Chapter 2

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My mom is amazing. With her short hairstyle and her calm cheerful attitude, I would say we have a great mom.

She's always there for us, even if she has to work a lot. Our mom works at a fashion company that focuses on dresses and jewelry. Our dad, however, owns a contracting company and has to work a lot. We only see him at night or on the weekend.

I would consider Jessie and I, really lucky though.

Anyways, we were halfway up the hill to our middle school. I that dang school I hated. I got bullied a lot for my looks. I also never learn anything. The math and everything is so easy! Mom and dad have talked about it with us. We're going to move again sometime during the year. My parents found a new home in California. Now we just needed to find the right time to move.

Our school is big and has lots of kids there. The big front door stands out and has a little roof over it that's held by pillars. On the roof of the building is the name of the middle school, 'Arizona Middle School'. Super bland, I know. Don't even get me started.

I sighed and followed Jessie into the horror building.

Students scurried around the hallways, some I their 'friend groups' and others talking with other students.

I don't need to tell you what they talk about, but I might as well anyways. Girls talk about boys and the same thing the other way around. Honestly, the kids here are gross. Just my opinion though.

Jessie and I go our separate ways, him going to his mini 'friend group' and me going straight to my locker. I had to go across the school to reach my locker. I didn't care though, as long as I wasn't next to Dove.

Oh! Speaking of the devil, I just noticed out of the corner of my eye that Dove was walking by, snickering at me.

She has long blond hair that's always up in a high ponytail.

At least she doesn't wear a bow like Jo Jo Siwa.

Dove has sun kissed skin and her face is drowned with makeup. Red lipstick, bold mascara, eye liner, you can tell she wants to be the frickin' queen of the school. Her hairline was smooth and perfectly combed back like she was born that way.

I groaned in annoyance as I glanced at her outfit.

Dove was wearing a bright pink vest over a hot pink tank top that read 'You Wish' in bold grey letters. She had skinny jeans as well.

Heck! I hate Dove!

I groaned at Dove and focused on my locker combo as a wave of students came rushing by me. I don't know why Dove made me so mad, but this frickin' woman needs to get a life. I could just scream if I wasn't in school.

If there was anyway to get rid of Dove forever, I would do it. If I could, I would smack her across the face right now.


"AHH!" I yelled as I hit my head against my family's dining room table. I lifted my head, then brought it down once more with a thump as my forehead hit the wood.

Why was I upset you ask? Well, I failed my Science test. I got a C+ on my flipping science test!

I banged my head again in frustration. At that point, I was probably going to knock my brain into my skull.

I wish I could. Mom is going to be pissed!

I sighed as my annoying twin patted me on the back. It was about half an hour after we got home from school. That horrible heckin' school that should have never been built.

The only thoughts that came through my head was, What have you done to yourself Lily!? I thought you were smart! What's mom going to say? You must really suck at Science to get a C+.

I groaned again, knowing that if I kept bullying myself, I might pass out.

Wait, why am I even bullying myself? I know it's mental, but come on!

"You okay Lillian?" Jessie asked. He stepped into the kitchen a grabbed a peach. I looked up at him as he offered it to me.

I hate peaches. Almost as much as I hate Dove, but just almost.

"Gee thanks." I say sarcastically, but I decided to take the peach anyways, even if I don't want it. Jessie giving me a peach is probably the only thing he's given me so far in the past week or so. My twin brother normally isn't the 'Oh! I'm gonna be generous to everybody!' kind of guy. Does that make any since? I don't even know anymore.

"Lilian, do you need a doctor?"

I lifted my head and faced him, giving him a grumpy look. I thought he was joking, but by his tone and facial expression, he wasn't kidding whatsoever.

"No I don't you knucklehead." I said quietly with a long sigh.

"Hey, I wasn't trying to joke around you know! You're super pale and you look exhausted!" Jessie raised both hands in the air and brought them to the back of his head before bringing them down to his neck.

"I know, okay? I'm just really annoyed right now." I replied, trying to stay calm instead of going insane like I normally do when I get a bad grade.

"You think I can't tell?" Jessie tilted his head and swung his arms back down to his side before rolling his shoulders back.

I sighed. "I'm gonna go do homework okay?" Jessie nodded, telling me he believed my lie. I didn't want to do homework tonight. I went to the stairwell and jogged up the stairs, two at a time.

In my room, I opened my computer and typed in my password to the lock screen. My computer beeps and starts glitching a little bit. Confused, I press the enter key once more, but my computer starts vibrating this time.

"What the heck!?" I mumble to myself. I examine my now vibrating computer and a second later, I hear more rattling. I look behind me to see my bunk bed vibrating like my computer. I back up to my brother's desk and see that his collection of Funko pop figures were in the same condition as everything else. Then the door shut, causing everything to be pitch black. I didn't have my lamp on at the time.

"Jessie!" I called in a panic. I felt for the door and tugged on the knob. The door had somehow locked itself. "Jessie if that's you, stop! This isn't funny!" Tears started to form in my eyes as I tugged at the door some more. "Jessie!" I called for my twin, but I had no answer from my useless brother. Before I can call again, a bright light appears behind me. I turn around and my eyes go wide at a bright blue glowing orb that lit up the whole room.

Me being the curious teen I am, I step closer to the orb and reach out my hand to touch it. Before my hand could receive contact, the orb did something I didn't expect. It started glowing brighter and brighter until it became blinding like the sun. I stepped back, turning my head away and covering my face with my arms. But then, everything went dark again for a split second. I uncovered my face and reopened my eyes. I blinked and there was a giant blast of pale purple energy. It created a sphere that expanded and caused me to be thrown backward. I hit my head hard on my desk and everything went black once again as I closed my eyes in pain.

 Hey! Sorry this chapter is late. It's a little short, but the next one will be longer. See ya!

- Angel <3

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