11 | weak little girl

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11 | weak little girl

It's been a couple weeks since I've been back and I have been avoiding Ryder at all costs.

He's actually tried to talk to me a few times, but I just made an excuse to leave. I don't want him to ask me any questions or anything.

Tyler and I finished unpacking all the boxes at our new house and everything is set up.

Ariella started kindergarten last week, and she's been loving it. That's where she's at right now.

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"Hey babe, where are you going?" I asked Tyler as I walked into our bedroom.

"I've got some business to attend to, I may be back late tonight." He said as he tried to fix his tie in the mirror.

"Ok, come here." I say and he turns towards me and I fix it.

"Love you." I say pecking his lips.

"Love you too." He says smiling as he goes to the hidden weapon safe in our room.

It's a huge room that has bulletproof walls and door with all the weapons we would need. We built it ourselves.

"I'll see you later babe." He says as he puts a gun in the back of his pants and kisses my cheek.

"Kay, see you later. I think I'm going to head to the gym today for training." I say and he smiles.

"Bye" we both say as he leaves.

Once he leaves, I get changed into my gym clothes and grab my gym bag that I keep all my stuff in.

Then I go downstairs and grab a water before heading out the door to my car. I put everything in the backseat and drive off to the gym.

I haven't been to this gym at all since I've been back in town, but it doesn't seem like it's changed at all.

When I walk inside, I head over to the counter to sign up as a member. As I'm heading that way I notice a ton of guys staring at me and giving me weird looks.

"Hey, I'd like to sign up." I say to the buff man sitting at the front desk.

"Sorry lady, but I think you're at the wrong gym." He said looking me up and down.

"No, I'm pretty sure I'm at the right place." I say sweetly.

"This place is for fighters and I don't think it's for you." He said which made me mad.

"I'll fight off your best fighter here, if I win.. You let me join this gym. Deal?" I said leaning on his desk.

"Are you sure?" He asked skeptically.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure he'll be easy to take down." I say and he just shakes his head.

"Deal." He says and I smile as he goes on the intercom and asked for a John to come to the front desk.

"Wassup Tony?" Asked, who I'm assuming is John.

"Hey man! We have someone who wants to join the gym, but I don't think they could handle it. But I made a deal with them." Said Tony.

"What deal?" Asked John.

"They have to defeat our best fighter which is you, to get a spot at this gym." Tony said and John laughed.

"Like that's going to happen, I'm undefeated. Now who am I supposed to fight?" He asked looking around and behind me.

"That'd be me." I say taking a step forward and he laughed.

"I'm not fighting a weak little girl." He said through his laughter.

"Why? Are you scared I'm going to hurt your reputation when I beat your ass?" I ask sweetly tilting my head with a smirk.

I can see the anger in his eyes. "No, but I won't hit a girl."

"Ok, but I thought it's ok for a girl to hit a guy. You're obviously the girl in this fight since you seem to be missing your balls." I say with my smirk still on his face.

"Fine. You want a fight, I'll give you a fight little girl." He said fuming.

"Hey Tony, can you set up the boxing ring for us?" I ask because that's where all the fighters would practice with each other.

"Sure thing." He said getting up and walking to the back.

"I'll see you in the ring." Says John as he walks away.

I start to wrap my hands for the fight so I don't split my knuckles when I hear Tony calling for me. I just realized that I didn't give him my name.

As I'm walking through the gym to the ring, every guy stopped what they're doing and started watching me as I got into the ring.

"What's your name?" Tony whispered.

"Ana" I replied and walked to the middle as Tony turned on his microphone.

"Today we have a newbie 'Ana' fighting John to join this gym! Wish her luck! You know she's probably going to need it." He says as he gets off the ring.

John and I both get into our fighting stances as the bell rings.

As we circle each other I notice a lot of things about his weaknesses. I notice that his right shoulder looks like there was a recent injury, his left knee has been injured before too so those are where I'm going to aim.

There was a slight shift in his left shoulder, so I blocked and as I expected, he threw a left hook. Then he sent a right jab to my chest knocking the air out of me.

I staggered back as he threw a combination of punches at me and when I fell to the floor he backed up and started laughing.

"I knew you were just a weak little girl." He said turning around and I took that as my chance.

I got up and kicked him right behind his knee, making him cry out in pain as his legs buckle.

Then I backed up, because I want him to see how good I can actually fight.

When he turns towards me all I see is rage as he tries to punch my jaw, but misses because I blocked.

I throw a right hook to his jaw and a left hook to his side. Then I roundhouse kicked him to the floor.

I got on top of him and started throwing combo's at him left and right when he flipped us over and started punching me. He only got a few in since I blocked most of them.

I slipped from under him and grabbed his right arm, twisting it behind his back.

"Tap out." I said as he struggled against me.

"No!" He said and I put more pressure on his bad shoulder as he groans in pain.

"I said tap out, unless you want this shoulder to have another major injury." I whispered in his ear adding more pressure and he tapped out.

I got off of him and put my hand out to help him up. He took it and as I pulled him up I said, "Good fight."

"You too." He said holding onto his arm as he walked away.

"So Tony, can I have that sign up sheet now?" I asked smirking as he just looked shocked along with everyone else.

"Oh.. Yea." He said and we started to walk back to the front desk.

"How did you do that?" He asked handing me the paper.

"Do what?" I ask as I start to fill it out.

"Beat John.. He was undefeated and nobody at this gym has ever been able to take him down. They always get knocked out within the first 7 minutes." He said.

"Been fighting all my life." I said handing him the paper back.

"You're good." He says.

"Thanks, see you later." I say and walk into the gym.

I go to a back room and get everything set up. I start training on my punching bag when I hear someone come in, but I don't stop until I hear his voice.

"Ana." he says and I stop, but don't turn around.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"To talk." He says coming closer.

"There's nothing to talk about." I say gathering my stuff.

"Yes there is!" He says as I put my bag over my shoulder.

"Just answer this one question!" He pleads as I start to walk past him to the door.

"Please!" He asks.

"Fine." I say not turning around.

"Is Ariella my daughter?" He asks and I stiffen. I take a deep breath and reply as I walk out the door, hoping that he can't tell I'm lying.


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S O C I A L ❤︎ M E D I A

Twitter: trinitysunalee
Spotify: trinitystories_xo
Instagram: trinitysunalee
Instagram: trinitystories_xo
Website: trinitysunalee.com

Go to the link in my bio for all of my social media & books.

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