Chapter 4 Part 2

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The next night echoed the night before. I appeared in a room on my bed and Matthew came from the shadows.

"What are we talking about today?" I asked, crossing my legs on the bed.

"Night you mean. Before we start though, how was school?" Matthew chuckled lightly.

I stuck out my tongue in disgust. "School is always horrible!" A flash back from Art class came to my mind. I was painting the ocean shore against a beautiful sunset. The sky was a gradient from yellow in the center to orange, pink, purple, and then finally dark blue. Specks of white were dotted in the sky, a couple in the ocean as a reflection. I was finishing up the foam at the shoreline, signaling waves splashing violently to the sand of the beach. Then I hear footsteps behind me. Looking over my shoulder just in time to see Dove with a wet paintbrush bent over and spear it on my canvas. I gasped as the set layer of paint I had just applied got smeared across my canvas, ruining the picture all together. The angry inside me wanting to explode when Dove commented "Oops I'm so sorry! Hope I didn't ruin it." She laughed and walked away, her friends snickering and going back to their gossiping.

I sighed as the memory faded from my head. I had been working on that painting for two and a half weeks only to be completely ruined by the devil herself.

"Lily your facial expressions went all over the place." Matthew chuckled. "Must have been horrible."

"You know nothing of my normal life smarty." I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, tonight I wanted to talk about the different powers you can get and what the different groups are called."

"Like what?" I asked bluntly. I didn't even know there were groups based on powers. At least that's how I understood it.

"I am a Dream Visiter for example. I have the power to manipulate objects and visit dreams of anyone who is at a minimum...a galaxy away." Matthew nodded and put his hands together.

"Is a Dream Vister a group?"

"Indeed. You need to now understand what powers got passed down to you Lily. You're like me. One of the Chosen Ones."

"How many of us are there? Where?" I was curious now. I wanted to ask so many questions all of a sudden. Like, how do I know which power or powers I have? Could I use them against Dove?

"There was 7 of us. One died last year due to a disease so now there's only 6. Counting you that makes 7 again. And our location is top secret until I know I can trust you." Matthew separated his hands and put them on his hips.

I opened my mouth to reject, then closed it and sighed. "I understand."

"Good! Now, I don't know who passed their power to you so we'll have to figure out your powers the old fashioned way." He took one of his hands and scratched the back of his neck.

"And how are we going to do that?" I asked, crossing my arms. Matthew gave me an uneasy look.

"You either have to activate them yourself or...I shock you and make you go unconscious."

"What!?" I jumped out of my bed. "But that already happened once this week! My parents will think something is wrong if it happens again!"

"Alright! Chill! I'm sorry! It's just a lot harder to find out on your own ok?" Matthew huffed and looked away, frustration in his eyes.

"Ok...I'm sorry." I said after a pause from both of us.

"I don't blame you. I had the same reaction when Libby told me."

"Who's Libby?" I asked, tilting my head.

"She is one of the Chosen Ones. Her group is Animus."

"Neat." I shrugged as he faced me. "What are her powers?"

"Water control, telepathy, and mind reading." Matthew nodded once more, his face turning a bright shade of red. I gave him a weird look.

"You like her?" I joked with a laughed.

"Shut up! Libby is amazing ok?"

"Alright alright I'll stop." I giggled. "What's the name of everyone else?" I rocked back and forth from one foot to the other.

"Rain, another Dream Visiter, Hail, a High Flyer, Bryce, a Surge-"

"A Surge?" I mimicked trying to hold in a laugh.

"On Fe, it means electricity." Matthew glared at me.

"Ok then." I kept a straight face after that.

"Lee is a Rampage."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"On Fe, Rampage is the term for strength and agility. They would have powers such as super strength, speed, and/or have the power to transform into any animal they desire."

"How about the High Flyers and Surge." I giggled a little when I said Surge. Matthew gave me another hard glare and then rolled his eyes.

"High Flyers would have either flight, x-ray vision, speed, and/or teleportation. Surge is pretty self explanatory. The power to control light, storms, and/or conduct electricity."

"That sounds pretty cool!" I said excitedly. "Are there any other groups?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes of course, but you don't need to know about the rest of them. I don't know a lot more anyways." I nervous laugh came from him.

"Good to know." I sighed and crawled back onto the bed. "When is it time to wake up?"

"Pretty soon." Matthew laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "One last question then." I paused when he gave me a curious look. "How will I know when I get my powers?"

"I don't know." Matthew shrugged.

"Your such a great help." I said sarcastically.

He laughed again. "Some of your powers might be harder to see than others. Understand? You just need to look out, because now that you're one of us, your senses increase and you may think that something is wrong when it really isn't."

"No I don't understand." I shook my head with a confused look.

Matthew chuckled. "You will soon ok? Now have fun at school." And with that he was gone.

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