Chapter 13 - Birthday Celebrations

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Gulab Jamun - A milk based Indian dessert soaked in sugar syrup.


"Uncle, it's my birthday" A fifteen-year-old Shubha reminded her uncle.

"Yes. Happy Birthday." He opened his wallet and gave her some money. "Buy whatever you want. Have fun."

"Can we go out for lunch?"

"I would love to. But I am busy." Her uncle replied.

"Shubha. Happy birthday. Enjoy with your friends." Her aunt gave her some more money and went out.

She looked at the money and sighed. Ever since her parents died, she never had a proper birthday celebration. None of her friends were available to celebrate with her. It was summer vacation. Even if it wasn't, how can a fifteen-year-old organize her own birthday party and celebrate with her friends?

"Wow Shubha akka. You get money on every birthday. I wish amma would give me some on my birthday too. Instead she brings me presents." Her cousin complained.

"I wish I had someone like that." Shubha muttered. 

"Shubha madam. Shubha madam." She was jolted to the present.

"Yes. I am coming." She looked into the mirror one again. Tears threatened to leak from her eyes. She blinked them away and went outside.

Vikram was busy as usual, discussing the scene with the Director of photography. He looked at her and came forward. "Good morning. Shall I explain the scene?"

"Yes. Please."

"This is the scene where you convince me to help you. I finally believe you and reveal your brother's whereabouts. I show you his old dagger. You hold it in your hands and smile sadly." He explained everything and gave her instructions regarding where to stand and when to face the camera.

"Okay." She nodded. 

He resumed his discussion. She walked aimlessly. "Hey! Sister from the sets. Happy Birthday." Naveen gave her a box. "I baked cookies for you. They are your favourite. Aren't they?"

"Thank you. How do you know it's my favourite?" She was sure she never told him.

"Vicky told me." Naveen answered. "Okay. I'll go now."

Shubha was surprised to know that Vikram remembered such tiny details she told him long ago. She asked her assistant to store the cookies carefully. 

The shooting started. Everything was fine until they reached the part where he shows her the dagger. A lone tear escaped her eyes. "I never meant to send him away." She whispered. 

Vikram frowned as she cried. He distinctly remembered asking her to smile weakly. But he liked the emotion. He thought it suited the situation. As usual, the shot was better than his expectations. 

After a few more hours of work, they went for lunch. "Guess what I brought from my home? Gulab Jamun." Dhwani showed the sweet to Shubha.

"I love it." Shubha tasted it.

"I know" Dhwani patted her.

"How do you know?" asked Shubha.

"I mean, I am such a wonderful cook that I know everyone will love my cooking."

Few minutes later Pragathi joined them. "You know what Shubha? I bought a Kerala saree yesterday. Buy one get one free. Will you take the other one?"

"Yes. I love Kerala sarees. Only last week I wanted to buy one." Shubha looked at the saree excitedly.

They finished their lunch and resumed shooting. After about an hour Chris approached. "Hello, my biggest fan."

"Hello Chris garu."

"You read books. Right? I have a copy of this new book from this famous physicist. It's not been released yet. I don't understand these technical terms. Will you take it?" He showed her the book.

She gasped looking at the title. It was a book she has been waiting for, since the author announced it. "Thank you Chris garu." She felt so happy that she ran towards Vikram with the book in her hand. 

"Vikram sir! My favourite actor gave me my favourite book written by my favourite scientist." She showed him the book excitedly. 

"I hope you are happy now." Vikram smiled.

"Yes. I am so happy. Wait a minute. Why does everyone have something to give me on this particular day? And how did they know I would like them?"

"You don't know the answer? Or do you want to hear it from me?" 

Shubha finally understood. "You? You know?"

"Of course I do."

"Did Naveen tell you? I knew it. He broke his promise."

"Excuse me! I swear on the honour of my family that I never spoke a word about this to anyone" said Naveen. 

"I fail to understand what made you conclude that I won't celebrate your birthday." Vikram gave her an intense gaze and moved towards her.

'What is he doing? Everyone's watching us. Should I move backwards? No. It will look obvious. Should I walk towards him? No. It will look weird.' Shubha's brain jumped from one thought to another rather quickly. 

He held her right hand. She gasped. He shook her hand and said, "Happy Birthday Subbu," making her sigh in relief.

The moment he released her hand, she felt like something precious has been taken away from her. Before she could understand what it was, she heard everyone shout "Happy Birthday!!"

Latha gave her a present. "Open it." Shubha opened it to see two gifts inside it. The first one was a set of three books. The original story of the film before it was condensed by Vikram's father. "None of the actors know the entire story. They only know what's written in the script. It's a very beautiful story Shubha. Read it when you are free."

"Thank you aunty." Shubha opened the next gift. She couldn't speak. "Is th-this me?"

"Yes. Vicky has been working on this since last week. He urged the team to deliver it by this morning" said Chris. "Hide it carefully. We will be releasing it much later. But he wanted you to see it today." 

It was the hard copy of a poster. Her first poster. She never thought she would witness something like that in her life. She looked at Vikram to thank him. He understood what she wanted to say and nodded.

"Shubha, congrats. This is the first official poster of our film" said Dhwani. "It's so beautiful. I wish I could get a copy."

It was time to cut the cake. Everyone gathered around. She blew the candles and cut the cake. "Who is going to have it first?" asked Pragathi.

"Me. Her brother from the sets." Naveen announced.

"No. I will have it first. Her brother on screen." Chris argued. 

Shubha's eyes searched for Vikram. He stood in a corner. He signaled towards his mother. She nodded and gave the first slice to Latha. "Thanks for everything aunty." Latha embraced her.

She fed the cake to everyone. Finally it was Vikram's turn. He walked towards her slowly, again staring at her with his intense eyes. For the first time in her life, Shubha understood the meaning of butterflies in stomach. He didn't eat the cake like everyone else did. Instead, he cut a slice and made her have it. "May you live a life full of happiness."

"Thank you sir." 

Her birthday party lasted long. "How did you all know my likes and dislikes?"

"Vicky told us." They answered.

"We got the gifts yesterday. But Vicky has been planning this since last week" said Dhwani.

"Poor Naveen. He was restless when you made him promise. It was only after Vicky said that he knew it already and Naveen wasn't breaking his promise, that he felt relieved." Pragathi informed her.

"Sorry Naveen. I shouldn't have made you promise. But I-I just couldn't..." She shut her eyes to arrest the tears.

Vikram placed his hand on her shoulder. "It's alright Subbu. Forget the previous birthdays. All the coming birthdays will be memorable."

She smiled. "Thank you. You all are so sweet."

They added her to their group chat. They had a lot of fun before leaving for their respective homes. Shubha viewed the pictures again and again. "Best birthday ever." She remarked.

"Are you happy?" asked Vikram.

"Yes" She nodded.

"Subbu. I have a request. Whenever you feel lonely think about this day. Remember how much we love your smile." 

"I will never forget this day sir." She felt her cheeks turn pink. He heard his phone ring. He stood up and walked away to attend the call.

Shubha kept looking at him. He looked more handsome than ever. She shook her head and went to talk to Latha. "Latha aunty. Thank you for making the day special for me."

"It's my pleasure. Show me the pictures." 

Shubha showed her the pictures on her phone. When they reached the photograph where Vikram fed the cake to her, a smile crept across Shubha's face.

Latha found a picture with Vikram and Dhwani standing together. "They look good together. Don't they?"

Shubha nodded. "Yes."

"I wish Vikram says yes."

"For what?" Shubha asked though she knew the answer. She hoped to hear something else.

"We are planning to get them married. But they haven't given their consent yet. Vikram keeps making excuses like 'I need to finish this film', 'I am too young to get married'. I am not sure if he sees her like that. I wish he does." 

Shubha's heart sank. She didn't know if she should feel happy or miserable. Latha wanted her son to marry Dhwani. But from what she observed, Vikram doesn't want the same. "What if he, you know, what if he doesn't?"

"Then I will search for another girl. Simple." Latha answered her question. "I want someone who understands his nature. He is a good boy. But he needs to be shown the right path. I want his wife to be his guide and provide constant support."

Shubha felt a lot better. "Hope you find her soon." She left for her room. 

She fell asleep. She had a dream in which Latha made Vikram stand in a huge hall lined up with prospective brides. He held a garland in his hand and walked ahead looking at each girl. When Latha asked him who has won his heart, he turned around and walked towards Shubha with the same intense gaze he reserved for her, making her heart leap. He was about to garland her when she woke up startled. 

"Oh my Dumbledore! What a dangerous dream! My brain is malfunctioning." She started pacing up and down. "Need to reboot my system." She took a deep breath to calm down. "Vikram sir is just a friend." She tried to convince herself.


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