Chapter 16 - A worried best friend

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"Vicky. There's nothing to worry about. It's not life threatening." Bhaskar spoke to his son.

"Stop talking and sleep dad." Vikram covered his father with a blanket. He was admitted in a hospital.

"I feel bored. Unlike you, I sleep for only seven hours." Bhaskar chuckled. "I don't understand how you manage to sleep for so long."

"Because unlike you, I sleep peacefully. I don't let anything disturb my sleep." Vikram answered. "In fact I will never have to worry about anything. I have got you."

"Lazy boy." His father smacked his head. "Call your mother. I have to say something."

"You started missing her so soon?" Vikram teased him.

Bhaskar felt guilty. His wife refused to leave his bedside ever since he was admitted there. It was only after the doctor said he won't allow her because she needs rest, that she left for home. "You won't understand. I love her."

"I feel jealous." Vikram complained. Latha arrived at the moment.

"Latha, tell your son that I love him more." Bhaskar smiled at them.

"Sleep now." Latha caressed his face.

Vikram looked at his father sleeping peacefully, unaware that he would never wake up again.


"Subbu! Can you hear me?" Vikram panicked. His hands started shivering. 

He checked her pulse. He had tears in his eyes. He rubbed her palms which were ice cold. He grabbed a bottle and splashed water on her face. "SUBBU! LOOK AT ME! NO! DON'T GO AWAY."

The memories of his father's ice cold body flashed in front of his eyes.He was sobbing, when she opened her eyes. "It's your tears? I thought it was raining." She said in a barely audible whisper.

For a moment he thought he imagined it. It was only when he saw her eyes wide open that he breathed again. "Thank God you are alright." He cupped her face.

"Of course I am alright. Why are you weeping? Did you think I am dead?" Her voice sounded weak.

"Shut up!" He yelled.

"Have mercy on my ears. Stop yelling." She tried to sit up. She almost collapsed again when she felt Vikram support her.

"I'm here. I got you." He held her hand very tightly. "What should I do now?" He wished there was someone else in the room to help him.

"Maybe offer some water to the patient so that she doesn't faint again" said Shubha.

"Okay. Okay. I am sorry." He made her sit on the couch and went to get a water bottle. He started talking to stop panicking. "You know what Subbu? I never saw someone look so pretty when they faint. Specially your eyelashes. They are so beautiful."

"Are you serious? That's what you noticed when I fainted?"

"Here. Drink this." He helped her drink some water. After making sure that she was stable, he served soup in a bowl. "What did you have for breakfast?"

"Er, I..." She hesitated.

"You didn't eat anything?" He sounded angry.

"I'll eat now."

"Let me take you to hospital first."

"I don't want to go anywhere. I want to sleep."

"Don't argue. Finish the soup." He called Naresh. "Get some biscuits and juice. Meet me in the groud floor in ten minutes. We have to take Shubha madam to hospital."

"Mango juice." She said. "If it is not available, then get pine apple juice."

He glared at her. "I'm waiting for your explanation. Why did you skip breakfast?"

"I am ill. I couldn't eat."

"Why didn't you tell me? I thought it's just cold. I didn't know it's so serious." He was mad at himself for not paying attention to her health.

"I'm sorry. I think you are right. I need a doctor. It hurts."

He panicked again. "Where does it hurt? Tell me."

"I mean my throat is aching." 

"Finish it quickly. Let's go and consult a doctor." He felt miserable.

After a few minutes, he took her to the lift lobby. He held her hand tightly and helped her walk. Several people recognized him. They requested for pictures.

"Not now please. It's an emergency." He refused.

Thankfully, the lift arrived quickly. They went to the ground floor. "Who fainted? You or her?" asked Naresh.

"Of course her." Vikram looked at him as if he has gone mad.

"You look paler than her." Naresh noticed.

Shubha sat in the car. Vikram wrapped his arm around her. She gulped down the juice given by Naresh.

"Slow down." Vikram stopped her. "Easy. No one will snatch it away from you."

She observed how worried he looked. "Vikram sir? Do you remember my first meeting with Chris garu?"


"You waited for me to faint. Now you got your wish." She smiled.

He chuckled. "Stop talking. You will strain yourself."

"I will be fine in few hours." She assured him.

"Let the doctors decide that Shubha garu." He said.

"Fine. But please get your blood pressure checked once we reach the hospital." She requested in a polite tone.

Under normal circumstances he wouldn't have agreed. But she looked so weak that he readily agreed without arguing. "Okay."

They reached hospital. The doctor suggested few tests. They started injecting saline water into her body. "How long will it take?" She asked Vikram.

"Half an hour." He lied.

"What? Half an hour? Increase the speed." She told him.

"I can't do that."

"Please. Just a little bit. It's okay. I am a scientist. I know it's fine."

He sighed. "Fine. Only a bit." He tried to adjust the speed.

Precisely at that moment, a nurse entered the room. "What are you doing?"

"Just checking whether it's working fine." He answered.

"You are not allowed here. Please wait outside." It was evident that the nurse didn't know who he was.

"No. Let him stay." Shubha insisted.

"Is he your husband?" She asked.

"What! No." Shubha replied immediately.

"I am her fiance" said Vikram. He squeezed Shubha's hand asking her to play along.

She gritted her teeth and nodded. "Yes."

"Okay. You may stay here. Don't touch anything." The nurse warned him and left.

"Why did you say that?" Shubha glared at him.

"If I hadn't said that she would have kicked me out. Besides, it's your fault. You asked me to increase the speed." He said defensively.

Shubha racked her brain for a counter-argument. She couldn't find any. "I will sleep. Wake me up once it's over." She closed her eyes.

Exactly four minutes later, she opened her eyes. "I'm bored. Say something."

"What shall I say?"

"Tell me why you agreed to direct the film. It is evident that you wouldn't have done this if you had a choice."

"And it's evident that you wanted to ask me this since long. Good timing. Now I can't refuse to answer you." He said.

"Please. I want to know." She asked again.

"Okay." He thought for a while. "You are right. I don't want to do this. But I will. I have to fulfill my father's dream. He has given me everything. This is the least I can do for him. He directed a portion of the film. Now I want him to win the Best Director award. He deserves it." Vikram felt a surge of emotions. He realized how badly he missed his father. He might pretend to be fine. But he knew he wasn't fine. He was shattered. Things will never be the same again.

"It seems you were very close to your father." Shubha remarked.

"Yes. He was the coolest person I ever knew. You know what? He taught me how to whistle when I was eight. I spent the entire week whistling at everyone. It was only when mom threatened to kick me out of the house that I stopped." He said, reminiscing his childhood memories.

"That's so cool. My father taught me how to wink." She winked at him as if trying to prove that she could do it.

Vikram felt his heart leap. "I must thank him."


"Nothing." He said grinning.

Naresh knocked the door. "Shubha garu. I got your reports. Nothing to worry about. It's just fever and weakness due to starving."

"Thank God." Vikram felt relieved.

"The nurse says your fiance is with you. Where is he? I would like to meet him" said Naresh.

"It's me Naresh" said Vikram.

"Oh my God! Are you two engaged?" Naresh was shocked.

"No. I lied to the nurse so that she will let me stay here." Vikram was slightly embarrassed. Yet he liked the idea. He saw a vision of himself and Shubha exchanging rings and embracing.

"Okay. I'm sorry." Naresh apologized.

Nobody spoke until the doctor arrived. "She's fine. You may take her home."

"Thank you sir." Vikram got the medicines prescribed and led her out of the hospital.

He noticed someone clicking pictures. He didn't pay attention. They sat in the car. He received a call from Latha. "How is she now?"

"She is fine mom." Vikram gave her all details and promised to bring Shubha back safely.

"Sir? Are we leaving tomorrow?"


"It's my first Kerala trip. I was hoping to visit some famous places." She was disappointed.

He felt bad for her. "We will visit Kerala again." He promised her.

She fell asleep on the way, resting her head on his shoulder. He didn't complain.

He looked at her, sleeping like a child. A few loose strands of her hair fell on her face. He pushed them back with his fingers, careful not to wake her up.

He felt a voice deep inside his heart, talk to him. 'Admit it. You are falling for her.'

He shook his head to avoid thinking about his feelings. They reached the hotel again. He made sure that she was safe in her room, sleeping. "I will sit on the couch. Call me if you need anything."

She nodded and fell asleep. He sat on the couch and started reading a book when he heard the voice again. 'Ignore it. Deny it. Hide it.... You will realize the truth someday.'

"No. I am just worried for my best friend." He forced himself to concentrate on the book, getting disturbed once in a few minutes, with thoughts of him and his Subbu getting together.


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