down at her, falling next on the strong features of the face mere inches from hers. The chiseled jawline, thin lips, both utterly male, and utterly mesmerizing. Eliana pulled in a deep breath, trying to steady the beating of her heart, to no avail. She was lost in this unknown man, and found that all she wanted was to really know him.

"Who..." was all she was able to get out.

"Are you alright?" he asked, voice thick with concern.

"I think so," she whispered back.

"Did you hit your head?" he said, while feeling her forehead, his touch like a jolt, awakening every part of her soul.

"No, no it's fine." Her racing heart told a different story, but Eliana was still so confused, and that seemed to overshadow her draw to this man.

"Ahem, Hello?!" Harper interjected.

Immediately, Eliana's attention was drawn to her friend, whom she had basically forgotten was sitting on the ground right next to her after being overwhelmed by intoxicating masculinity.

"Did you pass out too?" Eliana asked, almost comically.

"No, I didn't. Guess I'm the one holding it together now." Harper said with arms crossed. "Come on, let me help you up." She uncrossed her arms, taking one of Eliana's hands and wrapping her free arm around her back for support. The strange man simultaneously did the same, attempting to beat Harper to the prize, which was apparently Eliana.

"As Captain of the Watchers of the land, I formally welcome you to The Ferlands." He said. "I have been awaiting your arrival for the last moon cycle. Queen L'Oran will meet with you as soon as we arrive in the Fae realm, so we should start our journey as soon as you feel capable," the man declared.

"Wait," Eliana stopped his speech, "Who are you?" She looked back over at him, now seeing all of him, rather than just his hypnotizing face, which was still working it's magic on Eliana if she was completely honest with herself. He held himself with strength, looking every bit the Captain of the Watchers, whatever that meant. He seemed very old world, wearing costume-like attire she had only seen in a play or a movie. And upon closer inspection, she realized it was nothing like those outfits she compared it to, it was so much more...authentic.

He wore some type of leather pant that molded to his well-toned legs. His upper body was wrapped in a woven fabric, similar to linen but Eliana, still standing quite close to him, could tell that it was much finer than the linens she was familiar with. The top seemed to cover his arms and then overlap in several layers covering his torso. A thick belt was strapped across his waist, laden with a small arsenal of knives, none of which Eliana had ever seen the likes of. Intricate designs in geometric patterns covered each one, yet none were alike. She could see the hilt of a sword, also covered in overlapping geometric lines, peeking out over his left shoulder. It must have been the sword he was holding when they first saw him. His feet were covered in leather boots, with a similar overlapping layer design as his tunic. The attire spoke volumes, and Eliana felt at once that he was skilled in his position as Captain.

Looking back up at him, she noticed that his sandy blond hair, quite a contrast from his dark eyes, was pulled back out of his face and trailed along his back, being fastened by a tie at his neck. His skin held the glow of one who spent much time outdoors, tanned and rough. He was rugged and muscular. Still looking at him in awe, Eliana found her mouth had gone dry and her breathing remained erratic. Her logical mind told her to be cautious of this stranger, but her body told her something else entirely.

"As I stated, I am the Captain of the Watchers. I was tasked with your retrieval and protection in order to deliver you to the Queen of the Fae," he said, as if Eliana should already understand.

"But, how did you know I was coming? I didn't even know...And, what's your name, since you already know mine." Eliana had pulled her courage together, still feeling conflicted about trusting this man.

"Oh, my apologies. I am Blaike, The Queen received word that you would be arriving within this cycle so she commissioned the Watchers to handle the matter. Why don't you sit here and rest for a while. I need to collect my supplies and prepare our departure. You will be safe in this clearing until my return." Blaike instructed before promptly turning and walking away.

Eliana watched him leave, still dizzy from the turn of events. Harper's sharp huff brought her out of the daydreams she was having of the man.

"Damn, stranger danger no more. Gimme some of that," Harper mumbled.

Eliana turned to her friend of five years and glared. She leveled a gaze that left no questions about her disapproval. Harper would not be getting any of that. The feeling Eliana had was almost territorial, and she had even surprised herself with her reaction.

"Whoa. Calm down, killer. Let's let Thor decide," Harper said, hands up in surrender. Eliana held her tongue, knowing that 'he decided when he knew my name and not yours' would be a terrible response. She was already having a hard time keeping her temper in check, for some reason. Starting a battle over the handsome warrior would be a very bad idea.

"Besides...Blaike?" Harper continued, "What kind of high school heartthrob is this? I mean, shouldn't his name be Alexander or something?"

"That's your complaint? His name?" Eliana asked incredulously. "Have you looked around? Don't you notice that we're not in Montana anymore? I don't even think we're on Earth anymore!" Eliana threw her hands up in frustration.

"Yeah, I see it. But like I said, its probably all a dream and we're both out cold in the cave, so why not just enjoy it, right? It's like an adventure that doesn't cost anything," Harper explained.

"Well, whose dream is it? Yours or mine? Because if we're both having this same dream that's just as nuts as it being the real deal," Eliana said, some of the fire within her finally burning out. They needed to stick together, not fall apart.

"Meh, who cares. He's hot. Even if he is kind of a prick." Harper shrugged. "Most hot guys are jerks, so what's new."

Finally, Eliana just laughed. The situation was ridiculous, and she was out of logical responses, so laughter just seemed right in that moment. In fact, hysterics were starting to set in, and Harper joined the party. Both girls laughed until tears ran down their cheeks, holding onto each other as they sat in a clearing at the base of the hill, encircled by unusually tall trees.

Blaike walked back up to them as they were just coming down from their hysterical high. All he noticed were the tear stained cheeks, it seemed, because he broke into a frantic run up the hill to reach them. Eliana watched with amazement as he fluidly reached across his chest and pulled the sword out of its sheath, still in a dead run, brandishing the sword within seconds. He scanned the area, continuing to wield the sword in preparation for battle.

"What is it? Beast? Oprey? Where did it go?" Blaike questioned quickly.

"What? There's nothing. We were just laughing," Eliana answered. Blaike immediately shot her a look of confusion. Still in a defensive stance, with eyes on Eliana, and making her heart rate speed up yet again, Blaike returned his sword to its sheath.

"Laughing? Whatever for?" he asked, obviously confused by the woman he was sent to retrieve.

"Because this whole thing is unbelievable," Harper answered, drawing the attention of the two people beside her. "So, anyway, where the hell are we?"

Blaike stood up straight, no longer in a protective mode, "I told you, The Ferlands."

"Yeah, caught that. But like I said, where the hell is The Ferlands?" Harper pressed further.

Blaike eyebrows crunched together, either from frustration or confusion, Eliana wasn't sure. "I do not know how to answer that. The Ferlands just is. I am unsure of it's exact location in relation to your home. That is a question better suited for the Queen, she has knowledge of such matters."

"Then," Eliana spoke up, drawing Blaike's attention back, "what part of the Ferlands are we in?"

"Here. In the forgotten lands." Blaike spread his arms out, waving to the surrounding landscape. "It is no longer well traveled as it had once been. In fact, most Ferlish don't know about it's existence, hence the name."

"What happened to it?" Harper asked.

"Some generations ago, there was a struggle for power. Those on the winning side have long kept the Ferlish people under strict control. Some of us, however, seek to change that. It may finally be time." Blaike's response was guarded. Eliana sensed that there was more information he was keeping from them. However, she felt it was the wrong time to ask, she was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that they were in some kind of mystical otherworld.

"If we are to make camp before nightfall, we must begin the journey quite soon," Blaike instructed. "Gather what things you have and follow me to the base of the hill."

"Yeah, we got nothing. Our stuff pretty much vanished, you know, in that cave or whatever." Harper waved behind us to the trail. Then she shrugged her shoulders.

Eliana realized her friend had become more accustomed to their new status as immigrants. It was a huge help that her normally adventurous personality was finally back and ready for anything.

"Glad you've finally decided this is real," Eliana teased as they made their was down the hill, close on Blaike's heels.

"Ha! Not exactly, more like a 'can't beat 'um, then join 'um' kind of thing. Might as well enjoy this and just go with it," she replied, sounding much lighter than before.

"I don't know, Harper. There's something so strange about this place."

"You got that right, Eli. It's weird as fu-"

"Shhhh!" Eliana quickly put her hand over Harper's mouth, cutting off her curse. "Don't talk that way here!"

"Yeah, okay, Mom." Harper laughed. "You are so odd here. First with the whole, 'I hear a whisper', then you practically rip my arm off when I say this dude is hot, and now this. What's with you?"

"I can't explain it. There is a pull, like I'm being drawn in. It feels's familiar. Like I belong here." Eliana shrugged, not understanding any of what had been happening, especially the odd sensation of rightness she felt. That had never been a term she would have attached to any place in her life. Not her home with Brett, not her college. Even the feeling of home that she felt at Aine's was nothing compared to the sensation she had in this new land.

Eliana took a moment to study her surroundings more closely. What was it about this place that was drawing her? As they made their way to the bottom of the hill, she observed more of the same trees they had been surrounded by. Somewhat pine-like but not exactly, that was how she had described them initially. But after closer scrutiny, her description had more detail. Excessively tall, as if they were actually touching clouds, the trunks a deep, rich brown with touches of gold and gray. They were solid trees, thick at the base, thicker than even her car she thought, with branches that didn't' start until they were maybe ten feet off the ground. No one would be climbing those trees without some kind of ladder. The leaves weren't leaf like or needles, as a pine tree would have. They were something of a combination of the two; leaves that were narrow and flat, but stiff and scaled like needles.

And the smell! Eliana had never inhaled anything as pleasant. If she could bottle it and sell it as a room freshener it would reap more profit than anything else on the market. It was almost intoxicating, perhaps that was the reason for her calm demeanor, being drugged by the amazing scent.

"This forgotten land is amazing!" she declared out loud. Blaike turned back toward her, having reached the bottom of the hill.

"It is, indeed. We can thank the Seers for that. They are the reason this place has remained untouched by the wicked ruling hand."

" got a lot of weird jobs here," Harper interjected.

"A Watcher's job is to protect Seers. It's a long and honored tradition. Without Seers, the land we walk on would die. A Seer is the most important role in The Ferlands. But one does not choose to be a Seer, one is chosen."

"Well, that clears everything up." Harper shook her head. "You know, you make less sense the longer I listen. Can you speak normal English and just tell us what the heck a Seer is?"

"I speak the common tongue fluently, as I have been from the moment you stepped out of the gate and she lost consciousness." Blaike made eye contact with Eliana as he spoke, causing her heart to race yet again, and a blush to rise on her cheeks. "Unfortunately, that is yet another question best left for Queen L'Oran."

"Shouldn't we get started?" Eliana asked, anxious to change the topic, "You said we needed to make camp before dark."

"Yes. I have some supplies prepared for you both, considering our journey will take several days, or longer dependent upon the speed with which you travel." Blaike handed each girl a leather-like pack filled with unknown items. It was fairly light considering it's size. Eliana wondered if there was food or some type of sleeping mat inside, despite its lack of mass.

After gathering the items Blaike had handed to each girl, the three of them set off along a tree-lined trail, no wider than one person. Blaike had the lead, followed by Eliana and then Harper in the rear. They walked silently along the path for quite some time, just continuing to take in their surroundings. The scenery hadn't changed much since exiting the cave, until they rounded the base of the hill. As Eliana followed Blaike around the curve, her mouth dropped open and a gasp escaped. The Ferlands was laid out before her and it was like nothing she had ever seen.


I'm so excited that you're reading this! Thank you, and I love hearing from you as well! If you liked this, would you add your vote? Thanks so much!

What do you think about Blaike? He's caught Eliana's attention, that's for sure! I'm not sure what he was expecting while he waited for her arrival...

Immigrant Song is classic Zepplin, and there are a few lines about being an alien that made me think of this chapter. Harper certainly hasn't taken the sudden change of scenery well!

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