Chapter 40

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Y/N was filled with an inexplicable warmth at these words, unable to muster up a snide comeback. Deimos coughed, embarrassed, and said, softly "Don't be scared," he gave her an imploring look.

Y/N raised a brow "Scared? Scared of wha-!" before she could finish her sentence, Deimos made a low whistling tune. The sound of it made Y/N uneasy, as if something terrible was about to transpire. The feeling you get when you're being watched.

As he whistled Deimos's eyes grew to a darker red hue, unlike his bright crimson eyes. Startled, Y/N realised they weren't his anymore. Deimos whispered quickly "Don't make any sudden movements, just hold my hand." and he resumed whistling.

Y/N swallowed the lump forming in her throat and flitted her eyes around, looking for this... thing Deimos was summoning.

All too soon, she heard a low hiss and the sky darkened. A flash of emerald scales, a glimpse of two red eyes and a flicker of long whiskers. It's breath billowed into a cloud of smoke and it towered over them on the other side of the balcony. Deimos tightened his grip on Y/N's hand.

He had just summoned a Dragon.

A low growl emitted from the beast's throat, it stared at Y/N with crimson eyes that were deeper than Deimos's. Y/N shied away, almost certain that it could see into her thoughts. Deimos bowed his head, respectfully "Good to see you kept your promise, Sergu." his voice was even, hiding a threat within.

The dragon's voice was surprisingly melodious "A promise isn't a kiss blown in the wind only to be forgotten, Deimos. I'd like my token back." Deimos rolled his eyes and from inside his cloak, he took out an emerald scale as big as his palm. It shone almost brighter than the stars, almost. "Here, now help me." Deimos said in a lofty tone of voice.

The dragon took the scale and then bowed, so that the two deities could get on. Deimos hopped onto the dragon's back, deftly. Y/N hesitated, looking at the beast cautiously.

"I don't bite! Humans taste too salty anyways..." the dragon continued coyly "And something about that colour," Sergu tapped a claw on Y/N's hood "Just isn't alluring." Y/N rolled her eyes, she could've sworn she saw the dragon smile- as if he had done this before...

Y/N bit down on her teeth and with Deimos's help, she got on the dragon's back. She almost slipped, the scales were smooth. Deimos looked back at Y/N "Where is it?" his voice was calm despite Hades and Pit clashing in the background.

Y/N pointed to a balcony a few hundred meters away "The second turret!" she said. The dragon reared its head and then burst forward with immense speed. Y/N grabbed onto Deimos to steady herself "Wh-...What's a green dragon doing here anyways?" Y/N asked "I don't think they're native to Ithaca-"

"I can hear you, you know!" Grumbled the Dragon "Let's just say I come from the east and my father banished me from Ai'lo-...." the dragon stopped mid-sentence "Forget I said that." he said matter-of-factly.

"You're here! Now get off me, I'm not a horse!" Sergu growled, his eyes flashing. Deimos slid off "That'll teach you not to gamble with the god of terror!" he yelled after the dragon left. Y/N looked at him through half lidded eyes "You gamble?" her voice had an edge to it.

Deimos puffed his chest out "And I win, that's the important thing!" Deimos put a hand on her shoulder "Now find your stupid oar, or would you like to see your boyfriend die?" Y/N glared at him "He's not my boyfriend! Now help me!" she opened the balcony doors and flitted her eyes around, scanning the area for messorem.

Under the sheets, Y/N. I can't believe you forgot me...

Ugh! Stop being so dramatic!

Y/N rolled her eyes, recognising Messorem's sleezy voice. She ripped the covers off her bed and grabbed the oar, a surge of familiarity consuming her. "Right! Now can you call your Dragon back so e can fly to Pit?" Y/N clutched her oar with both hands.

Deimos shook his head "I only had one favour from Sergu! And now I wasted it on you!" he whined. Y/N sighed in exasperation "Now how will we get there?"

"I think I can help," said a familiar voice.

Phobos's POV:

I stare at the ceiling.

I remember watching my brother do this countless times, now I get why he does it so much. 

My life...

I lost my temple, I lost my job, Hades fired me from being the temporary ferry deity, Atropos hated me in her last moments, My mom's always hated me, my dad's always hated me and now-... Now my brother hates me too.

I sigh, clenching the black sand in my fists. Gods, when did I become such a screw up?

I was only trying to be what everyone wanted me to be.

 My father wanted tough, I was tough. I'd never cried, never sympathised. My brother would cry in his room. Hearing his sobs would twist my heart, still, I never said anything. Some part of me knows that I should've been there. Yet I wasn't.

Hades wanted loyal. I never shirked or flinched in the bloodiest battles. Deimos never knew of these assignments Hades gave me... he was soft... I can still taste the blood I spilled in that village. The ashes that consumed it.

My whole life, dedicated to being what they wanted me to be. Being successful in my craft. Gaining respect, Validation... fear. So, tell me:

Why do I feel so numb?

When had it become like this?

When had I become like this?

Maybe the world would be better off without me, I know my brother would. I should just go to Egypt, Live there- start a clean slate.

Heck, it's 2am! Give me a break, universe!


This chapter was based off of me fangirling for Six Crimson Cranes and the character in it! I found no fanfic about it, so maybe I'll have to do it myself! Thanks so much for reading! The end in so close, I can taste it! Stay safe!


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