Chapter 5

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"I will help you."

The angel gives me a big grin "Thank you!" he exclaims. "Now, do you know how to swim?" I ask him looking around.


I look back at him a bit surprised at his sudden outburst "Yeah, swim."

"I can't."

"You don' know?!"

"I do know!"


"I don't like swimming!"

I sigh exasperated "Look kid, this is life or death." I begin "Either you swim and live or you don't swim and I take you to the Elysian Fields." Pit looks at me for a second before turning his gaze to the river Styx.

"I'll do it."

I smile "okay, be sure to swim to the left side of the edge of the river." I explain "Then keep walking along the left side, you should see a cottage. Go inside the cottage." Pit nods.

He takes a shaky breath "I hate swimming!" he mutters. Pit jumps into the black murky waters and starts to swim- or whatever it is he's doing. I turn my attention to the docks, Cerebus is there but luckily he isn't looking towards Pit.

I continue rowing with small pants escaping my lips. Even though I do this everyday, it's still hard! Cerebus looks at me when my gondola touches the docks at the gates of the underworld. "No spirit?" He asks suspiciously "No, there are less today." I say nervously, hoping he'll believe me. Cerebus just nods and walks back inside the gates.

I breathe a sigh of relief and jog towards my cottage.

I burst through the door and see Pit sitting on the floor his clothes wet and looking around in wonder. "Made it I see!" I say keeping my hood on.

"Who are you?"

"I thought I told you- The ferry deity."

"You know what I mean!"


I proceed to tell him how I was born and about my dull, boring life. Once I finished he gave me a hug. "The heck!" I gasp not expecting that, I push him off, I barely know him.

"So, how do I come back to life?" He asks me. I think for a bit wondering if there was any way in the underworld we could resurrect him. No matter how hard I thought, I came up with nothing. I shake my head at him.

"How about the rewind spring!" He says excitement sparking in his blue eyes. I nod in amusement at his lack of greek knowledge. "You can't rewind an already dead person!" I say half annoyed and half amused. Then it comes to me.

"We can stitch your string back together!" I snap my fingers.

"My what?"

"Your string!"


"Your string of life! That's how you died! Atropos accidentally cut your string!"

"How did that happen?!"

"I don't even want to know."

"So I wasn't meant to die?" He asks hope clouding his eyes, I nod.

"So we aren't doing anything wrong... I think."

"When do we do it?" Pit asks standing up. "Tomorrow." I tell him, he groans "Why not today!?" I sigh. "I work twenty one hour shifts! I want to relax today!" Pit's eyes widen "Twenty one hours?!" he shrieks. I nod "When do you sleep?!" he persists.

I think for a moment "I don't."


I look down quietly

"I don't."

Pit comes over to me and pats my back awkwardly. "I'm sorry. Hey! If I ever make it out of here, you can come with me!" he says excitedly. I shake my head "I can't unless Hades allows it. If I go up without a god's permission I will die."

"Lady Palutena can give you permission!" Pit smiles. "I guess I can try..." I say quietly not wanting to dampen his mood.

"Do you know how to sew?" I ask him.

"No why would I?!"

"What do you mean by that!?"

"You're a girl, you're the one who's supposed to learn." He insists.

I glare at him, not that he would know since I have my hood on. I take of my slipper and hold it in my hand "Y/N...?" Pit asks nervously backing away. I rear my hand back and throw it at him forcefully.




"Either you learn and sew your string or stay here!" I tell him still annoyed. "okay." he sighs, this kid learns fast- I'll give him that.

I toss him a sewing kit I have never touched in my life that Clothos gave me. Last time I tried, I pricked my finger. "How?" Pit asks holding the kit nervously and sit-in criss-cross on the carpet, I just shrug. "Some deity..." Pit mutters under his breath, I smirk "Some angel..."

While he's looking at the sewing kit I explain the plan.

"Tomorrow on my break I will bring you to the right side of the gates and then distract the three fates by inviting them to my house for the first time. Then you will make your move and steal your string. You will wait behind my cottage until I come and get you. Lastly we will go inside and you will sew your string."

"How will I know which string is mine?" Pit asks me.

"It should be at Atropos's desk, you will feel a connection with it." I reassure.

"Thanks Y/N!"

"Don't mention it, kid."

"Why are you calling me kid?"

"Cuz you are a kid."

"We are literally the same age!"



"I am thousands of years old."


"Were you not listening to my life story?!"

Then we were interrupted.



"Pit! It's Hades, if he sees you he'll kill me! Go under the bed quickly!" I panic, Pit nods and goes under the bed keeping silent.



"What brings you here?"

"I wanted to tell you that I took over the sea!"

"That's...... great...!"

"I know!"


"Pitty-pat isn't here to stop me anymore!"

"No kidding..."


Hades turns around and walks off. I notice a big hole cut in his cape. I look towards Pit once Hades is gone and I see him holding scissors.

"He deserved it!"


I hope you liked this chapter! Thanks so much for reading, I appreciate it! Stay safe!


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