The Fighter Cocks Are Back (Prologue & Teaser)

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Hola my Crazy Phankhas...

Good day to you all...

Well... As you all know, I've ended my story
" Arrogancy Vs Attitude"... Many said to me that they will miss the fighter cocks a lot...

No worries.... Your crazy buddy Mahii won't allow you to worry at all....

Here I'm back with a new story....
The story of the fighter cocks....

It's true... This story is going to be the season 2 of "Arrogancy Vs Attitude"...

It's not the continuation of the book...
It's a brand new story, with more mastis, more fights, more nokjhoks, more mischiefs and more funs...

Are you all ready to welcome the Fighter cocks....








Presenting to you all, My new story...

" The Figther Cocks - Patakha and Mirchi - Abhigya FF by CrazyMahiz"

This story is a work of fiction and each and every word written in this story is my own creative idea... If it is resembles anyone's real life story or any person in real, it's just a coincidence....

The whole text is copyrighted to me:
©Crazymahiz™, 2019®

Readers description is advised as the characters in the story can use words , which some may find inappropriate or overrated... Read the story with your own risk and strictly no bashing is allowed...

I won't be pleased, if I find out that anyone stealing my works or making stories adopting the story lines.... I hope I wouldn't come across such kind of misbehaviours, any a time...



This is a hatred, enmity and fight filled,
Life journey of the Two Fighter Cocks - Abhi and Pragya, who are bounded in a beautiful relationship...

To be precise, from the time they are in nappies, till they have wrinkles in their faces, they will fight endlessly... Like inhaling air to breathe, they will fight without getting tired....

Enemity... Fight... Hate... Irritating... Rivals... Arrogant... Attitude... Ego... Quarrel...

These are the words, which describe the two, who are the sweet, cute, naughty, most adored and mischievous kids of the family....

They are arch rivals... They hate each other a lot... They gets angry on hearing each other's names too... They are simply the fighter cocks, who knows only to fight endlessly...

Abhi - The name which makes Pragya's blood to boil...

Pragya - The name which makes Abhi's anger to rose like a volcano...

But, they are in a beautiful and unbreakable relationship, which they regret to be all their lives... However they try hard too, they can't get away from each other that much easily...

Will it be possible for them to fall in love, inspite of their anger and fights??

This is a funny and humourous story of the two fighter cocks- Abhi and Pragya... They fight, fight, fight, fight, endlessly...

Not in an intention to hurt anyone or any characters used here... This story is meant for entertainment only... We all can laugh and giggle, as much as we can... It is obvious that the duo are going to eat our heads, with their non stop fightings..


So, from the Prologue you will get some idea about the story, isn't it...

Why not we have a quite sneak peek or the small teaser of the story:

Two dark brown eyes stares angrily at the two doe shaped eyes, which is shining like a bright diamond...

The smile in her face is irritating him a lot and his heart is craving to see the fading of her smile and her eyes, pouring out with the saline water....

His hands itched to pull her hairs, roughly and poke harshly on her beautiful eyes... He want to dig his nails on her flawless, glowing skin and he badly wished to see it coated with the red liquid...

He gently smacked his head for thinking like a blood sucking vampire, as if he gonna suck her blood and kill her to his heart felt content... He felt a stinge of pain in his heart for thinking so...

But his mind thinks otherwise... He is not at all regretting for his bad thinkings, as his mind keeps on screaming hardly that the heartless dracula deserves to enjoy his punishments for messing up in his life...

His blood boiled, his eyes turns dark, his nose flared with anger, his teeth gritted with much irritation as if he gonna rip her into pieces, his hands fisted in anger and all he want is to kill her, who snatched away all the happiness of him...

He is the central of attraction and the most adored kid in the family... He is pampered and all are running behind him, till she comes into their lives... After that everything changed for him...

She is the worst enemy of him and he hates her a lot... He won't even appreciate her presence around him and he will puke hardly, if he hears her name too...


On the other side,

The tingling sound of the laughter of the girl overwhelms everyone's heart in the family... She is the cutest among all the kids and she is the most youngest kid, out of all...

She is the most pampered kid and she is the pet to everyone... All are ready to hear, whatever she says and everyone will bow to fulfill her wishes... Simply saying, she is the darling princess of the big joint family...

Though there are many young boys and girls in the family, she is the darling to everyone... All loves her dearly and no one is ready to even see a little bit of discomfort too in her eyes...

But her blood boils, her nose flared with anger, her whole body burns with much irritation on seeing her deadly enemy, who gets on to her nerves always and will eat her head endlessly...

All she want is to bury him alive or make him as her slave for her lifetime...

Most of the time, she imagines herself to be a royal queen and her enemy as her slave... She dreams of giving various punishments to him and she giggles like a maniac to see him pleading for her mercy....

She hates to see the smile in his face, which makes the girls to go crazy for him... His manliness, his handsome look, his well muscled figure, his husky voice, his adorable smirk, his cute pout always irritates her a lot...

If anyone calls him as hot, s**y and handsome, she blasts on them angrily and she wanna scratch his face like a maniac... All she want is to see his teary eyes and painful voice, begging her to forgive him...

She loves to tease and mock him a lot... Her favourite hobby is to irritate him and mess up with his favourite things... However he locks his room, she peeps inside it very easily and spoils it, as if she owns it....

She loves to fight with him endlessly, poke him roughly with her nails, pinch his thighs harshly, bite his cheeks, slap on his back and pulls his hairs roughly... She googles and finds out all kind of bad words to fight with him...

Never in her life, she has called him using his name and all she uses are the nicknames, which changes frequently, depending upon her mood... She nevers treats him like a fellow human too and she least care about her relationship, she had with him...



What's in stores for the Fighter Cocks???

Let's wait and see, how the live journey of the Fighter cocks progress...

What they are going to do bring in a fight and how they are going to take revenge on the other for making a big mess in their lives???

Will their vengeance, enmity and hatred grows or will they fall in love and become couples????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...


I hope you all liked the teaser of this story..

Expecting to get a positive response to this story... Hope to see your votes and comments....

Meet you all soon in the first chapter of this story....

Bidding adieu,


Will be


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