Chapter Ten

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Song of the chapter – High Hopes by Pink Floyd

After meeting with the Fae queen, Eliana was left feeling more confused than before. Zolen led her and Blaike to guest quarters just outside of the Queen's. She immediately lay down and fell into a fitful sleep.

Her dreams plagued her throughout the long night. Visions of starlight passed through her mind, clear and sparkling. Silver streaks flew across the expanse of her imagination, bursting and bright, reminding her of a fallen star in the skies back home. There was energy in those starbursts, and she felt almost strengthened by them.

But then the battles began. Her dreams shifted from joyful celebrations of starlight to intense clanging of swords. Warriors with dark shadows covering their features attacked, forcing her to run, to flee from her home. Eliana felt a panic rising in her soul, worried about not only her life, but the very existence of the world she was now a part of. Her mind begged her to do something, but she didn't know what. Suddenly, rich brown eyes were looking into hers, giving her a strength to continue forward. Her heart was full, her resolve became set to face the battle head on. The brown eyes gave her hope and a sense of peace.

Eliana woke with a start. She bolted upright in her bed, searching her surroundings to remember where she was. She saw the brown boots, unlaced and placed on the floor by her bed, and she remembered. Brown eyes to match the brown boots, eyes that had held her gaze not only in her dreams, but during her entire visit to the Ferlands. Eliana needed to find him, to find Blaike and ask him to take her to the Seer refuge. Something told her that he would be very important on her journey to discover why she was the one to help this fight.

She dressed quickly, placing the StarStone in its hiding spot, and the necklace under the tunic. There were no other belongings that she brought with her, so she was able to leave the small room quickly to find Blaike. Eliana crossed the hallway to his door and knocked, waiting for him to open up. After several knocks, and no response, she turned to walk out towards the courtyard which lay between the Queen's and the guests quarters. Sitting on a chair fashioned from logs was the very man she sought. He was in a deep conversation with Zolen, who sat on a similar chair next to him.

"There you are." Eliana said, relief washing over her as she saw him finally.

"Yes, here I am. Good morning, you look well rested." Blaike replied, smirking slightly at her flustered greeting.

"Not exactly." She said, remembering the dreams that kept her tossing and turning most of the night. "Can I speak with you? In private?" she added as she stole a glance at Zolen.

The Fae warrior's eyes went wide in surprise, "I suppose I can go find some breakfast for us, if I'm not wanted here." He sounded insulted.

"I'm sorry, I just..." Eliana started.

"Oh, do not allow this grump to upset you." Blaike told her. "He is not fond of mornings."

"True, I prefer Star rise." Zolen stated as he got up to leave. "Additionally, we need to procure our horses so we can travel back to your very unpleasant friend."

When he was out of earshot, Blaike leaned closer to Eliana, stating quietly, "I think he may quite enjoy Harper."

"You may be right, just don't tell Harper yet!" Eliana replied, causing the two of them to laugh.

"Alright, what would you like to speak to me about." Blaike asked, bringing them back to the topic at hand.

"I think I need to go speak to the Seer's. There is something more I need to find out, something is missing from all of this. I need to know why I'm here now, why Aine left with me and what happened." Eliana confessed. She had never felt the need to know much about her background, but the recent experience had brought those feelings to the surface with a force.

"That is quite understandable, and I believe you should go to get your answers." Blaike replied.

"I want you to take me. Well, and Harper would come as well."

Blaike just looked back at her, holding her gaze the way he seemed to do so often now. After a long pause, Blaike answered her request, "It would be my great honor."

Eliana heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that she wouldn't be able to make the journey with anyone else.

"We will make our preparations as soon as we return to the community. This is a very different type of journey, leading us high into the mountains, so more supplies will be needed." Blaike informed her.

"Whatever you say. I'm just along for the ride, I guess." She shrugged, smiling wide at his knowledge.

"Oh no, I am guessing that you are much more than that." He replied, his gaze directly on her, his voice low.

"Here you go!" Zolen called out, interrupting the moment that had just begun between them. "I have fruit and forest meal. Quite filling."

Eliana glanced at the tray Zolen carried. "Ah, granola. Yum! Thanks, Zolen."

Zolen appeared confused at Eliana's term, looking at the tray and then shrugging his broad shoulders. "Yes, well, how long until we leave for the Refuge?"

Eliana practically choked on her breakfast, "You're coming?"

Appearing insulted once again, Zolen squared his shoulders, standing at attention in front of his two travel mates, "You will not be taking him-" he indicated Blaike with his finger pointing towards the Watcher, "-off to adventure and glory while leaving me behind to guard ancient trees."

Blaike and Eliana looked over at each other, then back to Zolen. "The forest must be getting to you, my fearless Fae. I do believe it is time you ventured out." Blaike stood up to shake his hand.

Eliana watched in amusement as the two proceeded to engage in what must have been a typical Ferlish handshake; hands clasping the others upper forearm, near the elbow, and then a pull back and forth rather than a pump up and down. They appeared to be sawing a log, which was appropriate for the forest.

Eliana's laugh brought the attention of the two males over to her direction. "If you are done with the manly bonding, we should start making our way back to the compound. I would hate to think what Harper is putting those poor Fae through."

"The Fae are not easily fazed by such antics. I am sure she is the one having the difficulties." Zolen told her as he gathered their breakfast items. "But you are correct, the time has come for our departure.

"I would like to say goodbye to Queen L'Oran before we leave." Eliana added. She had been so warmly welcomed by the monarch, who seemed less like a regal Queen and more like a caring friend.

"She has already left for other realms. There is a summit with the Ancients that she must attend." Zolen stated.

"Who are the ancients?" Eliana had heard that term several times and wondered now who or what they were.

Blaike spoke to her while they started walking towards the stables where their horses were corralled. "The Ancients are the leaders of the Ferlands. Well, they were before the Fall. They are representatives from the different realms. In the past they met to oversee the laws and maintance of our fair land. After the dark forces took power, they have been in hiding, much as the Seers were in exile. But with the turning of the tide; the waking of the forest, and your arrival, they have deemed it necessary to meet once again."

Eliana took in the information presented by Blaike, mulling it over in her mind for a while. It felt as though the land was on the cusp of some type of revolution, and her arrival was the match that lit the spark, it seemed.

They made it to the stables, which had been built right into the outer stone wall, with double rows of pens for an army of horses. Most of the pens were empty, however. Zolen explained that many of the Fae guards were out on patrol, including a group that escorted her Majesty to the summit. The rest were somewhere within the compound, keeping watch.

Once they were mounted on horseback and rode out past the compound walls, Eliana once again spoke with Blaike.

"Are the ancients really ancient? I mean, are they immortal? Or really old?" She had wondered about time and age ever since entering the lands.

"The Ancients are not immortal, no one in the Ferlands is, not even the Fae. Although, the Fae do live a longer life than humans here. I have heard that in our world, time moves more slowly than in yours." He leaned closer to Eliana, their horses mere inches from one another, "We Watchers hear things on occasion." Blaike said quietly.

"So then, how old are you?" Eliana asked, smirking slightly.

Blaike laughed, "I am 25 Ferlish years, but I'm not sure what that would make me in your world. I would ask for you to return the favor, but I was raised never to ask a woman her age."

While Eliana smiled at his sweet reply, Zolen simply scowled. "And why would that be the case? Is it an insult to ask about someone's age?"

"Zolen, some women don't like getting older, so when someone asks them about their age, it is a reminder about aging in general." Eliana explained.

"Ridiculous. It is merely a number, there is no emotion attached. I, myself, am 28 years living. You will not see me upset about it."

"Well, Zolen. You don't look a day over 27." Eliana joked. She found herself reaching a fist over to Blaike, attempting to bump his. But then she realized he would have no clue what she was doing. As she started to pull the hand away, Blaike took her by the wrist and gently pulled her arm towards his mouth, kissing the soft skin on the back of her clenched fist.

"Perfectly stated, Eliana." Blaike said quietly, his eyes locking with hers. Eliana realized that their eyes locked awfully frequently. She didn't know if it meant the same thing in the Ferlands as it did back home. But she sincerely hoped so.


"Harper, what have you done?" Eliana asked her friend, watching as she untied a few of the Fae children.

"We were playing a game, what?" Harper said back, hands up in the air. "Didn't you ever play cops and robbers?"

"Do they even know what cops and robbers are?" Eliana asked.

Harper shook her head, "Nah, we called it Watchers and Fae."

Blaike and Zolen shot their heads in her direction, "What?" They said at the same time.

"What do you mean, what?" Harper glared at them. "The kids suggested it."

"Hmm." Blaike replied, then looked back over to Zolen, "Looks like the old rumors are true. The Fae don't think highly of the Watchers."

"Is it not commonly known? I for one, think the job of protector belongs to the Fae. We are natural warriors, not needing much training."

"And Watchers have instincts that the Fae do not, making us formidable opponents to any attack." Blaike said.

Eliana stepped between the two, attempting to change the topic. "Shall we start preparing for the journey now, or in the morning?" Her nerves were on high alert, knowing that she would be traveling what seemed to be a dangerous route with two warriors who did not get along.

"Let us rest up today. Tomorrow we will begin preparations, then we journey out the following Stardown." Blaike suggested.

"Is that agreeable to you, Zolen?" Eliana turned to the brooding Fae, attempting to calm his ego.

"If it is to your liking, young traveler, then I agree." He stated, while avoiding eye contact.

"Harper, how is that for you?" Eliana turned to her friend, by then having finished untying the Fae children.

"Ha, now you ask me. But where the hell are we going now?" Harper asked, hands on hips. Eliana had forgotten that Harper wasn't aware of the Queen's urging for her to meet with the returned Seers.

"That will take some explaining, but we are going to the Seer's refuge. I will tell you about it later. I'm tired right now, so I'm going to the cabin to rest."

"Yeah, me too. Those kids have too much energy, they kept me running around all day!" Harper laughed.

Eliana turned to Blaike, feeling sad to be leaving his side, even just to nap. Spending the last two days so close to him, talking about all that had been happening, had brought them closer emotionally, or so Eliana thought. She felt an even stronger pull then she had during the week-long trek across the countryside. Something about hearing him speak more of his position as a Watcher stirred a feeling deep within her heart for him. He was so passionate, so dedicated to his calling that she couldn't help it.

"Will you be at the evening meal?" She asked him quietly.

"Of course, I look forward to lifting the spoon for you." Blaike replied. His answer made her heart race a little, knowing what Zolen had said about lifting the spoon for those you care about. Did Blaike care about her? She looked at him over her shoulder as she walked away, and just as she was about to turn her head, she caught him wink. A little smile took over her features, and a warmth filled her heart.

"What was all that?" Harper asked as they entered the cabin. "You two were flirting hard."

Eliana blushed, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Denial. The first sign that you're falling for him." She said, patting Eliana on the back. "Now go rest and dream of your brown eyed boy."

"And you'll be dreaming of green eyes." Eliana smirked. Harper just glared back, but said nothing. "I know you are in denial now."

After resting for a bit, the girls cleaned up to meet with Blaike and Zolen at the gathering place for the Fae evening meal. To their surprise, both males were waiting outside of the hall, leaning against the building and appearing to be having a heated discussion about the route they would be taking to the Seer refuge.

"The pass is too dangerous!" Zolen declared. "Fae and Watchers alike have gone in, never to return."

"The Wildlands are equally filled with danger, and we fared those with ease." Blaike's voice fell to a whisper, "She has the stone, it will guard us through the pass."

"We can not rely on that, it has not been tested out. It is a legend, not a weapon." Zolen disagreed.

"It is both, as you have heard. It exists. If you had heard the whimper of the Oprey, you would agree with me now." Blaike insisted. "Let us have Eliana make the final decision. It is her quest."

Blaike and Zolen turned their attention toward Eliana, finally seeming to notice that the women had approached them during their argument.

"What am I deciding?" Eliana asked, not completely understanding their discussion.

"There are two options for our journey, one is direct and we will arrive at the refuge within two days time. The other is much longer, a week at least, but has less potential for...problems." Blaike explained.

Zolen interjected, "By problems, he means danger, attacks from beasts and creatures that you know nothing of. The potential is strong that our lives would be in danger should we take the shorter path through the mountain."

Taking a deep breath, Eliana paused for a moment to let their words sink in. Blaike was obviously confident that the StarStone would offer them protection, as it had against the Oprey in the Wildlands. Zolen did not share his confident outlook.

"I think we can make that decision tomorrow. I need time to think about it." Eliana replied.

"Tomorrow is fine. We should plan early, though, as more supplies would be needed for the longer route." Zolen advised.

"Yes, let me sleep on it, and I'll talk with you at the morning meal." Eliana said. Zolen nodded in agreement. The four continued into the gathering place and had another delicious meal with Eliana's new favorite bread, the mallon flat bread the Fae seemed to always have. All it needed was a little butter and it would be unbelievable.

Morning came, Eliana having had a dreamless night of peaceful sleep. She was more rested than she had been in longer than she could remember. One thing a good night of sleep did was make decisions much easier. Eliana realized that she was anxious to get to the Seer refuge quickly. She needed answers, and wondered if Seers would have more insight into her life because Aine had been one of them.

For a while, Eliana wondered if she would also have the Seer gift, being Aine's granddaughter. She was curious if either of her parents had been Seers as well. But once Queen L'Oran mentioned that it was all in the eyes, and eyes of blue were that of a Seer, she knew that she did not have that gift. The Queen mentioned nothing about hazel eyes.

Another factor influencing Eliana was Blaike's confidence. She too remembered the whimpering Oprey, and remembered the surge of power and energy she felt when her hand grasped the stone. His belief that they would be safe through the short passage gave her the desire to choose the quicker route. Her decision made, Eliana was anxious to let the males know as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, Harper was not of the same mindset. That girl could sleep all day and still be exhausted. She was slow moving in the morning, but once she fully woke up, Eliana had a hard time keeping up with Harper. She practically bounced from one activity to another, talking full speed the entire time.

"Are you almost ready, Harper?" Eliana called from the common room. "I need to get to Zolen and Blaike to let them know our path."

"Aw, let them wait. Those two need to learn to get along. This is the perfect opportunity." Harper replied from the bathroom.

"Somehow, I don't think waiting outside the gathering hall is the place for them to work out their differences." Eliana said quietly, not really intending for Harper to hear her. "What in the world are you doing in there? It's not like we have any make-up!"

"Hush, you! I'm trying something." Harper yelled back. "You need some patience."

Eliana continued to sit on the cushioned chair in the common room, tapping her foot on the wood floor. She could admit her impatience, but it was just because she wanted to tell them what she had decided. It was not because she wanted to see a certain brown eyed Watcher.

As her thoughts traveled to the chiseled warrior, the door to the bathroom opened. Out stepped Harper with her blonde hair done up in a swirl of braids. Eliana had noticed that many of the Fae women had worn their hair in a similar style. It suited Harper, she thought, making her look almost Fae herself.

"Wow, Harper! How did you do that?" Eliana asked as she stood up to inspect the braided coif on top of Harper's head.

Harper just smiled, obviously proud of her accomplishment, "Those kids taught me. They make seriously great stylists." She took a little spin, showing off her handy work.

"Well, I think a certain Fae general will appreciate it too." Eliana added as Harper's spinning came to an abrupt halt.

"Like I care." Harper huffed, then proceded to stomp out the door of the cabin, not waiting to see if Eliana was following.

"Hmm, someone's awfully defensive."

"Someone else is awfully anxious to see a certain Watcher." Harper shot back.

Eliana decided to let the teasing end there before the two males in question overheard and teased them further.

"Let's just get breakfast. I'm sure Blaike and Zolen want to know which route we are taking." Eliana had felt shocked when they left the decision up to her. There was something about the way Blaike had referred to it as her quest, though, that left her feeling slightly overwhelmed suddenly. She realized in that moment that she should have felt overwhelmed the entire time. Shocked even. Panicked, But she hadn't, not one bit. Of course she had been surprised and confused, but never overwhelmed. And Eliana had no idea why.


This is one of those chapters that technically got split. I originally intended it to include the trip to the refuge, but when I got to 3500 words and they hadn't even left yet, I needed to start a new chapter!

That meant an extra song on my playlist, and at the time High Hopes kept coming to mind. It's an amazing song, written in the 1990's by Pink Floyd so it has a modern feel while remaining entirely of the PF essence.
And it's so soothing! I felt it fit this part of Eliana's journey, so here it is!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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